The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1 1 PLAIN DEALER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1991 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES COLUMBUS, OHIO 24,31. feb. 7.14,1991 0056-18 STATE OF OHIO OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES COLUMBUS, OHIO Pursuant to sections 2301.35 and 5101.31 and Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, the Director of the Ohio Department of Human Services gives notice of the Department's intent to consider the amendment and adoption of child support services rules as are identified below and of a public hearing thereon. Rules ond are being proposed for amendment to comply with federal scfeguarding requirements.

Rule entitled "Federal parent locator service (FPLS) transmittal certification" mandates that an FPLS transmittal certification be submitted by the CSEA director to ODHS. Rule entitled "Cases with known and unknown social security numbers" establishes procedures to locate an absent parent with or without a social security number. Rules through and are being proposed for amendment, and Rules through are being proposed for adoption to comply with federal regulations. Rule entitled 'Application procedures: ADC and non-ADC recipients" outlines application procedures for IV- -D services. Rule entitled "Interstate Central Registry" establishes the interstate central registry and outlines its responsibilities.

Rule entitled "CSEA responsibilities as initiating agency" outlines the CSEA's responsibilities when initiating an interstate action. Rule entitled "CSEA'5 responsibilities as responding agency" outlines the CSEAs responsibilities when responding to another jurisdictions interstate action request. Rule entitled "Payment and recovery of costs" sets forth procedures that allows CSEAS to receive reimbursem*nt for costs incurred when processing interstate IV- -D cases. Rule entitled "Interstate wage withholding" outlines procedures for carrying out interstate wage withholding: Rule entitled "Provisions for URESA" defines the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act. Rule entitled "IV- Services for Ohio obligees residing in other states" establishes procedures for providing IV-D services to Ohio obligees residing outside of Ohio.

Rule entitled "Interstate collections" establishes procedures for collections made on behalf of another state. Rule entitled "Monitoring child support collections and preliminary enforcement activity" provides, guidelines for the monitoring of child collections. Rule and are being proposed for amendment to clarity tax refund offset services for Ohio obligees residing outside of Ohio. Rule entitled "Federal Tax Refund Offset Support Arrears: Qualifications for Offset Referral" outlines the qualifications for IRS offset referral for support arrears. Rule entitled "Stote Income Tax Retund Offset: Qualifications for and Submittal of Support Arrearages" outlines the qualifications for state income tax refund offset referral for support arrearages.

A copy of the proposed rules is available, without charge, to any person affected by them at the address below. A public hearing on the proposed rules will be held on February 28. 1991 at 10:00 a.m. until all testimony is heard in Room 2925-A, State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio.

At this public hearing, the Ohio Department of Human Services will take written and verbal testimony from any person affected by the proposed rules. Written comments on the proposed rules may be submitted by mail, if postmarked no later than February 28. 1991. Requests for copy of the proposed rules submittal of written comments on the proposed rules should be sent to the Office of Legal Ser. vices, Ohio Department of Human Services, 30 E.

Broad Street, 32nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0423. p.d.ion.31,1991 SEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of Education of the City of Solon, Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, at the office of the Treasurer, Solon Boord of Education, 33675 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio, until 12:00 Noon EST on Friday, the 22nd of February. 1991, for 1-3 Two-classroom Modular Units and 1-2 Four-classroom Modular Units for the Solon City School District, 33675 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139. The envelope containing the Bid shall be provided by the Solon Board of Education and shall be marked: "Bid for the 1-3 Two-classroom Modular Units and 1-2 Four-classroom Modular Units." Bids must contain the name of every person, firm or corporation interested therein and shall be accompanied by: 1. a cashier's check or a certified check, on a solvent bank in an amount not less than ten percent of the highest of any base bids plus all additive alternates submitted by the bidder OR 2.

a bid bond of one hundred percent of the highest of any base bids plus all additive alternates submitted by the bidder drawn in favor of the Board of Education of the Solon City School District. The cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond submitted, shall be held as a guarantee that if the Bid be accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performance thereof properly secured in accordance with O.R.C. 153.54. Prices shall exclude excise and sales tax. The successful bidder, within five (5) days after notification of the award, shall enter into a contract in writing with the Solon Board of Education covering all matters and things as are, in these specifications and his Bid set forth.

The Board will retain the Bid of the two (2) lowest bidders until and after the contract has been entered into. No bidder may withdraw his Bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the opening of the Bids. The Board of Education reserves the right 10 occept or reiect any and all Bids, in whole or in part or any combination thereof; or to award a contract to other than the low bidder. Two copies of specifications ore submitted herewith, one to be retained by the bidder, the other to be used in submitting the Bid. Prices shall be firm tor ninety (90) days.

All Bids shall be returned on or before Friday, February 22. 1991, at 12:00 Noon EST. By order of the Board of Education, Solon City School District, Cuyahoga County, Onio. THOMAS W. STUPICA Asst.

to Superintendent Solon Board of Education 33675 Solon Rood Solon, OHio 44139 Pursuant to Section 5101.35 and Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, the Director of the Department of Human Srvices gives notice of the department's intent to amend state hearing rules on a permanent bosis and of a public hearing thereon. These rules are being amended to imple. ment discretionary policy changes desired by the department. entitled "Corrective action pursuant to decision," is being amended to include compliance requirements for hearing deci.

sions involving review agency determinations on requests for prior authorization for hospital admissions or medical procedures. Rule entitled "Notice of medical termination," is being amended to include notice requirements for individuals adversely affected by review agency's decision on a request for prior authorization for a hospital admission or medical procedure. Also, reference to the provision of notice to an authorized representative is being revised to make the rule consistent with OAC requirements. A copy of the proposed rules is available, without charge, to any person affected by them at the address listed below. A held public on hearing on the proposed rules will be February 28.

1991, at 9:00 A.M.. until all testimony is heard in Room 1814, State Office Tower, 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. At this public hearing the Ohio Department of Humon Services will take written and verbal testimony from any person affected by the proposed rules. Written comments on the proposed rules may be submitted by mail, if postmarked no later than February 28, 1991. Requests for copy of the proposed rules submittal of written comments should be sent to the Office of Legal Services, Ohio Department of Human Services, 30 East Broad Street, 32nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0423.

p.d.ion.31,1991 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Seporate sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Purchasing, Cuyahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleve land, Ohio 44115. until 2:00 p.m. Official Time on FEBRUARY 19, 1991 when said proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud for the furnishing of? INFECTION CONTROL SYSTEM FOR DENTAL PROGRAM- METRO Copies of Specifications, together with any fur. ther information desired, may be received from the Director of Purchasing, Cuvahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m..

Monday through Friday. Bids shall be filed in envelopes furnished by the Director of Purchasing. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after bids are opened. The college reserves the right to waive any informalities and defects and to reiect any or all bids. Cuyahoga Community College District 700 Carnegie Avenue Cleveland.

Ohio 43115 H.R. JUDSON, Director of Purchasing p.d.ian.31, feb.7. 1991 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RPF) REGARDING GRADE A MILK PROGRAM The Grade A milk law requires the Director of Health to administer the Grade A milk program for the State of Ohio. The Director is authorized and plans, subiect to approval of the Milk Sanitotion Board and the State Controlling Board, to enter into agreements with local health departments and'or other public or private entities to perform some laboratory analyses. If you wish to be considered for such on agreement, or desire further information, please apply for a Request for Proposal by submitting a letter to: Ohio Department of Health Program 246 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 Comoleted REP's must be returned to the Ohio Department of Health no later than the close of business on February 25, 1991.

Ohio Depart. ment of Health is on equal opportunity employer. p.d.ion. 31, 1991 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF OHIO OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES COLUMBUS, OHIO Pursuant to Section 5101.81 and Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code, the Director of the Ohio Department of Human Services gives notice of the Department's intent to consider amendment, adoption and rescission of the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program rules as identified below and of a public hearing thereon.

The following rules are being amended in order to comply with the Family Support Act of 1988 and for better clarity in language. Rule entitled "Definitions" provides for the defining of terms used in the administration of the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Troining (JOBS) program. Rule entitled "Provider Contracts and Agreements" provides the criteria for contracting with public or private organizations. Rute entitled "Exemptions" provides the criteria for exemption from participation in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program. Rule entitled "Assessment and Assignment" provides for the assessment of each employable recipient prior to assignment to a work program.

Rule entitled "Exclusions from Participation" provides for the granting of exclusions from participation. Rule entitled "Required Hours" provides the criteria for the determination of ployoble recipients. Rule entitled "Participant Expense Allowance" provides the circ*mstances under which a recipient may receive reimbursem*nt for participation expenses. Rule entitled "Good Cause" provides the criteria for the establishment of good cause for nonparticipation. Rule entitled "Sanctions" provides for sanctions to be applied for nonparticipation without good cause.

Rule entitled "Grant Diversion for SEP" provides that the assistance group's grant, or a portion of the grant, may be paid as a subsidy to a SEP employer. Rule entitled "Purposes and Obiectives CWEP" provides the purposes and obiectives of the Community Work Experience Program. Rule entitled "Types of Education and Training Activities" provides the criteria for education and training activities. Rule entitled "Recipient Rights and Responsibilities in OJT" provides a list of recipient rights and responsibilities. A copy of the proposed rules is available without charge to any person affected by them at the address below.

A public hearing on the proposed rules will be held on March 1, 1991 at 9:00 a.m., until all mony is heard, in the Multi- Purpose room. Lobby, State Office Tower, 30 East Brood Street, Columbus, Ohio. At this public hearing the Ohio Department of Human Services will take written and verbal testimony from any person affected by the proposed rules. Written comments on the proposed rules may be submitted by mail, if postmarked no later than March 1, 1991. Requests for a copy of the proposed rules submittal of written comments on the proposed rules should be sent to the Office of Legal Ser.

vices, Ohio Department of Humon Services, 30 East Broad Street, 32nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0423. p.d.ian. 31.1991 REQUEST FOR BIDS Separate, sealed bids for the requirement set forth below will be received in the Office of the Treasurer, Room 400, Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District, 1380 East Sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, before 12:00 NOON current local time on Friday, March 15, 1991. PROVIDING THEMATIC HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATIONS FOR EAST HIGH, JOHN HAY AND JOHN F. KENNEDY Copies of instructions to Bidders, Specifications, Affirmative Action and Minority Business Enterprise Forms may be obtained personally from the Business Department of the Board of Education, Administration Building, 1380 East Sixth Street, Room 500S.

Cleveland, Ohio 44114 or call (216) 574-8358. Bid packages may be examined at the following locations: F.W. Dodge Corp. Euclid National Bank Bldg, 1255 Euclid 3rd Floor Cleveland, Ohio 44115 MEDCO, Minority Economic Dev. Cleveland City Hall, Dept.

of Economic Development 601 Lakeside Rm. 210 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 4 The Builders Exchange, Inc. 981 Keynote Circle Brooklyn Ohio 44131 Calvin Singleton Associates 13426 Cedar Road Cleveland Ohio 44118 A certified check for of the total amount of the bid payable to the Treasurer of the Cleveland Board of Education, or satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety compony, in an amount equal to shall be submitted with each bid on a form supplied by the bondsman. Surety company must be licensed to do business in the State of Ohio and acceptable to the Business Chief. The successful bidder will be reauired to furnish a satisfactory performance bond amounting to of the contract amount.

There will be a pre-bid conference held on Monday, February 11, 1991 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cleveland Board of Education, Administration Building, 1380 East Sixth Street, Third Floor Board Room, Cleveland. Ohio 44114. The Cleveland Board of Education reserves the right to waive informalities, to accept or reject any and all or parts of any and all bids. Non-discrimination in employment Bidders on this work shall be required to comply with all oppliable requirements pertaining to fair labor, state and local government.

No bid may be withdrawn for at least sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids by order of the Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. WM. HARRISON DILLARD Chief, Business Department p.d.ian.31, feb. 7. CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Separate sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Purchasing, Cuyahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, until 2:00 p.m.

Official Time on FEBRUARY 22, 1991, when said proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud for the furnishing COMPETITION RACE SYSTEM PHYSICAL ED EAST CAMPUS Copies of Specifications, together with any further information desired, may be received from the Director of Purchasing, Cuyahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio 44115, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.. Monday through Friday. Bids shall be filed in envelopes furnished by the Director of Pur.

chasing. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after bids are opened. The College reserves the right to waive any informalities and defects and to reiect any or all bids. CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 700 CARNEGIE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 43115 H. R.

JUDSON Director of Purchasing p.d.ion feb.7,14,1991 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC BID ADVERTIsem*nT Sealed proposals will be received by the PARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS, OFFICE OF STATE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER, 30 EAST BROAD STREET, 35TH FLOOR, COLUMBUS, OHI0 43266-0403 OR the proposals may be delivered to Proiect Bid Delivery Agency, The Builders Exchange, 981 Keynote Circle, Suite Cleveland, Ohio 44131, phone (216) 661-8300 UNTIL Tuesday, February 19, 1991, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and will be opened and read publicly twenty -four (24) hours later on Wednesday, February 20, 1991, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (in the office of State Architect and Engineer) for furnishing the material and performing the labor for the execution and construction of: Project No. 378-88-089 Asbestos Abatement Phase Renovations Cuyahoga Community College Cleveland, Ohio Separate bids will be received for: CONTRACT EST. OF COST Asbestos Abatement and Related Work $209,795.00 A PRE- bid conference will be held at 9:30 a.m.

on February 7, 1991, Plant Operations Office, Cuyahoga Community College, Metro Campus, 2900 Community College Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Copies of the Notice to Bidders, Form of at, Form of Bond, Form of Contract, EE0 Bid Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Plans, Specifications and other contract Documents together with any further information desired, may be obtained by Prime Contractors from the Office of RICHARD L. BOWEN AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED, 13000 SHAKER BOULEVARD, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44120, TELEPHONE (216) 491-8053. All bidding documents will be forwarded SHIPPING CHARGES LECT upon receipt of a deposit in the amount of $100.00 per set in favor of RICHARD L. BOWEN AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED.

The deposit will be refunded to bidders who return the plans and specifications in good condition within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. The cost of replacement of any missing or damaged documents will be deducted from the deposit. The low bidder may retain the plans and specifications and the deposit will be refunded. Contract documents are on file and moy be examined at the following offices: Department of Administrative Services Division of Public Works Office of State Architect and Engineer 30 East Broad Street 35th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43266-0403 Builders Exchange of Central Ohio Columbus, Ohio 43215 Dodge Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Builders Exchange, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 44131 F.W.

Dodge Columbus, Ohio No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The Deputy Director, Division of Public Works, reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reiect any or all bids. THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS CAROLE J. OLSHAVSKY, Deputy Director p.d ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS A sealed proposal for all labor and materials required for: PARKING LOT EXPANSION AND RENOVATION AT THE MAPLE HEIGHTS REGIONAL LIBRARY as described and detailed in the Drawings and Specifications will be received at the office of Kenneth L. Shartle, Physical Facilities Manager, at the Cuyahoga County Public Library Administration Building, 4510 Memphis Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44144 until 12:00 O'Clock, Noon, current local time, Friday, February 15, 1991, and will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter.

Bids will be tabulated and a report thereof will be made to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. Bidding Documents, including the Drawings, Specifications and Bid Form are available for amination by prospective bidders and other inparties without charge, but not to be removed from, the Office of the Builder's change, Suite One, Construction Centre, 981 Keynote Circle: The F. W. Dodge Company, 1255 EUclid Avenue: and the Physical Facilities Department, Cuyahoga County Public Library, 4510 Memphis Avenue. Sets of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Physical Facilities Department, Cuyahoga County Public Library, 4510 Memphis Avenue, Cleveland.

Ohio. There is a non-refundable charge of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each set the Bidding Documents. A Cashier's or Certified Check, drawn upon a solvent bank and made payable to the Cuyahogo County Public Library, in an amount equal to ten percent of the total bid, including all additive alternates, or a satisfactory Bid Bond written in the form of A1A Document A310-Bid Bond, in favor of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, by the Bidder and a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Ohio, in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the total bid, including all additive alternates, shall be submitted with each bid. This Check or Bid Bond will be held by the Cuyahoga County Public Library as a guarantee that if the proposal be accepted a contract shall be entered into and the performance of it properly secured. The Cuyahoga County Public Library will retain the bid and bid guaranis tee of the two (2) lowest bidders until a contract secured.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish, written in the form listed in the Specifications, satisfactory Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the contract amount. The successful bidder must comply with all equal opportunity and prevailing wage rate laws. The Cuyahoga County Library reserves the right to waive informalities, and to accept or reiect any and all or part of any and all Bids. No Bid, or ony part thereof, may be withdrawn, cancelled or modified following its submittal. By Order of the Board of Trustees of the Cuyahoga County Public Library Cleveland, Ohio 441 14 December 18.

1990 KENNETH L. SHARTLE, JR. Physical Facilities Manager p.d.ian. 17,24,31, feb. INVITATION TO BID The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) will receive sealed bids on February 15, 1991 at 10:00 o.m.

Eastern Standard Time in the Procurement Deportment which is located at 2711 Church Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44113. Bids will be publicly open and read aloud for: Electric Lift Truck Copies of specifications may be obtained from the Procurement Department at the above address Monday through- Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. beginning January 31, 1991. CMHA reserves the right to reiect any or all bids and waive any informality in the bids received.

Bids may not be withdrawn without the written consent of CMHA for 60 days from the date of the bid opening. CMHA a Political Subdivision of the State of Ohio exempt from all taxes and has adopted and supports the Economic indepedence Opportunities Program (E.1.0.) JOHN W. HORNSBY Director of Procurement p.d.ian.31,feb.7,1991 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE PIONEER SAVINGS BANK At the Close of Business December 31, 1990 ASSETS LIABILITIES Cash, Securities Deposits, and Investment $21,410,739.61 Net 5,093,707.94 Borrowings -0- and Mortgage Securities Loans. Contracts, Other 40,936.18 Net Non-Mortgage 18.637,140.50 TOTAL $21,451,675.79 Net Repossessed Loans 283,230.61 EQUITY CAPITAL Service 198,466.03 Perpetual Preferred Stock diaries -0 Paid in Excess of 104,900.00 -0- Common Stock-Par Fixed Depreciation Assets, Net of Retained Earnings 3.087,953.06 Ail Other Assets, Net of" 133,695.12 TOTAL EQUITY $3,192,853.06 Valuation 298,288.65 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND TOTAL $24,644,528.85 EQUITY CAPITAL. $24,644,528.85 and STATE states OF that OHIO, he is the CUYAHOGA COUNTY, WILLIAM E.

BARSAN being duly sworn, deposes best of his Managing Officer of the PIONEER SAVINGS BANK and that to the nancial condition knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true statement and correctly shows the fiSubscribed of said institution at the close of business December 31, 1990. and sworn to before me, this 291h day of 1991. p.d., ion. 31,1991 WILLIAM E. BARSAN, Exec.

Vice Pres. J. TIMOTHY McCORMACK CUYAHOGA COUNTY AUDITOR DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX NOTICE There will be published in the Cleveland Plain and Dealer a complete list of all general personal classified property taxes remaining unpaid as of December 31, 1990. Dates: February 7, 1991 February 21, 1991 Monday, 4:30 P.M. prior to the publication date is the time limit for delinquent personal property taxpayers to pay their taxes and delete their names from the delinquent personal property tax notice.

Make checks payable to Francis E. Gaul, County Treasurer. Call 443- 7456 if there are any questions. p.d.jan.24,31,1991 THE COMICS JUMBLE" THAT by Henri SCRAMBLED Arnold and WORD Bob GAME Lee Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. BLAWR Mede LIDEY TAWNUL I WHAT THAT DEAD BEAT WAS ALWAYS TRYING TO BORROW.

RODIAT Now arrange the circled letters to LOO form gested the by the surprise above answer, cartoon. as sugAnswer: HIS CO OF DOX (Answers tomorrow) Answer: Jumbles: What LEAVE a CEASE not-so-bright SOLACE guy would be PSYCHE if he said Yesterday's what was in his mind -SPEECHLESS Now back in stock, Jumble Book No. 41 is available for $2.80. which includes postage and handling, from Jumble, this newspaper, P.O. Box 4366.

Orlando, FL 32802-4366. Include your name, address and zip code and make check payable to Newspaperbooks. Include your name, address and zip code and make check payable to Newspaperbooks. GOREN BRIDGE WITH OMAR SHARIF New York's renowned TANNAH HIRSCH Club can stake a claim 1991 Tribune Media Services. Inc.

world's most international North-South vulnerable. North almost international given day deals. stars NORTH ain, Israel, Sweden, QJ762 and over the Pakistan green waging baize. 9 A dealt 0 04 in a high-stake A 10 6 game hands at and the then club. WEST EAST decide A 9 3 54 would rather play or 9 10 8 5 2 9J976 trump after a heart 0 85 0 A963 North's hand might 0 K85 short a point or two SOUTH in terms of high cards, 10 8 taking potential more VK043 1 sated.

With all the 10 7 2 unbid suits, three no 7 4 3 logical bid at South's The bidding: and North did well North East South West spades has no play 1 Pass 1 NT Pass North-South have 3 Pass 3 NT Pass available. The only Pass Pass whether declarer can tricks before the Opening lead: Two of 9 take five. That is JEANE For Thursday, Jan. 31 GEMINI (May HAPPY BIRTHDAY. IN THE Top-quality sales NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE: brighten up your Ask yourself if you are making and more you will considerate good command.

use of the resources at your old rapport. Tend If you plan ahead, you an older to will continue to outdistance the plaint. person look competition. The financial out- CANCER (June indicates steady improve- careful not to ment. Confide more in your mate bounds at home or and children; they need to know on impulse could why certain restrictions are nec- Good things come essary.

Working together toward wait. Refrain from a shared goal strengthens the many financial gambles ties that bind. Early winter is the LEO (July 23-Aug. best time for a wedding. let uncertainty over CELEBRITY BIRTHDATES: matter put you off Writer Zane Grey, baseball star Now the time Jackie Robinson, actresses Carol wide-ranging business Channing and Suzanne Ple- A sudden windfall shette.

can spend extra ARIES (March 21-April 19): A family. handsome, tailored look will VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. impress conservative clients. A partner is more tuned friend could be entirely off-base.

today, but Rely on your intuition. Romance will keep you busier gives you a feeling of deep con- Think of creative tentment. to use up all that You TAURUS have to handle 20-May a "hot 20): LIBRA (Sept. (April energy. potato" at work today.

A compet- innovative dividends. idea Your flair pays itor is "crazy" like a fox. Stay alert. Family members will help home nation in help a you reduce financial pressures. admire.

Share way Enjoy a quiet evening at home. trusted loved one. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 23 Sioux 44 "L.A. Law" 1 Russian inland 24 London's prov. character sea 25 Strict 45 First-raters 5 Beside, at sea 26 Musical pauses 47 Misplaces 10 U.S.

humorist, 28 Mountains 51 Pit George of Missouri 53 Strange 13 Leningrad's 32 Family rm. 55 Chicken river 33 Female ruff 56 Treat for 14 Triangular letter 35 Room in a Muffet 15 Hue harem 61 Silkworm 17 202, to Caesar 36 Man, for one 62 We 18 Walking 37 Treat for a 63 Roof part elated queen 64 Faithful, to 19 Baltic native 41 Vegetate Scot 20 Treat for Jack 42 "I like 65 Serenity Horner 43 Pose 66 Rabbit 10 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 35 37 39 52 55 56 59 65 66 WONDERWORD Jo Ouellet Circle each letter of clue words (up, down, diagonal). Leftover letters spell the WONDERWORD. SPEECHES HERE AND NOW Solution: 12 letters EGASSE MG NI VA RI ST NE ST NR BOND IS PT RAELCRUO IPASEES ROIDUT FCPMEUTTN PNTTHF LOUL LOASA EL SR IL SNY I DO I VE AC SI OT RI GOIT SI TAIEFE ST LOOC I A TI NJ OK ES CAL SREPAP NM IS AS NO SR OS SE FOR PR TDDP AMRO FWOTAUGHT 1991 Universal Press Syndicate Applause, Articulation; Bond; Candidates, Clear; Data; Film, Formal; Gestures, Ghosted; Jokes; Line; Mayor, Message; Note; Official; Papers, Platform, Plug, Politicians, Position, President, Professors; Serious, Speakers, Stand, Students, Style; Taught, Texts, Toast, Tract, Trains, Truth; Voice; Waving, Wit, Writing. Yesterday's Answer: Electricity To order your copy of the new book THE COLLECTED WONDERWORD: Volume 4, send $3.50 U.S.

and 75 cents postage and handling ($4.25 U.S. total) to THE COL LECTED WONDERWORD: Volume 4, in care of this newspaper. P.O. Box 419150, Kansas City, Mo. 64141.

Make check payable to Universal Press Syndicate. Cavendish to being the club. On you can find from Great BritNorway, China friendly battle This hand was rubber-bridge Study all four whether you defend three no lead. have been for a jump shift but its trickthan compenstrength in the trump was the second turn, to pass- -four at all. plenty of tricks question is rake in nine defenders can not possible if 21-June 20): items can wardrobe.

Be of your mate re-establish your the needs of without com21-July 22): Be overstep your work. Acting create havoc. to those who taking too now. 22): Do not a personal your stroke. to consider proposals.

means you money on your 22): Your in to your your offspring than ever. ways for them boisterous 23-Oct. 22): An handsome and imagidecorate your everyone will secrets with a prop king Miss 3 4 5 All?" 6 7 a 8 East-West take full advantage of their assets, so take full marks if you elected to defend. The secret to a winning defense is to lock declarer in dummy at a time when there are only black cards left on the table. However, East-West must be careful not to let South gain the lead.

Suppose that, after winning the ace of hearts, declarer leads a spade from dummy. The first step in the defensive campaign is for West to take the ace, then the defenders must collect two diamond tricks before reverting to spades. However, if West is in the lead after the second diamond, that defender has to take care to exit with the nine of spades; otherwise South can gain the lead by letting the low spade run to the eight. The last hurdle to overcome is that if declarer leads a secondary club honor from dummy, West must win and return a club, and the defenders will eventually collect one spade, two diamonds and two clubs. SCORPIO (Oct.

23-Nov. 21): Other people come through with funds or ideas just when you need them the most. Show your gratitude in tangible ways. Be mindful of possible snags where travel is concerned. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22-Dec. 21): Focusing on long-term work goals is vital today. Be certain that you have the latest available information to give to VIPs. Romance enjoys highly favorable influences tonight. CAPRICORN (Dec.

22-Jan. 19): Be careful not to shake the foundations of your professional or personal life. It is possible that you are barking up the wrong tree. Ease up; you cannot force the pace of progress. AQUARIUS (Jan.

20-Feb. 18): A patient, mature approach is vital today. Do not let your temper get the best of you. Count to 10 when things go awry. Making low-key, constructive suggestions wins you widespread respect.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ignore those who make negative comments. Concentration is the key to advancement at work. A secret desire will soon be fulfilled. Pursue romance in a glamorous setting.

UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE 67 68 69 9 10 11 12 16 21 22 27 29 30 31 Genes carrier Roofer Without DOWN News person Speak a piece Dispatch boats Not of the cloth Bedeck Mussolini Guido's high notes Keep persevere School ending Nuclear trial Scatter Totally From there Minor prophet Question Waste allowance City planner, perhaps Extend Cheers 34 Do a publishing job 36 Occupied with 37 "Bewitched, and Bewildered" 38 Civic club member 39 Alias, e.g. 40 Squirted the 1. squeaks 41 Biologist Carson 45 Dallas inst. 46 Position 48 Largest desert 49 Gridiron number 50 Mystery author Dorothy L. 52 La Milano 54 Stage direction 57 Engrossed 58 Three, in Trier 59 Emblem 60 Fly catchers ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: DOCK PRESS DAW AURA RAVEN POPE TROY ENEMY ITS A AS AS SON DUNKER SKIT TRESPASS FILO GIS ERGO LOVING CUP AISLE OPEN ERROL NCAA PERCH INSISTENT LAMB ECO PAS RETOREES ETAT OPINED MANO ROAD BORE ARABS ECRU IDES COOLE NANA NED SOLES ALOU LOS ANGELES TIMES SYNDICATE 1.

15 45 50 62.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.