The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

-m 6-C-- -THE PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1988 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE MARSHALS SALE: NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to an Order of Foreclosure and sale of Real Estate entered by the United States in a caus: pending in said court entitled United States of America vs. Midtown Colony Civil No. C84-2206. The undersigned United States Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio will offer for sale at 2510 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, on May 11, 1988, at 10:00 a.m., free of all claims, rights, or interest of any and all parties to this action, the property described as follows: PARCEL NO.

Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, And known as being Sublot No. 184 in Perry and Payne's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lot Nos. 110 to 113 os shown by the recorded plat in Volume 2 of Mops, Page 29 of Cuyahoga County Records and being 33 feet front on the Southerly side of St. Clair Avenue N.E. and extending back of equal width 140 feet deep, as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subiect all legal highways.

PARCEL NO. 2 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, And known as being Sublot No. 185 in Perry and Payne's Subdivision of part of Original 10 Acre Lots Nos. 110, 111, 112 and 113, as shown by the recorded plat of said Subdivision in Volume 2 of Maps, Page 29 of Cuyahoga County Records. Said sublot No.

185 has a frontage of 35 feet on the Southerly side of St. Clair Avenue, N.E, and extending back between parallel lines 140 feet, as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subiect to all legal highways. PARCEL NO. 3 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, And known as Sublot No. 186 in Perry and Payne's Allotment of a part of Original 10-Acre Lots Nos.

110, 111, 112 and 113 in said City. Said Sublot No. 186 has a trontage of 33 feet on St. Clair Avenue and extending back 140 feet to an Alley in the rear as per plat of said Allotment recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, Page 29 of Cuyahoga County Records, be the same more or less, but subiect to all legal highways. PARCEL NO.

4 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, And known as being Sublot No. 187 in Perry and Payne's Subdivision of part of Original 10 Acre Lots Nos. 110, 111, 112 and 113, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 2 of Maps, Page 29 of Cuyahoga County Records and being 33 feet front on the Southerly side of St. Clair Avenue N.E. and extending back of equal width 140 feet along the Easterly line of East 25th Street to the Northerly line of Packard Court N.E., as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subiect to all legal highways.

PARCEL NO. 5 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, And known as being Sublot No. 1 and the Westerly 3 feet from front to rear of Sublot No. 2 in William and Leonard Case's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lot No. 143, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 3 of Maps, Page 31 of Cuyahoga County Records, and together forming a parcel of land having a frontage of 30.04 feet on the Northerly side of St.

Clair Avenue N.E., formerly St. Clair Street, and extending back of equal width 133 feet to a 12 feet Alley in the rear, os appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subiect to all legal highways. PARCEL NO. 6 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being the Easterly 30 feet of Subiot No. 2 in William and Leonard Case's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lot No.

143, as shown by the recorded plat of said Subdivision in Volume 3 of Maps, Page 31 of Cuyahoga County Records. Said part of Sublot No. 2 has a frontage of 30 feet on the Northerly side of St. Clair Avenue N.E., and extends back between parallel lines 133 feet to the Southerly line of Krause Court N.E. as appears by said plat, be the some more or less, but subject to all legal highways.

PARCEL NO. 7 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being Sublot No. 3 in William and Leonard Case's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lot No. 143, as shown by the recorded plat of said Subdivision in Volume 3 of Maps, Page 31 of Cuyahoga County Records. Said Sublot No.

3 has a frontage of 33 feet on the Northerly side of St. Cloir Avenue N.E. and extends back between parallel lines 133 feet, to the Southerly tine of Krause Court N.E., as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. PARCEL NO. 8 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being Sublot No.

82 in Laura Dunham Barney's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lots Nos. 137, 140, 141 and 142 as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 16 of Maps, Page 13 of Cuyahoga County Records, and being 25 feet front on the Northerly side of St. Clair Avenue, N.E., formerly St. Clair Street, and extending back of equal width 133 feet to an alley in the rear as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subiect to all legal highways. PARCEL NO.

9 Situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being Sublot Nos. 83 and 84 in Laura Dunham Barney's Subdivision of part of Original Ten Acre Lots Nos. 137, 140, 141 and 142, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 16 of Maps, Page 13 of Cuyahoga County Records, and together forming a parcel of land having a frontoge of 56.03 feet on the Northwesterly side of St. Clair Avenue, N.E., and extending back of equal width 133 feet to Southeasterly line of Krauss Court, N.E., as appears by said plat, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. The conditions of the sale are that the purchaser shall be required to deposit with the United States Marshal a minimum of of the amount of his bid by certified check, payable to the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio or cash deposit at the time of the sale.

The balance of the purchase price shall be tendered to the United States Marshal by the successful bidder within 30 days following the date of sale in the form of a certified check, pay. able to the Clerk of Courts for the Northern District of Ohio. In the event the purchaser fails to fulfill this requirement, the deposit made by him shall be forfeited and applied to the expenses of the sale and the subject property shall be reoffered for sale at said purchaser's expense. p.d.,apr. 11,18,25, DRD13397 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio, April 8, 1988 Contract Sales Legal Copy No.

88-313 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT M-1C76(1) Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation, Columbus, Ohio, until 10:00 A.M., Ohio Standard Time, Tuesday, May 10, 1988, for improvements in: Cuyahoga County, Ohio, on County Road 70 ham Road) in the City of Maple Heights, Village of Walton Hills, by grading, draining and paving with reinforced concrete pavement. Proiect length 11,567.72 lin. feet or 2.191 miles. Work length 12,834.70 lin. feet or 2.431 miles.

Pavement width varies. The Ohio Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant tc this advertisem*nt, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. "Minimum wage rates for this project have been predetermined as required by law and are set forth in the bid proposal." "The date set for completion of this work shall be set forth in the bidding proposal." Each bidder shall be required to file with his bid a certified check or cashier's check for an amount equal to FIVE PER CENT OF HIS BID, buy in no event more than fifty thousand dollars, or a bond for TEN PER CENT OF HIS BID, pay. able to the Director. Bidders must apply, on the proper forms, for qualification at least ten days prior to the dote set for opening bids in accordance with Chapter 5525 Ohio Revised Code.

Plans and specifications are on file in the Deportment of Transportation and the office of the trict Deputy Director. The Director reserves the right to reiect any and all bids. BERNARD B. HURST Director p.d.april18,25,1988 DRD13851 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Masonry repairs, Middle School Auditorium Electrical Improvements and Middle School Boiler Repairs at Shaker Heights City Schools will be received in the Office of the Treasurer, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120, until 12:00 noon D.S.T. on May 16, 1988 and read publicly and recorded immediately thereafter.

The contract documents, including copies of the plans, specifications, proposal forms, forms of contract and bond, are on file and may be examined at the Office of the Business Manager of the Shaker Heights City School District, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120, 1-216-921-1400. Copies of complete sets of the documents may be obtained from Office of Business Manager upon deposit of $25.00 for each set. A pre-bid meeting will be held in the Board of Education Administrative Offices of Shaker Heights City School District, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio at 2:00 p.m. D.S.T. on April 22, 1988.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to: conditions of employment to be observed, minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, bid bond or certified check, and performance and bonds as described in the contract documents, and to Equal Employment Opportunity regulations. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reiect any or all bids or parts of any or oll bids and to waive any informalities in the bids received. No bid may be withdrawn, after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, for at least sixty (60) days. By Order of the Board of Education of the Shaker Heights City School District. WILLIAM A.

HAGER Business Manager p.d.apr. DRD13395 The 1987 Annual Report of the Sam W. Klein Family Fund, Inc. is available upon request within for inspection during regular business hours 180 days after publication of this notice at Room 101, 1400 East 30th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. ALLAN R.

COLE Trustee p.d.apr.18,1988 DRD07449 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS The Director of Finance of the City of Cleveland, Ohio (the will receive. sealed bids for the purchase of the City's six issues of Various Purpose General Obligation Bonds, Series 1988 (collectively, the in the aggregate principal amount of $20,500,000, at the office of the Mayor, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio 44114, until 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on May 9, 1988, at which time the bids will be opened and read publicly. The Bonds ore to be issued in the principal amounts and for the purposes set forth below: $6,970,000 Bridge and Roadway Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of improving the municipal street system and related facilities, improving certain streets and expressways, between certain termini, and improving certain roadways, driveways, and pedestrian walkways located within or through City facilities by widening, grading, draining, curbing and paving such streets, expressways, roadways, driveways, and pedestrian walkways, by resetting and constructing catch basins and storm drainage facilities in and under such streets. expressways, roadways, driveways and pedestrian walkways, by constructing, reconstructing, renovating and rehabilitating bridges, by installing gutters, sidewalks and related pedestrian improvements, by acquiring any interests in real estate necessary for such purposes and by installing signs, signals, markings and other devices for traffic control purposes: $4,675,000 Recreational Facilities Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of improving municipal recreational facilities by constructing, rehabilitating, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving, and acquiring any necessary interests in real estate for, pools, playgrounds and recreation centers; $345,000 Health Facilities Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of renovating, rehabilitating, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving facilities related to the protection of the health of the public, together with all appurtenances necessary and incidental thereto; $2,625,000 Public.

Service Facilities Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving, and acquiring any necessary interests in real estate for, facilities for the maintenance, repoir and storage of vehicles and equipment of various City divisions, the maintenance of City streets, bridges, docks, and properties, and the provision of waste collection services, and administrative functions related thereto; $525,000 Administrative Facilities Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of renovating, rehabilitating, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving facilities for administrative offices of the municipality, including City Hall, together with all appurtenances necessary and incidental thereto; and $5,360,000 Safety Facilities Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of constructing and rehabilitating police and fire stations, and renovating, rehabilitating, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving, and acquiring any necessary interests in real estate for, facilities related to the protection of the safety and property of the public. Bids shall be sealed and endorsed "Bid for $20,500,000 City of Cleveland, Ohio Various Purpose General Obligation Bonds, Series 1988" and shall be made for all of the Bonds, at a single rate at which all of the Bonds shall bear interest, which rate shall be a multiple of of and for purchase at not less than the par value of the Bonds of $20.500.000, plus accrued interest. Subiect to the redemption provisions hereinafter described, the Bonds will mature as follows: Amount Amount Due Maturing Due Maturing 1990 $1,040,000 2000 $1,025,000 1991 1,040,000 2001 1,025,000 1992 1.040,000 2002 1,020,000 1993 1,040,000 2003 1,020,000 1994 1,040,000 2004 1,015,000 1995 1,030,000 2005 1,010,000 1996 1,030.000 2006 1.010,000 1997 1,030,000 2007 1.010,000 1998 1,030,000 2008 1,010,000 1999 1,025,000 2009 1,010,000 The Bonds maturing on or before August 1, 2002 are not subiect to redemption prior to maturity. The Bonds maturing after August 1, 2002 are subiect to redemption in whole or in part in amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof on February 1, 2003 and on each February 1 and August 1 thereafter, at the par value thereof, plus accrued interest to the redemption date. If less than all of the Bonds of any issue are called for redemption at one time, they shall be called in inverse order of maturity and by lot within a maturity.

Each Bond shall be dated May 1, 1988 and bear interest from that date at the rate of per annum, payable on February 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 1988. The Bonds will be issued in book-entry form, with one certificate for each maturity of each issue of the Bonds delivered to The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York for immobilization in its custody, and registered in the name of CEDE Co. Book-entry interests in the Bonds will be available in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. Owners of book-entry interests in the Bonds will not receive physical delivery of Bond certificates and payments of debt service charges on the Bonds will be made only to DTC (or any successor securities depository) as the registered owner of the Bonds. The Bonds are offered subiect to the approving legal opinion of Calfee, Halter Griswold, Cleveland, Ohio, Bond Counsel, which will be furnished without cost to the successful bidder at the time the Bonds are delivered to it.

All bids must be accompanied by cash, bank cashier's or official's check, certified check, or any combination thereof, in the amount of $200,500. Prospective bidders must obtain a copy of the Preliminary Official Statement containing a Notice of Sale and Suggested Bid Form, a copy of which will be available from the office of the undersigned on or about April 18, 1988. The right is reserved to reject all bids. CITY OF CLEVELAND, OHIO CHARLES E. BROWN, Director of Finance (216) 664-2536 p.d., DRD13380 p.d., NOTICE TO BIDDERS Playground installations at three (3) Developmental Centers for the Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.

The lump sum estimate for this project $116,800.00. Sealed proposal will be received at the Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation, Cuyahoga County, Office of the Superintendent, 1050 Terminal Tower, 50 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 on the 3rd day of May, 1988, until 10:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time for a general contract to provide playground improvements including all general trades, paving and landscape work at the Green Road Developmental Center located at 4329 Green Road, Warrensville Township, Ohio 44128, the William Patrick Day Developmental Center, located at 2421 Community College Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 and the East Cleveland Developmental Center located at 14800 Private Drive, East Cleveland, Ohio 44112. Specifications for the proposed contracts may be obtained from the office of Edward A. Hasinski, Administration Supervisor-Purchasing, for the Board of Mental Retardation of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1050 Terminal Tower, 50 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, between the hours of 9:00 A.M.

and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday until the deadline for submitting proposals. Bids will be publicly opened at 10:00 A.M. at time and place of receipt. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in Ohio, or by a certified check on a solvent bank, payable to The Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation, in a sum equal to five of the amount of the bid. The certified check or bond will be held as a guarantee that if the proposed bid is accepted the bidder will enter into a contract for same.

Before entering into a contract the successful bidder shall furnish to the Board a performance bond, payable to The Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation, in a sum equal to one hundred percent of the amount of the contract to be awarded with good and sufficient sureties or with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Ohio, conditioned on the faithful performance of the work in accordance with the specifications. Such bond shall also indemnify against such damages due to failure to perform such contract according to provisions thereof and in accordance with the specifications. Such bond shall remain in the possession of The Board of Mental Retardation for the term of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. MICHAEL A.

DONZELLA Superintendent p.d..apr. 11,18,1988 DRD04453 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal City of Brunswick Sealed Proposals are invited and will be received by the City of Brunswick, 4095 Center Road, Brunswick, Ohio 44212, for collection and disposal of solid waste for five (5) years for the City. Porposals must be on the Proposal Forms and in accordance with instructions to Proponents furnished by the office of the Service Director. The defined terms appearing in the General Specifications apply to all Contract Documents. Proposals must be upon forms published by the City.

The City will furnish copies of the Contract Documents and form of Contract to Propective Proponents upon payment of a Ten Dollar ($10.00) fee. Proposals must be delivered to, and be on file with, the City on or before Monday, May 9, 1988, at 4:00 P.M. Local Time. The envelope containing the Proposal must be sealed and plainly marked "PROPOSAL FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND Proposals will be publicly opened and read at 4:00 P.M., on the aforementioned date in the offices of the City. The selected Proponent will be awarded the Contract through and Ordinance of the City aproving and adopting the Contract Documents, providing for its enforcement and penalties as provided by law.

A Proposal Bond or Certified Check must accompony the Proposal, in accordance with the Instructions to Proponents. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive irregularities information in any proposal, and to make an award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the City. GREGORY L. CRANE Service Director o.d.opr.18.1988 DRD07465 The City of Brook Park, Ohio will receive sealed bids until 12:00 Noon, Daylight Savings Time on the 2nd day of May, 1988, at the City Municipal Center, attention Linda M. Nash, Secretary to the Mayor, 6161 Engle Road, Brook Park, Ohio for the purchase of One 25 Passenger Bus, diesel powered, with GVWR axle rating of 13,500 with front axle shall have minimum rating of 42,000 Ibs.

and rear single axle minimum load rating of 9,300 lbs. with rear dual wheels, with trade-in of one (1) 1974, 24 Passenger Ford Bus, Serial No. B60DCJ66745, in accordance with specification on file at the office of Director of Public Service, 6400 Kolthoff Drive, Brook Park, Ohio 44142. Copies may be obtained free of charge. Each proposal must be made upon blanks furnished thereof and must contain the full name of every person or company interested in the same and must be accompanied by a bond or certified check in the amount of ten percent of bid as a guarantee that if said bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured.

Should any bid be reiected such bond or check will be forthwith returned to the bidder, and should such bid be accepted, such bond or check will be returned upon the proper acceptance and securing of the contract. The City of Brook Park, Ohio reserves the right to waive any formalities at its option and accept or reiect any or all parts thereof, and to award the contract to the lowest best bidder. City of Brook Park THOMAS J. COYNE, JR. Mayor p.d.apr.

18,25,1988 DRD07461 The City of Brook Park, Ohio, will receive sealed bids until 12:00 Noon, Daylight Savings Time, on the 25th day of April, 1988, at the City Municipal Building, attention Linda M. Nash, Secretary to the Mayor, 6161 Engle Road, Brook Park, Ohio, for the supply, installation and maintenance of HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing renovations; Carpet and Tile: Drop Ceiling; and Office Partition System in connection with the Renovations of the City Hall Building (Phase I), pursuant to the specifications on file at the office of the Mayor, 6161 Engle Road, Brook Park, Ohio 44142. Eoch proposal must be made upon blanks furnished therefore and must contain the full name of every person or company interested in same and must be accompanied by a bond or certified check in the amount of ten percent of the bid as a guarantee that if said bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Should any bids be reiected, such bond or check will be forthwith returned to the bidder, and should such bid be accepted, such bond or check will be returned upon the proper acceptance and securing of the contract. The City of Brook Park, Ohio reserves the right to waive any formalities at its option and accept or reject any or all parts thereof, and to award the contract to the lowest best bidder.

City of Brook Pork THOMAS J. COYNE, JR. Mayor p.d.april12,18,25,1988 DRD13893 THE COMICS JUMBLE. THAT by Henri SCRAMBLED Arnold and WORD Bob GAME Lee i Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. URPPE 4.

1988 Tribune Media Sances, Inc. All Rights Raseived RAFOL WISDON 4 18 WHAT THE CROOKS SAID AS THE COPS CLOSED IN. THAGUT I Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. Answer here: THE (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: DITTO ANNUL THRUSH ENTAIL Saturday's Answer: "Tact" is what some people have while others do this- -TELL THE TRUTH Now back in stock, Jumble Book No. 3 is available for $2.50, which Includes postage and handling, from Jumble, this newspaper, P.O.

Box 4366, Orlando, FL 32802-4366. Inctude your name, address and zip code and make your check payable to Nawspaperbooks. WONDERWORD Jo Ouellet Circle each letter clue words (up, down, backwards, diagonal). Leftover letters spell the WONDERWORD. STRAWBERRY DELIGHTS Solution: 11 letters SE A THO CRIP SE VS A ST AEE I A VT A BESDAD NUT RSS I ROE PO A TOI HE A JD FOT EEL SV CI US FOOD US ST A Universal Press Syndicate Baskets, Berry; Candy, Case, Clean, Cookies, Crushed, Culled, Cultivation; Delicious, Dips, Dishes; Festivals, Fields, Flavor, Food, Fresh, Frozen; Gardens; Indulge; Jam, Jellies, Juicy; Mash, Mold; Picking, Pies, Preserves, Puddings; Recipes, Ripe; Salad, Shortcakes, Sodas, Sundaes, Sweet; Tarts, Tasty, Toss, Trim; Wash, Whip, Whole, Wild.

Saturday's Answer: UNIFICATION To order your copy of the new book THE COLLECTED WONDERWORD: Volume 3, send $4.95 U.S. and 75 cents postage and handling ($5.70 U.S. total) to THE COLLECTED WONDERWORD: Volume 3, in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 419150 Kansas City, Mo. 64141.

Make check payable to Universal Press Syndicate. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES GOREN to pass. to three no trump. AND OMAR SHARIF Tribune Media Services, Inc. vulnerable, as South you hold: 763 9 KQ982 00 0076 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass Pass 1 Pass 1 9 Pass 4 Pass What action do you take? -It's the same hand and almost the same situation, except this time you are a passed hand.

If partner has substantial values, he will strive to find a bid that cannot be passed. Since there is less chance of a heart fit here, we don't mind if you elect JEANE For Monday, April 18 HAPPY BIRTHDAY. IN THE NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE: You will have many choices to make. New career benefits are part of the picture. Although your expenses rise, you will have the opportunity to earn income in the fall.

Review recent investments and insurance coverage. A legacy from a family member could affect how you live and where. Stay a step ahead of the competition and you will do just fine at work. CELEBRITY BIRTHDATES: James Woods. Dennis Rasmussen.

Robert Hooks. Hayley Mills, Barbara Hale, Clarence Darrow. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Business deals are not all their sponsors claim. Read between the lines of a contract. High energy helps you deal with any problems that come your way.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You have to see your employer's point view now or move on. You want more power and will eventually get it. A love relationship is full of mystery and intrigue. Go slow. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look for ways to be: more effi- Q.2-Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: J8 9 AQJ1063 0 A87 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 9 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 2 NT Pass What action do you take? partner is showing a balanced hand of 11-12 points, you certainly want to be in game.

However, don't bid four hearts--you have already told partner you have a six-card suit. With your balanced hand and honor in every suit, nine tricks might be easier than 10. Raise cient. Business demands grow, but you will be up to the challenge. Actions speak louder than words when trying to repair a busted romance.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Forge ahead with your career. Go all out to make your mark in the workplace. A newcomer appreciates your feelings and understands your needs. You are like a magnet to people in need. LEO (July 23-Aug.

22): Do something special for yourself. A business or job opportunity will pass you by unless you move quickly. Getting into a power struggle with the boss will be counterproductive. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.

22): Make the most of recent financial gains. Shrewd investments will bring lasting returns. A crealive project gets the green light. Pressure mounts when your career conflicts with home life. LIBRA (Sept.

23-Oct. 22): are able to solidify an important personal relationship. Great news arrives regarding a professional venture. A move to another state or country is a real possibility. Renew your passport.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 34 1 1988 name in the news 35 5 Radar image 36 9 1988 name in 37 the news 13 Favorite 38 14 At (relaxed) 40 15 Truman's 41 birthplace 42 16 1988 name in 43 the news 18 Perfume 44 ingredient 46 19 Recluse 47 20 1988 name in the news 48 22 Part of speech 24 Matter, in law 50 25 Proverbs 54 29 Kind of bug or fly 59 1988 name in. 60 road 9 the news 62 Begot 10 Cote cries 63 Religious 11 Chemical suffix denomination 1988 name in 64 Camera" 12 the news 65 Understands Saunter 66 Cereal grass 15 Domini 67 Way: Abbr. Type measures 17 One opposed DOWN 21 1988 name in 1 Desperate the news 2 Repute Tenant 3 Ear part 23 Healers 4 Certain school, Darling of for short 25 baseball 5 Davis and 26 Graceful Midler 27 aquatic bird 6 Type of beam 28 Encircles 7 Equal: Comb.

30 1988 name in form 31 the news 8 Remain 32 Came up undecided 5 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 121 22 123 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 145 46 47 148 149 50 51 52 53 54 155 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 A 1 -49 Director of Finance (216) 664-2536 DRD13380 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Comptroller of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, 3826 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 until 2:00 p.m. official local time of the date indicated below. At that time all bids will be opened and read aloud in the Public Meeting Room of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer, 3826 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. All bids must be submitted on the forms available at the office of the Comptroller, from whom detail specifications may be obtained. Bid File No.

B-1158 Resolution No. 112-88 Opening Date Wednesday, May 18, 1988 A requirement contract with a second year option to renew, for a one year supply of liquid organic polyelectrolyte anionic polymer for the use at the Westerly Wastewater Treatment Plant as per specification. Bid File No. B-1159 Resolution No. 113-88 Opening Date Tuesday, May 17, 1988 A one year requirement contract, with a second year option to renew, for sludge cake hauling for the Southerly and Westerly Wastewater Treatment Plants as per specification.

Bid File No. B-1160 Resolution No. 114-88 Opening Date Tuesday, May 17, 1988 A one year requirement contract for the purchase of UHMW polymer angle for use at the District's Wastewater Treatment Plants as per specification. Bid File No. B-1161 Resolution No.

115-88 The purchase of one gasoline powered, 4-wheel, 1- Opening Date Monday, May 16, 1988 ton flat bed off-road cart with fiberglass cab for use at the Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant and two electric powered, 4-wheel, ton flat bed off-road cargo type carts for use at the Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant as per specification. The purchase of a 3-wheel riding power lawn mower for use at the Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant as per specifications. EDWARD P. GUTTMAN Purchasing Manager p.d.apr.18,25,1988 DRD07452 The City of Brook Park, Ohio will receive sealed bids until 12:00 Noon, Daylight Savings Time on the 2nd of May, 1988, at the City Municipal Center, attention Linda M. Nash, Secretary to the Mayor, 6161 Er Engle Road, Brook Park, Ohio for the Lease Purchase of eleven passenger cars, with trade-in of the following vehicles: Car Serial No.

FABP 31F88 B136554 Car Serial No. IFABP43GODZ1126306 Car Serial No. A27527500 Car Serial No. 2FABP31G2BB136929 Serial No. DZ126300 Car No.

IFABP43GIDZ127352 Car Serial No. 2FABP31G2BB135778 Car Serial No. 2FABP31G9BB136930 Car Serial No. IFABP43G5DZ126303 Fire Dept. Serial No.

9H27H125275 Tax Dept. Serial No. 2FABP31 G9BB135776 In accordance with specifications on file at the office of the Director of Public Service, 6400 Kolthoff Drive, Brook Park, Ohio. Copies may be obtained free of charge. Each proposal must be made upon blanks furnished therefore and must contain the full name of every person or company interested in same and must be accompanied by a bond or certified check in the amount of ten percent of bid as a guarantee that if said bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured.

Should any bids be reiected, such bond or check will be forthwith returned to the bidder, and should such bid be accepted, such bond or check will be returned upon the proper acceptance and secruing of the contract. The City of Brook Park, Ohio reserves the right to waive any formalities at its option and accept or reject any or oll parts thereof, and to award the contract to the lowest best bidder. City of Brook Park THOMAS J. COYNE, JR. DRD07460 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Safety-Service of the City of Fairview Park, State of Ohio, at the office of said Director, City Hall, 20777 Lorain Rood, Fairview Park, Ohio at 12:00 o'clock noon, Daylight Savings Time, on April 25, 1988 for furnishing land fill which will be used for the disposal of the City of Fairview Park's solid waste.

Specifications are now on file with the office of the Safety-Service Director. Each bid must contain the full name of every person or company interested in the same and must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $100.00 submitted therewith made payable to the City of Fairview Park, as a guarantee that if such bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Should any bid be reiected, said security will be returned to the bidder, and should any bid be accepted, said security will be returned upon proper execution and securing of a contract. In the event that such bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into such a contract within thirty (30) days after being notified of the award of the contract, the certified check which accompanied the proposal shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. No bid may be withdrawn for at least thirty (30) days after unless a contract is entered into prior thereto.

The City reserves the right to waive informalities and to accept or reiect any and all bids. By Order of the Council of the City of Fairview Park, Ohio Per Ordinance No. 88-3. JOHN E. SCHIRMER PUBLIC SAFETY-SERVICE DIRECTOR p.d.opril.11,18,1988 DRD13892 SECTION I NOTICE TO BIDDERS Separate sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Purchasing, Cuyahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, until 2:00 p.m.

Official Time on Tuesday, April 26, 1988 when said proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud for the furnishing of labor and materials for the work of: DOOR, FRAME, AND HARDWARE REPLACEMENT CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Metropolitan Campus 2900 Community College Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Copies of Specifications, together with any further information desired, may be received from the Director of Purchasing, Cuyahoga Community College, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bids shall be filed in envelopes furnished by the Director of Purchasing. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after bids are opened. The College reserves the right to waive any informalities and defects and to reiect any or all bids.

A contract bond, in the full amount of the bid price, is required. (See SECTION VI--CONTRACT BOND Form on poge VI-1 of the specifications document. Also, SECTION TO BIDDERS, Items 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, on page lI-2). CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 700 CARNEGIE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44115 p.d.,april4, 11,18,1988 DRD16987 0.3-Both vulnerable as South you hold: KJ6 001092 0 AJ7 KQ9 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 NT Pass 4 NT Pass What action do you take? you think that partner is asking for aces, you need to brush up on your basics. He is making a quantitative raise in no trump, asking you to go to slam if you have a maximum no trump.

Unfortunately, you are dead minimum, so you have to pass. good day to schedule appointments. The emphasis is; on' saying exactly what you' mean. Upgrade your vardrobe, for coming events. A chance; encounter leads to romance.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Plan a budget you can to. A great day for auditions meetings with new business tacts. You make an first impression.

An aura of: glamour surrounds a business? session. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Work deserves top priority. Go; out of your way to avoid squabbles.

Taking a behind-the-3 scenes position will prove very; beneficial in the long run. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):" You can afford to be more optimistic about your finances. A second source of income relieves; tension.

Curb a strong urge spend money on luxuries. At longtime relationship needs evaluation. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ang excellent day for career moves. A creative goal moves within! reach.

You obtain new status; and recognition. Share the light only with the deserving. UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE Torment In a frenzy Hindu princess Very, in Versailles 1. not (probably) Split apart Majoris (The Great Bear) 1988 name in news Tribe of Israel Actress Keaton Out of order and Magog Gal of song Famous jockey Word with circle or sanctum 33 Commercial signs 38 Put to 39 Atlas abbr. 40 Tune 42 Venerated 43 Swindle 45 Rainbows 46 Arts' partner 49 Drive out 50 Deep tone 51 Part of HOMES: 52 1988 name in the news 53 Moderately well 55 Singer Kristofferson 56 Remain 3: 57 Electrical units 58 Well-groomed 61 Teachers' gp.


The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.