PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (2025)

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (1)

Front Cover

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (2)

Also on the Web at www.usps.com/cpim/ftp/bulletin/pb.htm

2 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)


ManualsDMM Revision: Move Update Assessment

Charges for Automation and Presort First-Class Mail and All Standard Mail Mailings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

DMM Revision: Treatment of Undeliverable Books and Sound Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

DMM Revision: Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

DMM Revision: Advertisements for Animals and Sharp Instruments for Use in Animal Fighting Ventures are Nonmailable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

POM Revision: Treatment of Undeliverable Items. . . . . . . . . 9

HandbooksHandbook F-15 Revision: Mileage Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Reminder: Notification to Destroy/Recycle

Handbook PO-250, Consumer Answer Book . . . . . . . . . . . 10

PublicationsPublication 223 Revision: Directives and Forms

Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Publication 431 Revision: Changes to Post Office

Box Service and Caller Service Fee Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Publication 9, USA Philatelic Catalog, Is Now Available . . . . 12Mover’s Guide News: January 2010 Mover’s

Guide Has Been Distributed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

ORGANIZATION INFORMATIONFinanceRenewal of Form W-5, Earned Income Credit

Advance Payment Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Form W-4 Completion for Employees Claiming

Exempt Status for 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Intelligent Mail and Address QualityPost Office Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142010 Census . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Do Not Obliterate the Barcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Intelligent Mail Barcode Service Talk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Mailing and Shipping ServicesMail Alert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45New Express Mail Label for Military Absentee Voting . . . . . . 47

PhilatelyStamp Announcement 10-06:

Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Pictorial Postmarks Announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Correction: Mackinac Bridge (Priority Mail) Stamp. . . . . . . . 52Correction: Ceremony Program Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52How to Order the First Day of Issue Digital Color

or Traditional Postmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

RetailStop Sending Copies of PS Form 8176, Premium

Forwarding Service Application, to Headquarters . . . . . . . 55

SafetyCorrection: Maintaining an OSHA Form 300 Log . . . . . . . . . 55

PULL-OUT INFORMATIONFraudInvalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers . . . . . . . . 17Missing, Lost, or Stolen U.S. Money Order Forms . . . . . . . . 19Missing, Lost, or Stolen Canadian Money Order Forms . . . . 24Verifying U.S. Postal Service Money Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Counterfeit Canadian Money Order Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Toll-Free Number Available to Verify Canadian

Money Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Other InformationOverseas Military/Diplomatic Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Missing Children Posters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Thrift Savings Plan Fact Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Postal Bulletin IndexAnnual Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PB 22276 (1-14-10)

USPS National Emergency Hotline Is your facility operating? Call 888-363-7462

Forever Stamp

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (3)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates 3

Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

ManualsDMM Revision: Move Update Assessment Charges for Automation and Presort First-Class Mail and All Standard Mail Mailings

Effective January 4, 2010, the Postal Service™ revisedvarious sections throughout Mailing Standards of theUnited States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual(DMM®) to describe the changes and procedures for howMove Update assessment charges are handled. (See 74Fed. Reg. 68538–41, December 28, 2009).

In the October 27, 2009, Federal Register (74 FR 55140–42), the Postal Service provided notice of new MoveUpdate assessment charges for First-Class Mail® andStandard Mail® mailpieces. On November 25, 2009, thePostal Regulatory Commission (PRC) issued Order No. 348on Move Update, which modified the Postal Service’srequested Mail Classification Schedule (MCS) languagefiled on October 15, 2009. The Commission’s modificationsaffect the Move Update standard published onOctober 27, 2009.

A change-of-address error tolerance of 30 percent fordetermining whether a mailing fails the Move Update por-tion of performance-based verification (PBV) testing wasadded to the MCS. Second, the Commission included lan-guage applying a $0.07 Move Update noncompliancecharge to a Standard Mail mailing that does not complywith the Move Update standards.

PBV procedures introduced in Spring 2009 allow thePostal Service to sample mailings during the acceptanceprocess to compare mailpiece addresses within the sampleagainst the National Change of Address Link (NCOALink®)database. For the Move Update portion of PBV, addresseson the verification sample are compared to the NCOALink

database, and the ratio of the number of failed COAs(addresses that should have been but were not updated perPostal Service records) to the number of actual COAs (allchanged addresses for addresses in the mailing) is calcu-lated. If this ratio for the sample is sufficiently high, asdetailed below in the DMM language, the mailing is subjectto additional charges. Mailers are offered the option of tak-ing the mailing back and reworking it to avoid Move Updateassessment charges.

The Move Update standard is not new. It is designed toreduce the number of mailpieces in a mailing that requireforwarding, return, or disposal as waste, thus reducingPostal Service costs. The standard also helps to assurethat mail reaches its intended recipients in a timely manner.All known mailings of commercial First-Class Mail piecesthat did not follow address updating requirements havebeen subject to single-piece First-Class Mail prices foreach piece in the mailing since 1997. In the absence of anyaction, the same consequence would have applied to Stan-

dard Mail commercial mailings where addresses werefound not to have been updated. This would have meant asubstantial increase in postage for Standard Mail mailings.To mitigate this effect, the Postal Service announced in2008 that it would charge $0.07 per piece for all pieces inStandard Mail mailings which fail the Move Update PBVtest. In addition, in its October 15, 2009, notice filed withthe Postal Regulatory Commission, after extensive consul-tation with mailers, the Postal Service announced that inPBV testing, only mailings with a sample error rate (failedCOAs/total COAs) greater than 30 percent would be sub-ject to the charge, and that samples with five or fewer failedpieces would not be subject to the assessment, regardlessof the error rate.

The Move Update assessment charge was originallyintended for May 2009 implementation. However, inresponse to customer concerns, we deferred implementa-tion until January 2010, as announced in the April 6, 2009,Federal Register final rule. The Postal Service also decidedto apply a $0.07 per piece additional postage charge forFirst-Class Mail pieces found in mailings with a MoveUpdate error rate of greater than 30 percent based onPostal Service PBV samplings at acceptance, with the fivepieces or fewer exception discussed above.

Assessment charges are not designed to permit cus-tomers to substitute payment of the Move Update assess-ment charge for the implementation of appropriateprocesses that meet the requirements of the Move Updatestandard. They are designed to facilitate the acceptance ofmail in the event that the PBV Move Update process deter-mines that a sample of the mailing has failed above a giventolerance according to that process. Mailers who claimpresorted or automation prices for First-Class Mail pieces,or any price category for Standard Mail pieces, must certifythat they have used a Postal Service–approved MoveUpdate process on their mailing list within 95 days beforethe mailing date. Such certification has been a longstand-ing requirement for First-Class Mail presort and automationprices, and was extended to be an eligibility standard forStandard Mail prices in November 2008. When a mailerdoes not certify that she or he used any Move Updatemethod for a particular mailing, that mailing is then ineligi-ble for any presorted First-Class Mail or Standard Mailprice. Mailings for which the mailer has not certified on thepostage statement that a Move Update method was usedfor meeting the Move Update standard for that mailing donot qualify for First-Class Mail presorted or automationprices or any Standard Mail prices. Only the single-pieceFirst-Class Mail prices are available for such a mailing.

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4 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

Mailers can find additional information about the generalpolicies and procedures for meeting the Move Update stan-dard in Publication 363, Updating Address Lists is a SmartMove, available the RIBBS website at http://ribbs.usps.gov/move_update/documents/tech_guides/PUB363.pdf. Thispublication also describes the four primary and two alterna-tive Move Update methods available for updating mailinglists.

The following DMM changes vary from the DMMchanges published on October 27, 2009. The application ofthe Move Update assessment charge is described directly,rather than by reference to a website.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

200 Commercial Mail Letters and Cards

* * * * *

230 First-Class Mail

233 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for First-Class Mail Letters

* * * * *

3.5 Move Update Standard

* * * * *

[Add new 3.5.4 to read as follows:]

3.5.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charge

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piecesthat were not updated for a COA are not subject to theassessment, regardless of the failure percentage.

* * * * *

240 Standard Mail

243 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for Standard Mail Letters

* * * * *

3.9 Move Update Standard

3.9.1 Basic Standards

***Addresses subject to the Move Update standard mustmeet these requirements:

* * * * *

[Delete item 3.9.1d in its entirety.]

* * * * *

[Add new 3.9.4 to read as follows:]

3.9.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charges

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piec-es that were not updated for a COA are not subjectto the assessment, regardless of the failure percent-age.

* * * * *

300 Commercial Mail Flats

* * * * *

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates 5

330 First-Class Mail

333 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Eligibility Standards for First-Class Mail Flats

* * * * *

3.5 Move Update Standard

* * * * *

[Add new 3.5.4 to read as follows:]

3.5.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charge

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piec-es that were not updated for a COA are not subjectto the assessment, regardless of the failure percent-age.

* * * * *

340 Standard Mail

343 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for Standard Mail Flats

* * * * *

3.9 Move Update Standard

3.9.1 Basic Standards

***Addresses subject to the Move Update standard mustmeet these requirements:

* * * * *

[Delete item 3.9.1d in its entirety.]

* * * * *

[Add new 3.9.4 to read as follows:]

3.9.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charge

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piec-es that were not updated for a COA are not subjectto the assessment, regardless of the failure percent-age.

* * * * *

400 Commercial Parcels

* * * * *

430 First-Class Mail

433 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for First-Class Mail Parcels

* * * * *

3.5 Move Update Standard

* * * * *

[Add new 3.5.4 to read as follows:]

3.5.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charge

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

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6 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piec-es that were not updated for a COA are not subjectto the assessment, regardless of the failure percent-age.

* * * * *

440 Standard Mail

443 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for Standard Mail Parcels

* * * * *

3.9 Move Update Standard

3.9.1 Basic Standards

***Addresses subject to the Move Update standard mustmeet these requirements:

* * * * *

[Delete item 3.9.1d in its entirety.]

* * * * *

[Add new 3.9.4 to read as follows:]

3.9.4 Basis for Move Update Assessment Charge

Mailings are subject to a Move Update assessment chargeif more than 30 percent of addresses with a change ofaddress (COA) are not updated, based on the error ratefound in USPS sampling at acceptance during Perfor-mance-Based Verification. Specifically, mailings for whichthe sample contains greater than 30 percent failed COAsout of the total COAs are subject to additional postagecharges as follows:

a. The percentage of the mailing paying the charge isbased on the percentage of failed pieces above 30percent.

b. Each of the assessed pieces is subject to the $0.07per piece charge.

c. As an example, if 40% of COAs in the sample are notupdated, then the charge is applied to 10% (=40% -30%) of the total mailing.

d. Mailings for which the sample has five or fewer piec-es that were not updated for a COA are not subjectto the assessment, regardless of the failure percent-age.

* * * * *

We will incorporate this revision into the next printedversion of the DMM and into the next update of the onlineDMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.

— Mailing Standards, Pricing, 1-28-10

DMM Revision: Treatment of Undeliverable Books and Sound RecordingsEffective February 1, 2010, the Postal Service™ will

revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Ser-vice, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 507.1.9 to update thestandards for the disposal or treatment of books and soundrecordings that are undeliverable as addressed (UAA) intheir original packaging. The disposal of these items aswaste will simplify handling procedures and reduce costs.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

500 Additional Services

* * * * *

507 Mailer Services

1.0 Treatment of Mail

* * * * *

1.9 Dead Mail

* * * * *

[Delete 1.9.2 in its entirety and renumber current 1.9.3 asnew 1.9.2.]

* * * * *

We will incorporate this revision into the next printedversion of the DMM and into the next update of the onlineDMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.

— Mailing Standards, Pricing, 1-28-10

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates 7

DMM Revision: Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic PricesEffective February 1, 2010, the Postal Service™ is revis-

ing Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service,Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) parts 401, 402, 423, 424,and 425 to clarify standards for Priority Mail® commercialplus cubic prices that went into effect on January 4, 2010.

As a reminder, hardcopy postage statements will beallowed for customers who pay postage with permitimprints and submit postage statements and computerizedmanifests. The Postal Service will provide advance noticefor mandatory compliance with the submission of elec-tronic postage statements.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

400 Commercial Parcels

401 Physical Standards

1.0 Physical Standards for Parcels

* * * * *

1.3 Maximum Weight and Size

[Revise the second sentence of 1.3 as follows:]

***Lower weight limits apply to Priority Mail mailed at com-mercial plus cubic prices, First-Class Mail, Standard Mail,and Bound Printed Matter.***

* * * * *

2.0 Additional Physical Standards by Class of Mail

* * * * *

2.2 Priority Mail

2.2.1 Physical Standards of Mailpieces

[Revise the first sentence of 2.2.1 as follows:]

The maximum weight is 70 pounds, except mailpiecesentered at commercial plus cubic prices, for which themaximum weight is 20 pounds.***

* * * * *

402 Elements on the Face of a Mailpiece

* * * * *

2.0 Placement and Content of Markings

* * * * *

2.3 Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic Markings—Permit Imprint

[Revise 2.3 and add new item “c” as follows:]

Priority Mail permit imprint pieces claiming the commercialplus cubic price must bear the applicable marking, printedon the piece or produced as part of the permit imprint indi-cia. Place the marking directly above, directly below, or tothe left of the postage. Approved markings are as follows:

a. Cubic


c. cubic

* * * * *

420 Priority Mail

423 Prices and Eligibility

* * * * *

3.0 Basic Standards for Priority Mail

3.1 Definition

[Revise 3.1 as follows:]

Priority Mail is an expedited service and may contain anymailable matter weighing no more than 70 pounds. Lowerweight limits apply to commercial plus cubic (see 1.4);APO/FPO mail subject to 703.2.0 and 703.4.0; and Depart-ment of State mail subject to 703.3.0.

* * * * *

424 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

* * * * *

[Add new 1.1.3 as follows:]

1.1.3 Commercial Plus Cubic Pricing

Commercial plus cubic prices may be paid with:

a. USPS-approved PC Postage products when regis-tered end-users use a qualifying shipping label.

b. Permit imprint under 2.0. Mailers also must use theElectronic Verification System (eVS) program or sub-mit an electronic postage statement with a comput-erized manifest under 705.2.0.

* * * * *

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8 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

425 Mail Preparation

* * * * *

2.0 Marking

* * * * *

2.4 Price Marking for Commercial Plus Cubic Prices—Permit Imprint Indicia

[Revise 2.4 and add new item “c” as follows:]

Priority Mail pieces claiming the commercial plus cubicprice must bear the appropriate marking, printed on thepiece or produced as part of the permit imprint indicia.

Place the marking directly above, directly below, or to theleft of the postage. Markings are as follows:

a. Cubic


c. cubic

We will include these revisions in the next update of theonline DMM on Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com andin the next printed edition of the DMM.

— Mailing Standards, Pricing, 1-28-10

DMM Revision: Advertisements for Animals and Sharp Instruments for Use in Animal Fighting Ventures are Nonmailable

Effective February 1, 2010, the Postal Service™ willrevise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Ser-vice, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 601.9.3.1, 601.11.20,and 601.12.5.7, to align our standards with section 26 (7U.S.C. 2156) of the Animal Welfare Act as amended by theFood, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.

The Act’s amendments added prohibitions on usingUSPS® to advertise an animal for use in an animal fightingventure or to advertise a knife, gaff, or any other sharpinstruments designed or intended to be attached to the legof a bird for use in an animal fighting venture. In addition,the Act also revised the definition of the term “animal fight-ing venture” to refer to “any event, in or affecting interstateor foreign commerce involving a fight conducted or to beconducted between at least two animals”.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services

601 Mailability

* * * * *

9.0 Perishable

* * * * *

9.3 Live Animals

[Revise the heading and text of 9.3.1, as follows:]

9.3.1 Prohibition on Animals Intended for Use in an Animal Fighting Venture

An animal is nonmailable if such animal is being mailed forthe purpose of having it participate in an animal fightingventure (7 U.S.C. 2156). This standard applies regardless ofwhether such venture is permitted under the laws of thestate in which it is conducted. Violators can be subject tothe criminal penalties in 18 U.S.C. 49. See 11.20 for theprohibition on mailing sharp instruments intended for use inan animal fighting venture and 12.5.7 for restrictions on

mailing written, printed, or graphic matter related to animalfighting ventures.

For this standard:

a. The term animal means any live bird, or any live mam-mal (e.g., dog), except human.

b. The term animal fighting venture means any event, inor affecting interstate or foreign commerce, that in-volves a fight conducted or to be conducted betweenat least two animals for purposes of sport, wagering,or entertainment (excluding any activity whose pri-mary purpose involves using one or more animals inhunting other animals).

c. The term state means any state of the United States,the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puer-to Rico, or any U.S. territory or possession.

* * * * *

11.0 Other Restricted and Nonmailable Matter

* * * * *

[Revise the heading and text of 11.20, as follows:]

11.20 Prohibition on Sharp Instruments Intended for Use in an Animal Fighting Venture

The interstate or international mailing of a knife, a gaff, orany other sharp instrument attached, or designed orintended to be attached, to the leg of a bird for use in ananimal fighting venture (as defined in section 9.3.1b) is pro-hibited (7 U.S.C. 2156). Violators can be subject to thecriminal penalties in 18 U.S.C. 49. See 9.3.1 for the prohi-bition on mailing animals intended for use in an animalfighting venture and 12.5.7 for the restrictions on mailingwritten, printed, or graphic matter related to animal fightingventures.

* * * * *

12.0 Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter Generally

12.5 Other Nonmailable Matter

* * * * *

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[Revise the heading and text of 12.5.7, as follows:]

12.5.7 Restriction on Matter Related to Animal Fighting Ventures

This standard does not pertain to written, printed, orgraphic matter related to fighting ventures involving livebirds if such fight is permitted under the laws of the state inwhich the fight is to take place (7 U.S.C. 2156). The termsanimal, animal fighting venture, and state are defined in9.3.1. Written, printed, or graphic matter is nonmailable if it:

a. Advertises an animal for use in an animal fightingventure;

b. Advertises a knife, a gaff, or any other sharp instru-ment attached, or designed or intended to be at-tached, to the leg of a bird for use in an animalfighting venture; or

c. Promotes or in any other manner furthers an animalfighting venture.

* * * * *

We will incorporate this revision into the next printedversion of the DMM and into the next update of the onlineDMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.

— Mailing Standards, Pricing, 1-28-10

POM Revision: Treatment of Undeliverable ItemsEffective February 1, 2010, the Postal Service™ will

revise the Postal Operations Manual (POM) to update thestandards for the treatment of unidentified items. The dis-posal of these items as waste will simplify handling proce-dures and reduce costs

Postal Operations Manual (POM)

* * * * *

6 Delivery Services

* * * * *

69 Dead Mail

691 General

* * * * *

691.2 Opening and Examination

[Revise 691.2 to read as follows:]

Except for unendorsed Standard Mail items, all undeliver-able First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Package Servicesitems that cannot be returned because of an incorrect,incomplete, illegible, or missing return address are openedand examined at the Mail Recovery Center (MRC) to iden-tify the sender or addressee. Insured First-Class parcelscontaining Standard Mail or Package Services enclosures(sent under DMM S913) are handled the same way.

691.3 Insured and COD Matter

691.31 Holding Period

[Revise 691.31 to read as follows:]

The Postal Service holds Insured Mail and COD mailpiecesfor 1 week after they become dead. On a weekly basis,send such pieces to the MRC.

* * * * *

691.4 Items Loose in the Mail

* * * * *

691.45 Unidentified Items

[Revise the introductory paragraph of 691.45 to read asfollows:]

Treat unidentified items of value ($25 or more) as dead mail.Except for money (see 691.41) and uncanceled stamps(see 691.42), reuse for business purposes only, donate,recycle, or, as a last resort, dispose of as waste all uniden-tified items without value as follows:

* * * * *

692 Mail Recovery Centers

692.1 Dead Letter and Parcel Mail

692.11 Addresses

[Revise 692.11 to read as follows:]

The MRC address to send administrative mail is as follows:

Atlanta Mail Recovery CenterU.S. Postal ServicePO Box 44161 Atlanta, GA 30378–1161

The MRC address to send undeliverable mail is as follows:

Atlanta Mail Recovery CenterU.S. Postal Service5345 Fulton Industrial Blvd. SWAtlanta, GA 30378–2400

* * * * *

[Delete 692.12 through 692.16 and renumber 692.17through 692.19 as new 692.12 through 692.14.]

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printedversion of the POM and also into the online update, avail-able on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:

Go to http://blue.usps.gov.

In the left-hand column under “Essential Links”, click PolicyNet.

Click HBKs.

The direct, URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet websiteis http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)

— Mailing Standards, Pricing, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (10)

10 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

HandbooksHandbook F-15 Revision: Mileage Rates

Effective January 1, 2010, Handbook F-15, Travel andRelocation, was revised to reflect reimbursement rates fortravel and relocation.

Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation

* * * * *

Part IV Appendices

Appendix A Rates

A-1 Standard Mileage Rates

A-1.1 Mileage Rates

[Revise A-1.1 to read as follows:]

A-1.2 Reimbursement for Postal Service Supervisors

[Revise the first paragraph of A-1.2 to read as follows:]

Postal Service supervisors (see 5- will be reim-bursed at the rate of $6.00 per day or 50 cents per mile,

whichever is greater, when a privately owned vehicle isused. Do not use the eTravel system when claiming the$6.00 daily rate, because the excess of the daily rate overthe actual mileage is taxable as compensation to the claim-ant. You should claim the $6.00 daily rate by submitting PSForm 1164-A, Claim for Reimbursement for Postal Supervi-sors, to the Scanning and Imaging Center.

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printededition of Handbook F-15 and into the next update of theonline version accessible on the Postal Service™ PolicyNetwebsite:

Go to http://blue.usps.gov.

Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.

On the PolicyNet page, click HBKs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet websiteis http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)

— Assets & Payables, Finance, 1-28-10

Reminder: Notification to Destroy/Recycle Handbook PO-250, Consumer Answer BookHandbook PO-250, Consumer Answer Book, is obsolete as previously posted in Postal Bulletin 22272 (11-19-09, page

15). All editions of HBK PO-250 are obsolete and must be destroyed/recycled.

— Field Support and Integration, Consumer Advocate, 1-28-10

PublicationsPublication 223 Revision: Directives and Forms Update

Effective immediately, Publication 223, Directives andForms Catalog, is revised to include current information forthe items noted in this article. See Publication 223 for com-plete information.

Information on how to order directives and forms isavailable in chapter 1 of Publication 223.

Publication 223 is available on the Internet atwww.usps.com/cpim/ftp/pubs/pub223.pdf.

NewHBK SP-1, Highway Contract Routes — Contract Delivery Services.

LAB 11-DOD, DOD Express Mail Label (Absentee Ballot).

MI EL-670-2009-7, Inclusiveness and Diversity Advi-sory Committee.

MI FM-110-2009-2, Sarbanes-Oxley Policy for Sys-tem Changes and System Freeze Period.

MOP COO-10-22-2009, Postal Service Policy Deal-ing with Business Customers Mailing Cigarettes.

PS 6886-A, Thrift Savings Plan — Request for Makeup Contributions for Retirement Coverage Error.

RevisedHBK AS-805, Information Security.

Vehicle Rate per mile (Including Alaska)

Privately owned automobile $0.50 Privately owned motorcycle $0.47Privately owned airplane $1.29

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (11)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates 11

HBK EL-912, Agreement Between United States Postal Service and American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, 2006–2010.

HBK F-20-A, Accounting Services Systems and Processes.

HBK F-101, Field Accounting Procedures.

MAN ELM 20, Employee and Labor Relations Manual.

NOT 67, Automation Template.

PUB 9, USA Philatelic Catalog Request With Busi-ness Reply Card.

PUB 12, Health Benefits Open Season Administrative and Processing Information.

PS 1887, Order for Overprinted PS Form 3849.

PS 5556, CPU December 2009 Stamp Order Form.


— Information Policies and Procedures, Corporate Communications, 1-28-10

Publication 431 Revision: Changes to Post Office Box Service and Caller Service Fee Groups Effective January 28, 2010, Publication431, Post Office

Box Service and Caller Service Fee Groups, is revised toinclude the following changes.

Publication 431, Post Office Box Service and Caller Service Fee Groups

* * * * *

[Add the following entries:]

* * * * *

[Change the following entries:

* * * * *

The online version of Publication 431 is datedJanuary 31, 2008. Changes made after January 31, 2008,have been published in the Postal Bulletin, and are alsoreflected in WebBATS. Publication 431 is currentlyavailable on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website(http://blue.usps.gov/cpim):

Go to http://blue.usps.gov.

Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.

Click PUBs.

Offices with WebBATS access can view current Publi-cation 431 information by generating a WebBATS FacilityInformation Report as follows:

1. Go to the WebBATS main menu, and select Reports.The reports page opens.

2. Under the Clients/System column, System category,click Facility Information.

3. View the Fee Group field in the report.

— Special Services,Retail Products and Services, 1-28-10

PSIN Edition Date Title Replaced ByHBK P-5 10/04 Highway Contract Routes — Box Delivery Service HBK SP-1MI EL-670-95-1 05/95 Diversity and Affirmative Action Advisory Committee MI EL-670-2009-7MOP EN-12-16-1994 12/94 Mercury-Containing Lamps Disposal N/APUB 78 09/03 eTravel Helpful Hints N/APUB 332 03/00 Rewarding Results-Ideas Program N/APUB 619 07/07 Get in the USPS Business Line N/A

ZIP Code Fee Group11853 147740 447747 447750 480236 597076 4

ZIP Code Fee Group38358 574149 497384 6

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (12)

12 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates

Publication 9, USA Philatelic Catalog, Is Now Available Postmasters should order and use Publication 9, USA

Philatelic Catalog, to attract new customers to the world ofstamps and stamp products. Sales made through the USAPhilatelic Catalog are credited back to the customer’sZIP™ Code; that’s revenue for your office with no effort onyour part.

Use the eBuy On-Catalog system to order Publication 9from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) by On-Catalogrequisition; search for items using the PSN listed belowwithout dashes. If your office does not have access toeBuy, you may order using touch-tone order entry (TTOE):Call 800-273-1509.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow theprompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registeringbefore placing your first order). For complete TTOE orderinginstructions, visit the Materials Customer Service website at

http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/_doc/ops_ttoeins.doc or callNational Materials Customer Service at 800-332-0317,option 4.

PSIN: PUB9PSN: 7610-03-000-4604Unit of Measure: EAMinimum Order Quantity: 50Maximum Order Quantity: 500Bulk Pack Quantity: 2,200Quick Pick Number: 458Price: $0.00Edition Date: 1/10

— Stamp Services,Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

Mover’s Guide News: January 2010 Mover’s Guide Has Been DistributedThe January 2010 issue of Publication 75, Mover’s

Guide, has been shipped to all Post Offices™. Please recy-cle all expired versions.

Mover’s Guide Schedule InformationMover’s Guide is printed and distributed three times per year — December (for January use), April (for May use), and August (for September use).

Offices will receive Mover’s Guide copies in one or two shipments. The first shipments arrived in mid-December. The second shipments will arrive 4 to 6 weeks later. Shipments will be sent in quantities of 25, 100, and 300.

Your facility may receive Mover’s Guide copies addressed to other offices. Please check the labels and forward the guides as necessary. Remember to scan delivery confirmations affixed to each box.

Behind the Counter ProgramAll Post Offices are now participating in the Behind the Counter program. To be in compliance with this program, you must continue to keep Mover’s Guide copies behind the counter so that they are inaccessi-ble to customers without the help of a retail associate.

Customers who request a Mover’s Guide should be reminded of the convenient opportunity to submit their change-of-address request at www.usps.com. Internet Change of Address (ICOA) transactions pro-vide customers with the most convenient, safe, and secure way to change their address. Furthermore, online requests reduce processing time, improve address accuracy, and generate significant revenue for the Postal Service™.

Give customers unwilling or unable to submit their change-of-address request at www.usps.com a complete, unopened copy of Mover’s Guide.

Inventory ManagementTo find out when your office will receive shipments, check the following website: http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/operations/ops_downloads.htm.

To change the quantity your office receives, call 800-816-6837 or visit http://blue.usps.gov/delret/L4CustServSupp_Mover.htm.

Businesses and other organizations must purchase the Mover’s Guide and can obtain order forms by calling Imagitas at 800-816-6837.

For further information, see our Frequently Asked Questions at http://blue.usps.gov/retail/_SiteOps/_pdf/moveguide_faqs_12jan07.pdf.

Catalog Address Change and Request CardThe Catalog Address Change and Request Card is attached to PS Form 3575, Change-of-Address Order, and allows movers to let catalogers know their new address.

Important Note: The Catalog Address Change and Request Card must be detached from the PS Form 3575, the catalog description card, and the online adoption message. The Catalog Address Change and Request Card and PS Form 3575 should be mailed separately. This is important for change-of-address processing.

— Address Management,Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (13)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 13

Organization Information

FinanceRenewal of Form W-5, Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate

Form W-5, Earned Income Credit Advance PaymentCertificate, which allows eligible employees to receiveadvance payment of their earned income credit, must berenewed for 2010. All certificates currently in effect expiredat the end of calendar year 2009 and must be renewed bysubmitting a new Form W-5 as soon as possible.

As noted in previous articles, there has been a perma-nent change in procedure concerning the processing ofthese forms. Employees must now send their forms directlyto Accounting Services in Eagan, Minnesota. This proce-dural change will enable Accounting Services to processthese forms in a more timely and efficient manner. InternalRevenue Service (IRS) regulations specifically prohibit anyretroactive changes or additions to the information submit-ted on the original Form W-5. Any changes, corrections, oradditions to a Form W-5 require the submission of a newform.

To ensure the new forms will be effective as early aspossible in calendar year 2010, Accounting Servicesshould receive them at the address shown below no later

than Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Receipt by then willensure the information on the form will be effective as soonas possible in 2010.

Attn: Financial Reporting SectionAccounting Services2825 Lone Oak ParkwayEagan, MN 55121-9617


Administrative and managerial employees must not provide tax advice to employees concerning the completion of Forms W-5. Employees are responsi-ble for proper and timely submission of their form.

IRS regulations mandate employers submit copies of all Forms W-5 received for their employees. After receipt and processing in Eagan, a copy of each form will be sent to the IRS for its review.

— Payroll, Finance, 1-28-10

Form W-4 Completion for Employees Claiming Exempt Status for 2010Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations permit

employees who anticipate no federal tax liability for 2010 tocontinue to claim total exemption from federal tax withhold-ing provided they owed no federal taxes for 2009. Theseregulations also require a new Form W-4, Employee’s With-holding Allowance Certificate, be submitted every calendaryear by employees claiming an exempt status. However,because of PostalEASE, it is no longer necessary for theseemployees to file a hard copy Form W-4.

Employees may meet IRS filing requirements concern-ing exempt Forms W-4 by either logging onto PostalEASEvia the USPS® Intranet at http://blue.usps.gov or by callingPostalEASE toll-free at 877-477-3273, option 1. Follow theForm W-4 instructions provided by PostalEASE, and yourform will be updated for calendar year 2010. If you need tocontact the HR Shared Service Center (HRSSC) in Greens-boro concerning this matter, call 877-477-3273, option 5.

Any employee currently in an exempt status who doesnot submit a new Form W-4 claiming a continuation of theexempt status will be converted to a taxable status, effectivePay Period (PP) 05-10. For an exempt status to remain effec-tive into the next year, the IRS requires completion, submis-sion, and acceptance of a new form no later than February

17. Since February 17 falls within PP 05-10, updated FormW-4 information must be entered into PostalEASE no laterthan Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Entry of the informa-tion by that date will ensure continuation of the exempt sta-tus for 2010.

Any employee who claimed exempt status for 2009 anddoesn’t submit a new Form W-4 will have federal taxeswithheld at the rate normally applicable to an employeeclaiming “Single” with “0” allowances. Employees with anexempt status (as of PP 26-09) will receive printed mes-sages on their earnings statement during PP 03-10 and PP04-10 reminding them a new Form W-4 is required.


All administrative and managerial employees are pro-hibited from providing any tax advice to employees concerning the completion of Form W-4.

Sending information concerning exempt Form W-4 to Eagan Accounting Services is no longer required.

— Payroll, Finance, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (14)

14 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

Intelligent Mail and Address QualityPost Office Changes


Finance No.

ZIP Code State P.O. Name


Station/Branch/Unit Unit Type

Effective Date Comments

Old 18-9585 50681 IA Westgate Fayette Main Office Post Office 08/08/2007 Post Office™ discontinued. Retain ZIP™ Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Westgate IA 50681 as last line of address.

New 18-5823 50681 IA Maynard Fayette Westgate Place Name 10/25/2009

Old 18-4077 51541 IA Henderson Mills Main Office Post Office 10/24/2008 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Henderson IA 51541 as last line of address.

New 18-5508 51541 IA Macedonia Mills Henderson Place Name 11/21/2009

Old 18-2115 50842 IA Cromwell Union Main Office Post Ofice 06/23/2008 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Cromwell IA 50842 as last line of address.

New 18-2106 50842 IA Creston Union Cromwell Place Name 12/12/2009

Old 18-9360 52170 IA Waterville Allamakee Main Office Post Office 09/03/2008 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Waterville IA 52170 as last line of address.

New 18-6111 52170 IA Monona Alamakee Waterville Place Name 09/26/2009

Old 17-0517 47011 IN Bennington Switzerland Main Office Post Office 04/13/2009 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Bennington IN 47011 as last line of address.

New 17-9053 47011 IN Vevay Switzerland Bennington Place Name 07/25/2009

Old 17-5511 47261 IN Millhousen Decatur Main Office Post Office 08/22/2009 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Millhousen IN 47261 as last line of address.

New 17-3432 47261 IN Greensburg Decatur Millhousen Place Name 10/31/2009

Old 17-2893 47430 IN Fort Ritner Washington Main Office Post Office 05/12/2006 Post Office and ZIP Code discontinued. Establish a place name. Fort Ritner IN becomes an acceptable last line for use with ZIP Code 47421.

New 17-0473 47421 IN Bedford Washington Fort Ritner Place Name 10/24/2009

Old 17-0792 47514 IN Branchville Perry Main Office Post Office 06/02/2003 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Branchville IN 47514 as last line of address.

New 17-1221 47514 IN Cannelton Perry Branchville Place Name 10/10/2009

Old 17-7656 47576 IN Saint Croix Perry Main Office Post Office 04/01/2006 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Saint Croix IN 47576 as last line of address.

New 17-1221 47576 IN Cannelton Perry Saint Croix Place Name 10/10/2009

Old 20-5396 42287 KY Morgantown Butler Welchs Creek Community Post Office

Realign ZIP Code boundaries. Use Welchs Creek KY 42261 as last line of address for the 100 deliveries previously in ZIP Code 42287.

New 20-5396 42261 KY Morgantown Butler Welchs Creek Community Post Office


PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (15)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 15

Old 20-8452 40495 KY Winston Estill Main Office Post Office 11/30/2007 Post Office and ZIP Code discontinued. Establish a place name. Winston KY becomes an acceptable last line for use with ZIP Code 40336.

New 20-4000 40336 KY Irvine Estill Winston Place Name 09/12/2009

Old 20-4656 41833 KY Linefork Letcher Main Office Post Office 05/30/2008 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Linefork KY 41833 as last line of address.

New 20-8328 41833 KY Whitesburg Letcher Linefork Place Name 11/07/2009

Old 20-0476 42124 KY Beaumont Metcalfe Main Office Post Office 05/01/2008 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Beaumont KY 42124 as last line of address.

New 20-7512 42124 KY Summer Shade

Metcalfe Beaumont Place Name 11/07/2009

Old 20-6032 42364 KY Pellville Hancock Main Office Post Office 01/18/2007 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a Community Post Office. Continue to use Pellville KY 42364 as last line of address.

New 20-3612 42364 KY Hawesville Hancock Pellville Community Post Office


Old 20-2456 42733 KY Elk Horn Taylor Main Office Post Office 12/31/2007 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Elk Horn KY 42733 as last line of address.

New 20-1216 42733 KY Campbellsville Taylor Elk Horn Place Name 09/12/2009

Old 33-3630 07732 NJ Highlands Monmouth Fort Hancock Classified Branch

12/08/2008 Classified Branch discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Fort Hancock NJ 07732 as last line of address.

New 33-3630 07732 NJ Highlands Monmouth Fort Hancock Place Name 12/08/2008

Old 39-6204 73764 OK Omega Kingfisher Main Office Post Office 07/20/2007 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Omega OK 73764 as last line of address.

New 39-4554 73764 OK Kingfisher Kingfisher Omega Place Name 11/21/2009

Old 40-1280 97416 OR Camas Valley Douglas Main Office Post Office 12/13/2006 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a Community Post Office. Continue to use Camas Valley OR 97416 as last line of address.

New 40-9376 97416 OR Winston Douglas Camas Valley Community Post Office


Old 41-7076 15853 PA Ridgway Elk Portland Mills Community Post Office

02/01/1974 Community Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Use Ridgway PA 15853 as last line of address.

New 41-7076 15853 PA Ridgway Elk Main Office Post Office 05/30/2009

Old 41-2512 16321 PA Endeavor Forest East Hickory Community Post Office

05/30/2009 Community Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use East Hickory PA 16321 as last line of address.

New 41-2512 16321 PA Endeavor Forest East Hickory Place Name 05/30/2009

Old 47-0984 38010 TN Braden Fayette Main Office Post Office 04/22/2005 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Braden TN 38010 as last line of address.

New 47-5568 38010 TN Mason Fayette Braden Fayette 11/21/2009


Finance No.

ZIP Code State P.O. Name


Station/Branch/Unit Unit Type

Effective Date Comments

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (16)

16 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

— Address Management, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, 1-28-10

(Section continued on page 41)

Old 47-0156 38542 TN Allred Overton Main Office Post Office 04/30/2004 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Allred TN 38542 as last line of address.

New 47-0168 38542 TN Alpine Overton Allred Place Name 11/21/2009

Old 56-7890 54657 WI Steuben Crawford Main Office Post Office 08/20/2007 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Steuben WI 54657 as last line of address.

New 56-2470 54657 WI Eastman Crawford Steuben Place Name 01/09/2010

Old 55-0966 25665 WV Borderland Mingo Main Office Post Office 04/21/1999 Post Office and ZIP Code discontinued. Establish a place name. Boderland WV becomes an acceptable last line for use with ZIP Code 25667.

New 55-1482 25667 WV Chattaroy Mingo Borderland Place Name 06/20/2009

Old 55-0870 25025 WV Blount Kanawha Main Office Post Office 10/28/1999 Post Office discontinued. Retain ZIP Code. Establish a place name. Continue to use Blount WV 25025 as last line of address.

New 55-7950 25025 WV Tad Kanawha Blount Place Name 10/24/2009


Finance No.

ZIP Code State P.O. Name


Station/Branch/Unit Unit Type

Effective Date Comments

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (17)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out InformationPull-Out Information 17

Pull-Out Information

FraudInvalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers

These numbers are to be posted and used by retail/acceptance clerks. This listing supersedes all previousnotices, which must be recycled. Retail/acceptance clerksmust not accept Express Mail® shipments bearing any of

the invalid numbers (listed below) in the “customer num-ber” or “agreement number” section of the label or form.

Note: The first 6 digits of a 9-digit Custom Designed Ser-vice and Next Day Pickup Agreement make up theCorporate Account Number.

006377 015360 019508 025339 069035 075269 075747 076207 076901 105967 152154 321001 358071








006758 008024 008028 008102 008234 008273 008368 008592 008599 008726 008823 008847 008853 008896 008909 009240 009378 009505 009601 009629 010196 010423 010789 012334 014012 014104 014117 014125 014133 014163 014277 014327 014547 014563 014566 014613 014733 014806 014831 014949 014978 015028 015053 015145 015189 015254 015262

015393 015495 015530 015539 015558 015576 015590 015639 015698 015804 016030 016077 016174 016289 016414 016426 016549 016551 016566 016633 016659 016691 016747 018052 018118 018174 018203 018205 018407 018478 019137 019210 019239 019253 019309 019398 019413 019436 019448 019450 019478 019485 019486 019496 019499 019500 019506

019523 019534 019560 019612 019613 019651 019702 019703 019732 019737 019745 019784 019852 019856 019859 019899 019905 019913 019916 019941 019981 019999 020118 021108 021194 021225 021278 021572 021608 021836 021924 022033 022095 022157 022186 022232 022347 022355 022461 022623 022626 022634 022662 022670 022765 022870 022895

025395 026276 026539 027082 027493 028021 028437 028475 029636 029705 031287 038100 040090 042104 042315 043050 052106 053002 055005 055124 055141 055172 055187 055196 055223 060063 060379 060403 060559 062056 064022 064663 064806 065092 065972 067045 067209 068030 068032 068065 068077 068319 068395 068476 068532 068572 069015

069139 069145 069267 069377 069505 069705 069821 069886 069910 071425 071445 071451 071456 071467 071478 071497 071501 071513 071515 071528 071577 071582 071603 071614 071625 071636 071637 071644 071650 071651 075009 075014 075021 075045 075050 075133 075135 075150 075192 075198 075199 075201 075207 075254 075258 075259 075262

075278 075281 075318 075328 075332 075334 075335 075336 075338 075342 075345 075357 075371 075376 075408 075430 075450 075460 075488 075494 075495 075504 075509 075515 075521 075537 075546 075551 075561 075565 075572 075588 075590 075609 075628 075634 075635 075636 075671 075686 075694 075697 075720 075735 075737 075739 075740

075749 075755 075766 075767 075768 075770 075789 075792 075795 075797 075822 075838 075839 075840 075844 075849 075861 075876 075920 075924 075927 075929 075939 075940 075942 075959 075973 075983 075986 076029 076030 076042 076045 076053 076083 076098 076104 076105 076107 076108 076110 076111 076117 076131 076134 076172 076189

076220 076228 076239 076247 076250 076251 076297 076307 076309 076325 076340 076359 076384 076391 076393 076394 076396 076437 076440 076444 076448 076462 076487 076560 076583 076613 076645 076687 076694 076712 076720 076735 076756 076762 076777 076786 076787 076797 076798 076823 076846 076848 076860 076882 076892 076897 076898

076911 076921 076941 076958 076960 076963 076980 076984 078052 080344 085704 088776 089576 090492 090654 092764 093534 093997 094413 095815 096506 098043 098208 098731 100022 100508 100512 100534 100557 100573 100575 100591 100637 100731 103226 103229 103237 103360 103372 103458 103651 103834 105060 105210 105640 105736 105907

106445 107242 107298 109470 109635 110003 110370 110599 111122 111264 111604 111617 111989 112006 112031 112070 112076 112079 112082 112083 112512 112813 112852 113547 113923 115018 115106 115196 115326 115521 115950 117014 117150 117436 117663 118055 119110 119514 120156 124177 125463 134031 142045 142979 146390 150038 150249

152506 152858 152984 156195 165200 165322 192154 192648 192903 206049 208918 210120 210137 212367 220144 220326 220426 220659 220776 222033 232373 235531 263026 265012 280158 296540 296554 300097 300528 300727 301224 301235 301395 301396 301448 301459 301482 301494 301561 301589 306657 306929 309017 311165 314336 314431 320122

322289 326182 327105 327253 327402 328071 328723 328996 329073 329268 329503 330032 330128 330218 331278 331408 331444 331701 331806 332365 332370 333044 333075 333186 334732 335219 335273 335882 336185 336220 336227 336269 336270 337088 337112 337202 338089 339102 340229 347090 349102 349750 349844 349861 349864 349889 349971

358989 372507 386079 402022 402367 402607 405014 424047 430203 432559 432954 439524 441072 441164 441540 441710 441742 443200 443562 452674 456022 460109 461129 462017 467105 471245 473061 474024 477086 477156 483035 489316 495145 495146 496035 531336 531690 531894 544066 547557 551085 551115 551175 551206 551218 551221 551235

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (18)

18 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out InformationPull-Out Information

551236 551247 551256 551262 551267 551293 551355 551589 551603 551716 551818 551867 551869 551883 551889 551903 551909 551941 551959 551963 551980 551997 553138 553165 553179 553264 553304 553322 553364

553417 553461 553480 553487 553504 553549 553550 553593 553616 553743 553823 553863 553882 553889 553894 553922 553949 553996 554005 554026 554043 554205 554214 554300 554347 554353 554541 554588 554697

554700 554703 554704 554714 554715 554902 554928 554979 554987 557020 557028 557032 558062 558096 559044 559060 564026 570014 570066 571022 572022 577001 581143 591855 598672 600180 600662 601005 601028

601033 601053 601091 601238 601639 601815 601836 601975 601981 602113 602295 603163 604129 605113 606020 606557 607231 607458 608106 610231 616112 620050 627136 630021 631945 641026 641196 641612 641618

641627 641781 641952 641999 658111 658225 662089 662090 662163 666150 672005 681638 681671 701013 708566 711656 712167 722153 740099 740385 740548 741140 741141 741529 741733 741761 750103 750109 750288

750325 752008 752148 760151 770021 770374 770527 770769 770821 771042 771995 772987 773077 773499 774061 774069 778323 782135 782149 793001 794211 795002 800240 800364 802347 802459 805365 809238 811027

840011 840019 840047 840120 840492 841054 841244 841246 841252 841934 843069 846212 847003 847018 852589 853238 853515 853870 853895 856182 891214 891246 891274 891322 891331 891357 891363 891384 891404

891538 891646 891841 891843 891960 891967 891968 891978 891983 891987 891989 891996 895020 895546 900074 900110 900547 900648 906003 906119 906262 907349 907626 911001 913099 913134 913160 914058 914809

915022 915133 915145 915723 916013 917340 917514 917625 917759 920010 920022 921055 921538 925114 926032 926187 926269 926346 926373 926454 926464 926489 926492 926562 926752 926827 927415 928319 928421

928505 928543 928621 930069 930294 931423 931463 931579 932698 933253 933516 933545 935274 937844 937861 937884 940364 940369 940412 940422 940458 940549 940588 940863 940960 941074 941546 941626 941667

941744 945242 945307 945559 945729 948091 948463 948601 948730 948806 948839 949382 949650 950312 950488 950880 950999 951151 951636 951721 952283 953356 958192 958637 967112 967146 967151 967175 967176

967219 967237 967260 967295 967297 967321 968233 968268 968326 968334 968366 968383 968388 968412 968413 968419 968434 968462 968477 968488 968509 968512 968525 968547 968569 968577 968595 968610 968701

968708 968849 968892 968937 968951 968991 969029 969062 970215 970586 970886 970955 971018 971061 971063 977040 980045 980482 980764 982051 982490 982534 982642 992752 995102 997173

— Product Information Requirements, Business Mail Entry & Payment Technologies, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (19)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 19

Missing, Lost, or Stolen U.S. Money Order Forms

Do Not Cash — Upon Receipt, Notify Local Postal InspectorsThis listing will be provided to all Postal Service™

employees responsible for accepting and cashing postalmoney orders. Destroy all interim notices when the num-bers listed appear in the Postal Bulletin. The actual serial

numbers consist of the first 10 digits on the money orders.Check for altered dollar amounts by holding money ordersto the light.

010 504 1932 to 1999 043 129 1968 to 1997 082 721 0228 to 0254 302 000 0000 to 9999

011 582 1889 to 1899011 588 2900 to 3099012 579 5675 to 5699013 289 6176 to 6199013 610 0014 to 0099014 932 1000 to 1099014 972 0800 to 0899015 363 0065 to 0099017 028 3200 to 3299018 569 5333 to 5399018 986 5264 to 5299019 518 2814 to 2899020 698 5159 to 5199020 844 7307 to 7399020 972 8948 to 8999022 021 9110 to 9181022 037 1411 to 1499022 527 9201 to 9210023 637 7169 to 7199024 380 4100 to 4199024 496 6870 to 6896025 092 0987 to 0999025 369 5535 to 5599025 729 1151 to 1199025 729 1643 to 1799026 492 3180 to 3199027 361 0430 to 0499027 369 4482 to 4495027 671 8762 to 8776027 787 9886 to 9899027 965 9487 to 9499028 100 8069 to 8099028 191 1852 to 1999028 850 3000 to 3199029 510 1500 to 1599030 687 0903 to 0999030 701 3442 to 3499031 077 4507 to 4799032 295 7500 to 9999034 394 1000 to 1099034 943 0400 to 0799035 035 4337 to 4399037 706 9578 to 9599037 805 3677 to 3699037 909 5490 to 5499037 931 4660 to 4699039 145 6521 to 6595040 024 3901 to 3999040 674 7100 to 7199040 688 8816 to 8899041 299 6752 to 6799041 623 8889 to 8899041 803 6565 to 6599

043 205 5922 to 5999044 087 3457 to 3499044 087 4000 to 4099044 306 4200 to 4299044 306 4370 to 4599045 524 4121 to 4298046 800 9870 to 9899047 352 4000 to 4099048 383 7650 to 7659048 396 3647 to 3699051 142 0755 to 0799051 774 8857 to 8899051 781 2875 to 2885051 977 7010 to 7023052 058 7115 to 7199054 450 1130 to 1167057 670 0563 to 0599058 187 3836 to 3899058 523 3003 to 3099058 591 1153 to 1299058 895 3746 to 3799059 986 0814 to 0899060 406 7650 to 7699063 491 8122 to 8199063 916 9968 to 9999064 091 4500 to 4599065 170 0471 to 0499065 255 7909 to 7999065 392 6345 to 6399066 099 2014 to 2099066 648 2880 to 2899066 787 3639 to 3699066 845 7500 to 9999067 093 3869 to 3899068 895 0334 to 0399070 724 4488 to 4499070 841 9181 to 9199070 844 2546 to 2599070 916 1340 to 1399071 047 5768 to 5799071 179 9800 to 9899071 386 3682 to 3699071 507 6840 to 6899072 045 9641 to 9699072 675 8287 to 8299077 617 5481 to 5499077 999 4001 to 4090078 174 4475 to 4499078 219 4931 to 4999078 250 4756 to 4799078 823 8312 to 8399079 374 0300 to 2499079 807 2342 to 2399

083 140 5000 to 7499083 784 8886 to 8899083 913 6915 to 6999084 478 3920 to 3999086 000 8271 to 8299086 798 3840 to 3849088 404 4472 to 4499088 404 5584 to 5699088 757 8688 to 8699088 757 9400 to 9499089 358 2248 to 2257093 106 9346 to 9355093 203 0500 to 0599093 684 3630 to 3699094 081 5074 to 5099094 216 2555 to 2599094 580 7062 to 7099094 639 4200 to 4299095 070 7186 to 7199095 076 8300 to 8399095 354 6864 to 6899097 224 1350 to 1599100 160 3800 to 3899104 667 6400 to 6499104 876 8937 to 8999112 049 4413 to 4499112 870 9765 to 9799114 402 3850 to 3899114 866 5368 to 5397116 154 2800 to 2899116 986 4400 to 4499117 175 1647 to 5169117 951 4687 to 4699117 951 5200 to 5299119 815 8961 to 6199119 850 7400 to 7499119 850 7700 to 7999121 634 0460 to 0499122 451 9879 to 9899122 714 6805 to 6900124 916 0304 to 0499126 423 0136 to 0169160 901 2254 to 2299161 103 6581 to 6599162 032 4447 to 4499163 257 1085 to 1099166 101 1433 to 1499178 254 5000 to 9999178 881 9900 to 9999210 221 0548 to 0599227 275 9400 to 9999273 070 8059 to 8099273 775 7700 to 7899

349 746 2056 to 2099350 518 7350 to 7374360 011 1690 to 1699360 168 6008 to 6099360 173 8800 to 8899360 324 2326 to 2399362 861 3064 to 3099373 006 2176 to 2199374 768 2600 to 2699375 169 4400 to 4599375 829 3400 to 3499375 851 9100 to 9199376 196 0911 to 0999378 085 3679 to 3699378 351 1063 to 1099379 843 5100 to 5199380 093 9600 to 9699380 165 1165 to 1199381 325 4500 to 4599381 604 2510 to 2699381 645 9525 to 9599383 314 3968 to 3999383 892 1000 to 1344383 892 1382 to 1399384 925 3641 to 3654385 568 2331 to 2399385 599 7554 to 7575385 774 2024 to 2099386 624 1412 to 1599386 883 8936 to 8999387 314 5574 to 5599387 837 6300 to 6399388 828 0656 to 0699389 696 2400 to 2799389 846 3104 to 3135389 846 3145 to 3195389 887 9211 to 9230389 887 9234 to 9299390 001 3182 to 3199390 001 3500 to 3699390 545 5974 to 5999391 104 6146 to 6199391 574 1466 to 1499391 783 3020 to 3599391 792 6100 to 6199392 668 2956 to 2999392 854 8500 to 8899393 584 7566 to 7699393 650 0074 to 0099393 838 8316 to 8499393 893 6007 to 6099394 126 6907 to 6999394 189 0405 to 0599

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (20)

20 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

394 822 3243 to 3278394 990 1810 to 1899395 343 3264 to 3299395 373 3035 to 3099395 396 9649 to 9799395 970 3240 to 3299397 622 4054 to 4099397 819 8902 to 8999398 149 7200 to 7699399 070 0872 to 0899399 156 7119 to 7199399 203 5064 to 5099399 296 9910 to 9999399 396 8935 to 8999399 792 7775 to 7799399 792 8300 to 8399400 427 1051 to 1999401 045 1505 to 1549401 045 1571 to 1599401 294 2700 to 2799401 310 9505 to 9599401 382 5312 to 5399402 578 7876 to 7899403 125 6744 to 6799403 260 7000 to 7499403 280 6470 to 6499403 685 8600 to 8699404 003 0300 to 0399404 041 8838 to 8899404 071 4268 to 4299404 347 5356 to 5399404 347 5548 to 5599404 726 4500 to 4599404 961 5001 to 5199405 325 0188 to 0198406 009 4587 to 4599406 260 6830 to 6899406 459 6641 to 6999406 733 3000 to 3999407 545 1557 to 1599407 594 0412 to 0599407 692 9100 to 9299407 959 2190 to 2199408 265 2275 to 2288408 499 7700 to 7799408 499 7900 to 7999408 682 8484 to 8599408 698 7015 to 7099409 072 3941 to 3999410 491 2311 to 2399410 694 8400 to 8599410 775 1500 to 1599410 795 7927 to 7999410 867 0917 to 0966410 867 0970 to 0999411 868 1023 to 1199411 922 2322 to 2399412 193 0900 to 0999412 395 8599 to 8699412 485 6500 to 6599412 485 6610 to 6699412 885 5953 to 5999414 193 3608 to 3674414 193 3677 to 3699

414 411 7348 to 7399414 640 0757 to 0799414 965 1727 to 1799417 302 8104 to 8199417 387 6532 to 6599417 496 6800 to 6999417 871 9250 to 9299417 930 9533 to 9599418 164 6500 to 6799418 423 9863 to 9899418 633 5922 to 5999418 719 8520 to 8599418 744 2235 to 2299418 962 2848 to 2899419 543 0286 to 0299419 730 0300 to 0399420 277 0015 to 0049420 599 0734 to 0798420 661 4115 to 4199420 758 9500 to 9699420 969 3951 to 3971420 969 3973 to 3999421 116 3565 to 3599421 130 9300 to 9399421 313 4500 to 4999421 364 5537 to 5599421 656 2609 to 2699421 988 9700 to 9799422 172 4667 to 4699422 484 4212 to 4299422 556 1270 to 1299422 587 7024 to 7099422 819 7533 to 7599422 842 5073 to 5087422 907 7563 to 7599424 500 6050 to 6099424 641 8500 to 8599424 871 6600 to 6699425 298 2352 to 2399425 418 4269 to 4299425 418 4405 to 4499426 547 4566 to 4599427 412 6337 to 6499427 481 0900 to 0999428 027 2742 to 2752429 474 4172 to 4199429 889 2900 to 2999430 150 4401 to 4599430 172 9800 to 9899430 177 1900 to 2099430 444 9500 to 9699430 664 4070 to 4099432 168 8419 to 8499432 708 6800 to 6999432 744 1544 to 1599432 995 9775 to 9799433 003 5800 to 5899433 757 3047 to 3099433 765 4003 to 4099434 482 7060 to 7199434 513 2386 to 2399434 968 3076 to 3092435 303 1831 to 1842435 303 1986 to 1999

435 666 6092 to 6399436 082 6400 to 6899436 160 6441 to 6499437 316 7115 to 7199437 427 0500 to 3499439 179 2300 to 2399439 310 0458 to 0499440 698 1947 to 1999440 858 6300 to 6399440 858 6420 to 7299441 199 1655 to 1699443 127 3648 to 3699443 127 4000 to 4099443 673 7900 to 7999443 800 9335 to 9399444 382 8822 to 8899444 390 1667 to 1699444 457 3854 to 3899450 048 4173 to 4199450 048 4442 to 4699450 560 5173 to 5199450 620 3077 to 3099450 620 3135 to 3199450 780 2716 to 2799450 801 2700 to 2799451 109 2967 to 2984451 115 4110 to 4125451 115 4127 to 4199451 746 0700 to 0799452 265 0074 to 0099452 265 0246 to 0299452 265 0335 to 0999452 509 1169 to 1199452 855 6471 to 6499452 890 4679 to 4799452 900 8215 to 8238453 117 9146 to 9199453 334 3631 to 3699453 603 7841 to 7891453 650 1140 to 1199453 741 1300 to 1399454 013 2919 to 2999454 186 2411 to 2499454 268 4883 to 4899454 302 5400 to 5499454 490 8300 to 8399454 547 7434 to 7499454 922 4867 to 4895455 221 1348 to 1499455 364 2147 to 2199455 399 5400 to 5499455 476 0676 to 0699455 543 0618 to 0699456 410 9006 to 9099456 470 4146 to 4299456 619 4460 to 4499457 333 2686 to 2699457 729 1767 to 1777457 937 8615 to 8699458 028 9810 to 9899458 057 2712 to 2999458 069 9537 to 9599458 069 9665 to 9699458 337 5222 to 5299

458 354 7653 to 7999458 671 8678 to 8699458 671 8721 to 8798458 847 5044 to 5999459 274 7624 to 7699459 365 5432 to 5499459 378 5764 to 5799459 472 4816 to 4999460 349 6878 to 6899460 550 1909 to 1999460 997 5234 to 5299461 973 6443 to 6499462 152 0107 to 0299462 274 1072 to 1099462 277 8373 to 8399462 554 6051 to 6099463 011 5529 to 5540463 176 4115 to 4199463 176 4229 to 4299463 185 2600 to 2799463 227 7711 to 7799463 414 4869 to 4899463 808 3484 to 3499463 945 7400 to 7899464 629 9000 to 9399464 711 4332 to 4399465 692 3963 to 3999465 698 8300 to 8599465 743 7745 to 7799466 798 6056 to 6067467 147 4300 to 4399468 079 5782 to 5799469 067 2817 to 2899469 127 8000 to 8199469 213 0359 to 0399469 213 0500 to 0599469 561 8011 to 8099469 658 1961 to 1999469 666 9900 to 9999469 678 1900 to 1999469 781 4900 to 4999469 947 6960 to 6999470 755 5800 to 5818471 918 0300 to 0999471 985 2408 to 2419472 191 6700 to 6799472 270 2555 to 2599472 987 0213 to 0241472 987 0290 to 0299473 151 2069 to 2199473 666 9138 to 9199473 952 3429 to 3499474 108 5402 to 5499474 356 5193 to 5299474 949 3366 to 3399475 134 9362 to 9399475 167 9667 to 9699475 319 3415 to 3499475 319 3649 to 3799475 340 6400 to 6599475 424 8410 to 8499475 629 9156 to 9199475 850 6101 to 6199475 875 2500 to 2599

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (21)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 21

476 169 8264 to 8299476 189 3000 to 3499476 331 2480 to 2499477 289 8601 to 8699477 681 5206 to 5299478 010 4243 to 4268478 010 4270 to 4291478 450 5071 to 5099478 469 7838 to 7858478 469 7883 to 7899479 280 9800 to 9899479 365 9116 to 9176479 412 9900 to 9999479 667 6190 to 6199479 748 9680 to 9699479 860 7000 to 7199480 526 2000 to 2099480 640 6330 to 6399480 658 0568 to 0599480 689 5100 to 5199481 072 9463 to 9499481 673 0074 to 0095482 527 1500 to 1599482 541 5255 to 5299482 729 6800 to 6899483 363 7207 to 7299483 402 2356 to 2399483 486 5100 to 5199483 632 1521 to 1599483 632 2600 to 2799483 849 1615 to 1699484 174 4803 to 5299484 323 8900 to 9199484 680 5000 to 5038484 680 5040 to 5074484 680 5077 to 5099485 029 4913 to 4999486 176 0600 to 0699486 559 7555 to 7599486 696 3023 to 3199488 173 7900 to 7999488 206 4100 to 4199488 226 0200 to 0299488 709 3906 to 3999488 855 8359 to 8399489 181 8963 to 8999489 223 2000 to 2099489 311 1930 to 1999489 318 6200 to 6300489 384 0027 to 0099489 427 0658 to 0899489 997 5252 to 5299490 669 5850 to 6099490 717 7080 to 7099490 721 6000 to 6099490 793 1500 to 2099490 886 8171 to 8199490 977 9221 to 9240491 258 8100 to 9099491 567 1376 to 1399492 254 4800 to 4899492 283 5100 to 5199492 610 6813 to 6899493 394 5568 to 5599

493 470 2562 to 2599493 473 7700 to 7799493 716 2153 to 2199494 206 2972 to 2999494 217 3446 to 3999494 224 0500 to 0599495 145 0600 to 0699496 209 7425 to 7499496 213 8728 to 8799496 474 5226 to 5248497 053 8517 to 8699497 854 8673 to 8699498 449 8888 to 8899498 929 8285 to 8499498 936 5310 to 5399499 016 5425 to 5499499 440 8575 to 8899499 731 6717 to 6799500 064 1858 to 1869500 070 5725 to 7799501 331 0300 to 0399502 227 7645 to 7699502 424 0200 to 0499502 424 0600 to 0699503 194 5144 to 5153504 045 4030 to 4099504 166 0500 to 240 1399600 645 3223 to 3299601 339 1200 to 1399601 653 5884 to 5899601 661 7700 to 7799601 682 5343 to 5399601 928 1600 to 1699602 512 2972 to 2999602 555 2400 to 2799602 829 7061 to 7099603 483 9572 to 9599603 490 7200 to 7299603 678 7100 to 7199603 678 7662 to 7699603 678 7902 to 7999603 678 8418 to 8499603 678 8700 to 9999604 086 0880 to 0899604 349 1414 to 1499604 503 7776 to 7799605 520 9037 to 9099605 685 4010 to 4099605 988 6467 to 6499607 689 7951 to 7960607 728 1276 to 1299608 727 7100 to 7199608 727 7273 to 7599608 813 9950 to 9999609 067 5325 to 5399609 067 5488 to 5499609 067 5600 to 5699609 289 6123 to 6199609 438 4400 to 4499609 493 1100 to 1199609 766 8091 to 8999609 825 4100 to 4115609 884 2981 to 2999609 893 1000 to 1099

610 092 3200 to 3299610 582 4200 to 4299611 879 6939 to 6999612 291 8013 to 8099612 751 5171 to 5199612 751 5226 to 5299612 751 6083 to 6099612 751 6268 to 6299612 751 6572 to 6599612 774 2111 to 2199612 774 2254 to 2299612 774 2500 to 2599614 469 0979 to 0999614 474 3000 to 3099614 521 3490 to 3499614 645 1800 to 1899614 832 1100 to 2099615 017 7505 to 7599617 711 6609 to 6699617 760 5266 to 5299617 813 3601 to 3699618 840 9200 to 9299619 551 7229 to 7299619 859 3000 to 3099620 073 9400 to 9499621 614 7907 to 7930621 614 7932 to 7999621 648 8021 to 8199621 648 8500 to 8599621 904 8351 to 8599621 916 1978 to 1989622 989 8032 to 8099623 076 9300 to 9399623 819 5006 to 5099623 895 8200 to 8399623 917 0000 to 0099623 917 0200 to 0299624 468 5288 to 5299624 665 3162 to 3198625 088 6735 to 6799625 916 9500 to 9799625 968 8956 to 8999627 005 3938 to 3999627 384 3907 to 4099627 496 7549 to 7599627 708 3605 to 3699627 776 2500 to 2599628 226 3100 to 3199628 814 4702 to 4799628 851 9689 to 9699629 510 7200 to 7299629 964 4200 to 4294630 389 3056 to 3071630 463 0588 to 0599631 459 9117 to 9199631 762 9325 to 9399632 217 4933 to 4999632 500 0000 to 640 3999633 110 4165 to 4199633 110 4303 to 4499633 438 6429 to 6599633 588 7173 to 7182634 725 0700 to 0799634 803 3239 to 3299

634 807 2474 to 2499634 827 5900 to 5999634 886 3428 to 3499635 559 3449 to 3499636 289 6214 to 6299636 634 8007 to 8042637 150 1200 to 1299637 562 5828 to 5899638 042 1647 to 1699638 049 4984 to 4999638 318 1115 to 1199638 318 1453 to 1499638 885 0000 to 0299638 903 4362 to 4373639 415 1929 to 1999639 415 2019 to 2099639 420 6200 to 6299639 469 3517 to 3799639 605 2143 to 2199639 657 8600 to 8799640 289 7500 to 7599640 289 7700 to 7999641 170 4420 to 4499641 318 3133 to 3199641 378 6500 to 6999641 383 8739 to 8799641 877 3187 to 3299641 877 3310 to 3399642 355 8094 to 8199642 355 8308 to 8999642 900 0018 to 0099643 030 6254 to 6299644 066 0882 to 0899644 069 0600 to 0699644 077 7506 to 7699644 085 8157 to 8199644 112 9839 to 9899644 373 9083 to 9099644 380 1460 to 1499644 733 4715 to 4799644 900 9712 to 9799644 901 0109 to 1299644 901 1325 to 1399644 923 6800 to 7799644 932 4655 to 4699645 318 7240 to 7499645 333 1766 to 1799645 790 8632 to 8699645 821 0657 to 0699645 930 7948 to 7999645 975 0737 to 0762646 242 6200 to 6299646 270 7639 to 7799646 798 4000 to 4999647 048 7035 to 7099647 049 2900 to 2999647 398 8300 to 8399647 398 8481 to 8499647 437 3000 to 4999647 811 2188 to 2199648 009 6057 to 6099648 163 5300 to 5499648 722 5283 to 5299648 892 3164 to 3199

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (22)

22 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

649 100 3989 to 3999649 647 0370 to 0399649 647 0522 to 0599649 647 5237 to 5399649 647 9100 to 9299649 666 7800 to 8299650 114 7707 to 7719650 130 3400 to 3599650 213 0406 to 0499650 555 1749 to 1799650 564 1900 to 1999650 627 4212 to 4299650 736 2043 to 2099650 739 1540 to 1699651 741 4415 to 4499651 882 2800 to 2899652 754 6317 to 6399653 131 4945 to 4999653 426 3300 to 3399653 455 4874 to 4899654 238 0000 to 0399654 404 3065 to 3092654 962 2900 to 3199655 103 5081 to 5199655 523 2600 to 2999656 305 2448 to 2499657 347 4438 to 4999657 710 8100 to 8999657 780 0985 to 0999658 586 1400 to 1499658 877 8000 to 8199658 880 8000 to 8199659 398 7300 to 7399659 706 8113 to 8199659 846 7837 to 7899660 510 4100 to 4199660 673 0400 to 0599661 488 5000 to 5099661 609 9100 to 9199661 716 9420 to 9499661 906 6522 to 6599662 021 8332 to 8399662 068 0700 to 0899662 553 0774 to 0799663 078 7034 to 7099663 763 5300 to 5399663 883 7039 to 7499663 938 9200 to 9299664 253 8000 to 8499664 656 3055 to 3099665 174 6400 to 6499665 274 8208 to 8299665 669 5400 to 5499666 132 8226 to 8299666 696 2209 to 2299666 696 2309 to 2399667 032 9300 to 9399667 729 5529 to 5599668 383 8400 to 8699670 368 3400 to 3499670 369 7336 to 7399670 750 7169 to 7199671 046 6200 to 6399671 251 5448 to 5499

671 926 5600 to 5799672 444 2000 to 2999672 828 3410 to 3499673 167 5776 to 5799675 464 3700 to 3799675 464 4000 to 4199676 365 5958 to 5999676 669 1024 to 1099677 126 6734 to 6799677 333 9979 to 9999677 466 1088 to 1099678 071 4500 to 4799678 096 7531 to 7599679 909 2578 to 2599680 112 9565 to 9599680 244 0903 to 0999680 412 6046 to 6099680 761 6800 to 6899681 677 0540 to 0699682 070 1029 to 1099682 956 6280 to 6299682 956 6490 to 6599682 956 6700 to 6799682 965 1178 to 1199682 965 1201 to 1299683 118 2389 to 2399683 378 2000 to 2099683 378 2117 to 2299683 415 1200 to 1499683 444 8159 to 8199685 154 7780 to 7789685 297 7645 to 7699685 623 5264 to 5299685 650 9487 to 9499685 669 4200 to 4299685 757 8452 to 8499686 071 2694 to 2799686 176 3333 to 3354686 372 3200 to 3299686 644 5879 to 5899686 899 1371 to 1399686 931 7636 to 7699687 601 0973 to 0999687 614 6774 to 6799688 120 9000 to 9999688 314 3107 to 3191690 291 1361 to 1371690 788 2877 to 2899690 893 5344 to 5399690 893 5512 to 5599690 904 1300 to 1599690 941 6000 to 6199691 313 6383 to 6399691 313 6600 to 6699691 582 8003 to 8099691 664 1800 to 1999691 664 2400 to 2499692 727 9362 to 9399692 798 1800 to 1899693 249 0779 to 0799693 249 0877 to 1699693 445 0566 to 0999693 448 8500 to 8999693 645 9583 to 9599

693 965 4200 to 4299695 741 2906 to 2999695 947 8518 to 8599696 662 8247 to 8299697 447 8285 to 8296698 042 4816 to 4899698 131 2138 to 2157698 227 0000 to 0099700 065 2570 to 2599700 065 4800 to 4899700 190 3350 to 3359700 228 6048 to 6099700 650 0452 to 0499700 666 1323 to 1349700 786 9106 to 9142700 859 0744 to 0758701 028 6780 to 6899701 213 3900 to 3999701 267 2000 to 3999701 335 7312 to 7399701 369 2005 to 2050701 499 2260 to 2299701 503 2247 to 2299701 541 2271 to 2299701 553 6557 to 6599701 578 7460 to 7469701 578 7475 to 7499701 601 3457 to 3499701 605 5913 to 5999701 695 3982 to 3999701 695 4148 to 4199701 695 4227 to 4299701 708 1741 to 1799701 736 3966 to 3999701 772 0870 to 0899701 838 2800 to 2899701 941 0600 to 0699702 171 1603 to 1699702 195 5109 to 5199702 254 9300 to 9399702 264 7569 to 7599702 519 0513 to 0524702 713 1800 to 1809702 821 5730 to 5799702 821 5805 to 5899702 844 6975 to 6994702 846 6331 to 6399702 848 3900 to 3999702 857 7302 to 7499702 878 0114 to 0199703 364 1707 to 1799740 002 7710 to 7719740 119 2275 to 2284740 130 6688 to 6698740 144 2780 to 2795740 241 9049 to 9099740 255 1718 to 1799740 277 0366 to 0392740 348 6641 to 6658740 351 4790 to 4799740 374 7416 to 7499740 470 2420 to 2443740 514 0300 to 0499740 523 7432 to 7449

740 535 1555 to 1580740 650 4104 to 4140740 684 0620 to 0800740 701 6105 to 6114740 705 9790 to 9799740 726 6400 to 6500740 765 3306 to 3399740 774 8434 to 8499740 786 1885 to 1899740 790 5989 to 5999740 820 4854 to 7836740 827 7578 to 7594740 917 7490 to 7499740 918 5531 to 5549741 037 8528 to 8551742 040 3300 to 3309805 885 8411 to 8499806 087 1100 to 1499806 268 9275 to 9299806 534 3400 to 3477807 342 3283 to 3399808 086 7100 to 7199808 090 3440 to 3499808 325 5161 to 5699808 784 8000 to 8299830 125 0672 to 0699830 602 5800 to 5999830 610 3700 to 3799830 983 3500 to 3599830 983 3635 to 3699831 354 1387 to 1399831 815 8240 to 8299832 525 3810 to 3899833 159 1884 to 1899833 456 2567 to 2599833 566 3015 to 3071834 130 5200 to 5299834 316 5444 to 5499834 354 8747 to 8766834 354 8824 to 8838835 269 5700 to 5799835 496 7303 to 7399835 539 5200 to 5999835 813 3015 to 3099837 672 8967 to 8999837 784 3282 to 3299838 176 8377 to 8399838 518 1257 to 1299839 718 8257 to 8299840 323 0600 to 0699840 875 6235 to 6299840 910 0900 to 0999841 349 5000 to 5099841 805 7747 to 7899841 805 7944 to 8099842 226 0685 to 0695842 685 4600 to 4699842 685 4742 to 4999842 860 0300 to 0399842 898 5582 to 5599843 062 7100 to 7199843 077 6288 to 6299843 077 6378 to 6399843 758 5769 to 5778

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (23)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 23

843 786 2554 to 2699845 656 8165 to 8199845 727 2100 to 2199845 746 2618 to 2635846 390 7531 to 7599846 918 0572 to 0599847 237 7690 to 7699847 284 2481 to 2499847 374 7055 to 7065847 374 7055 to 7065847 636 5304 to 5399847 700 5447 to 5499847 723 7500 to 7599849 485 3427 to 3499849 520 9850 to 9899849 608 1357 to 1399849 792 2600 to 2699850 546 1862 to 1899851 143 6826 to 6844851 209 9880 to 9899851 928 9221 to 9299852 589 6560 to 6599853 049 3646 to 3699854 304 4089 to 4999854 529 2200 to 2299854 532 0000 to 2999855 001 6204 to 6249855 319 9364 to 9399855 361 3390 to 3399856 226 0490 to 0499856 656 5800 to 5999856 752 0200 to 0299857 111 1352 to 1399857 279 3450 to 3499857 843 4000 to 4099858 124 7644 to 7699858 756 3111 to 3299859 063 8200 to 8699859 190 0600 to 0644859 437 5538 to 5599859 811 2888 to 2899859 855 8873 to 8999860 240 8520 to 8599860 275 3900 to 3999860 518 9629 to 9699860 600 0021 to 0999861 158 2350 to 2599861 367 5400 to 5499861 637 6010 to 6099861 979 7292 to 7499862 216 6100 to 6199862 263 9213 to 9299862 271 0800 to 0999862 271 5000 to 5099863 871 5138 to 5199863 949 5300 to 5399864 088 8200 to 8299864 426 3972 to 3999864 520 6117 to 6136

865 151 0526 to 0599865 500 4034 to 4099865 883 6082 to 6099866 004 3000 to 3999866 442 4100 to 4899867 366 9108 to 9118867 633 7403 to 7499867 737 5623 to 5699868 169 4529 to 4599868 173 8400 to 8599868 514 9000 to 9099868 566 9200 to 9299869 200 0000 to 9999869 387 1150 to 1199869 505 3500 to 3599869 523 7033 to 7099869 566 6150 to 6167869 800 0000 to 999 9999870 054 4814 to 4899870 491 4812 to 4849870 536 5820 to 5829870 541 7167 to 7239870 575 8155 to 8999870 589 0485 to 0494870 691 7060 to 7099872 028 4850 to 4899872 029 9306 to 9399872 078 3709 to 3799872 100 0445 to 0459900 556 4178 to 4199900 845 0044 to 0099900 936 0217 to 0299900 936 0435 to 0499901 058 5255 to 5280901 273 1082 to 1099901 287 5143 to 5199901 291 2789 to 2799901 525 7122 to 7199902 089 1253 to 1299902 198 9769 to 9799902 948 1269 to 1299902 985 0833 to 0899903 370 6934 to 6999904 600 6523 to 6599904 892 0378 to 0399904 892 0648 to 1299905 056 2216 to 2299905 510 6647 to 6799905 510 6900 to 7099905 794 0000 to 0199905 794 0288 to 0299905 873 6900 to 6999905 873 7100 to 7299905 880 8900 to 8999905 889 7100 to 7199906 158 1508 to 1599906 558 8812 to 8899906 982 2214 to 2299907 725 8500 to 8599

907 815 0216 to 0257908 622 4225 to 4235908 936 9254 to 9299909 066 4494 to 7499909 067 7400 to 7499909 100 1787 to 1799909 100 1900 to 2099909 355 0422 to 0499909 568 8900 to 9099909 568 9300 to 9499909 725 7307 to 7399909 833 0947 to 0999910 219 8631 to 8699910 265 1100 to 1199910 471 7273 to 7299910 536 2505 to 2599910 958 7499 to 7599911 140 1000 to 2199911 245 2545 to 2599911 268 9077 to 9099911 400 8948 to 8999911 508 1620 to 1799911 509 9310 to 9399911 523 3000 to 3999912 057 9922 to 9999912 882 0563 to 0899913 605 2218 to 2299913 709 2429 to 2499913 818 3501 to 3999914 063 4300 to 4399914 346 7621 to 7644914 453 1366 to 1399914 529 6185 to 6299914 896 4658 to 4699915 187 8774 to 8779915 300 2783 to 2799915 546 6822 to 6999915 646 5183 to 5199915 671 3963 to 3980915 671 3982 to 3999915 675 2217 to 2299916 440 3377 to 3399916 670 6352 to 6399916 682 5300 to 5399916 694 1414 to 1499916 703 0802 to 0821917 089 0709 to 0799917 089 0842 to 0899917 216 2928 to 2999917 370 6300 to 6499917 486 4900 to 4999918 460 0602 to 0699918 951 7231 to 7299919 519 2786 to 2799919 536 0770 to 0799919 814 3095 to 3199919 915 2774 to 2787920 155 4662 to 4687920 309 9039 to 9199

920 771 5321 to 5399920 857 5500 to 5899920 864 3480 to 3499920 963 4567 to 4599921 333 7400 to 7499921 477 3762 to 3799922 278 1048 to 1399922 280 2019 to 2099922 280 2233 to 2299922 773 0459 to 0499923 032 7000 to 7399923 045 3630 to 3699923 484 3600 to 3699923 493 9403 to 9599923 493 9681 to 9699923 604 4424 to 4499923 810 7800 to 8299924 252 1200 to 1299924 252 1400 to 1499924 533 0711 to 0799924 533 2343 to 2399924 533 2428 to 2499924 685 1957 to 1999924 946 6300 to 6699925 333 5900 to 6099925 336 2300 to 2399926 432 5907 to 5999926 436 3600 to 3699927 765 6257 to 6299928 197 8100 to 8199928 197 8283 to 8299928 856 2059 to 2068930 219 1722 to 1799930 335 7810 to 7819931 097 9259 to 9299931 156 1502 to 1579931 156 1600 to 1625931 156 1671 to 1699932 506 6400 to 6599932 732 1796 to 1799932 827 9026 to 9099932 957 2300 to 2399933 060 6160 to 6189933 387 2541 to 2561933 760 3609 to 4199933 894 0928 to 0999934 018 2729 to 2741934 180 0300 to 0399934 236 3954 to 3999934 622 8717 to 8999935 216 0312 to 0399935 843 2202 to 2247936 024 8889 to 8899936 339 4455 to 4499

— Criminal Investigations Group, Postal Inspection Service, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (24)

24 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

Missing, Lost, or Stolen Canadian Money Order Forms

Do Not Cash — Upon Receipt, Notify Local Postal InspectorsThis listing will be provided to all Postal Service™

employees responsible for accepting and cashing postalmoney orders. Destroy all interim notices when the num-bers listed appear in the Postal Bulletin. The new moneyorder serial numbers consist of the first 9 digits. The 10thdigit is a check digit only.

Do not cash outdated money orders 104 151 601 to692 600 000. Advise holders to send invalid money ordersto: Canada Post Corporation, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0B1.Check for altered dollar amounts by holding money ordersto the light.

719 869 731 to 9 760 728 702 338 to 2 400 734 950 111 to 0 170 742 408 771 to 8 830

720 227 871 to 7 930720 227 949 to 7 960720 368 543 to 8 570720 392 151 to 2 570720 556 491 to 6 640720 558 621 to 8 650720 575 361 to 5 570720 590 152 to 0 179721 638 331 to 9 170721 815 391 to 5 420721 969 713 to 9 740722 072 137 to 2 160722 378 265 to 8 280722 413 990 to 4 004722 764 948 to 4 980722 825 840 to 5 889723 153 841 to 3 850723 237 616 to 7 630723 331 081 to 1 110723 496 443 to 6 470723 967 291 to 7 320724 655 196 to 5 340724 711 441 to 1 500724 711 538 to 1 560724 793 221 to 3 250724 908 109 to 8 120724 937 461 to 7 670725 163 118 to 3 151725 202 735 to 2 750725 398 591 to 8 800725 464 591 to 4 920725 475 321 to 5 330725 711 057 to 1 070725 738 581 to 8 730725 981 311 to 1 430725 987 835 to 7 880726 060 811 to 0 900726 391 970 to 2 520726 484 771 to 4 800726 493 351 to 5 300726 504 031 to 4 063726 504 070 to 4 090726 504 331 to 4 390726 563 701 to 4 060726 599 371 to 9 460726 626 356 to 6 370727 182 271 to 2 510727 416 181 to 6 240727 481 431 to 1 460727 749 241 to 9 780728 382 331 to 2 480

728 915 371 to 5 850728 953 141 to 3 410728 954 280 to 4 310729 169 081 to 9 140729 363 841 to 3 870729 682 891 to 3 190729 838 940 to 9 070729 839 101 to 9 130730 077 683 to 7 840730 109 847 to 9 880730 373 761 to 3 850730 501 951 to 2 130730 519 379 to 9 470730 569 278 to 9 360730 711 711 to 1 740730 722 991 to 3 230730 845 970 to 5 990730 888 291 to 8 320730 927 591 to 7 680731 307 914 to 7 930731 402 431 to 2 460731 407 232 to 7 320731 588 301 to 8 340731 767 273 to 7 320731 781 061 to 1 120731 837 821 to 7 910731 841 377 to 1 450732 018 481 to 8 600732 067 972 to 8 370732 188 649 to 8 670732 193 460 to 3 470732 201 241 to 1 390732 220 431 to 0 440732 355 201 to 5 380732 472 320 to 2 560732 541 605 to 1 620732 572 221 to 2 490732 586 479 to 6 710732 994 037 to 4 080733 163 449 to 3 460733 297 171 to 7 290733 446 631 to 7 110733 474 665 to 4 770733 704 482 to 4 570733 751 041 to 1 130734 009 101 to 9 130734 290 759 to 0 770734 389 273 to 9 290734 440 031 to 0 111734 797 201 to 7 320734 939 611 to 9 640

735 120 331 to 0 840735 283 008 to 3 020735 293 131 to 3 220735 635 010 to 5 040735 783 961 to 3 990735 803 401 to 3 430736 005 420 to 5 440736 366 021 to 6 110736 624 456 to 4 500736 670 851 to 1 060736 767 061 to 7 090736 767 093 to 7 120736 982 191 to 2 370736 982 551 to 2 730737 110 141 to 0 170737 185 501 to 5 710737 317 321 to 7 350737 517 781 to 7 840737 628 181 to 8 210737 634 258 to 4 270738 361 971 to 1 980738 447 601 to 7 660738 648 355 to 8 450738 849 811 to 9 900738 892 270 to 2 290738 997 259 to 7 380739 161 451 to 1 540739 219 381 to 9 440739 740 151 to 0 180739 793 491 to 3 520739 793 527 to 3 550739 942 621 to 2 650739 999 231 to 9 320740 011 517 to 1 530740 030 701 to 0 970740 261 740 to 1 820740 265 811 to 6 290740 299 111 to 9 170740 299 231 to 9 260740 329 266 to 9 320740 889 081 to 9 090741 010 421 to 0 530741 113 041 to 3 370741 373 891 to 4 340741 452 369 to 2 490741 492 991 to 3 140741 553 460 to 3 470741 764 431 to 4 520742 178 834 to 8 880742 325 500 to 5 520742 325 668 to 5 700

742 512 120 to 2 150742 684 849 to 4 890742 839 553 to 9 630742 913 668 to 3 700742 917 287 to 7 296742 921 891 to 1 980742 983 631 to 3 810743 020 021 to 0 170743 206 491 to 6 500743 235 992 to 6 050743 940 631 to 0 900743 978 011 to 8 070744 234 751 to 4 780744 499 591 to 9 680744 626 901 to 6 910745 388 794 to 8 910746 446 806 to 6 820746 818 351 to 8 410747 245 266 to 5 280747 364 813 to 4 830747 501 434 to 1 450747 739 891 to 0 070748 148 649 to 8 760748 259 960 to 9 970748 565 162 to 5 280748 874 988 to 5 030749 137 381 to 7 410749 190 192 to 0 210749 685 421 to 5 450749 846 791 to 6 850749 993 131 to 3 580750 071 587 to 1 610750 408 167 to 8 183750 438 421 to 8 501750 743 911 to 4 030750 779 118 to 9 400750 910 981 to 1 010750 960 841 to 0 900751 296 211 to 6 240751 539 121 to 9 180751 541 311 to 1 790751 757 641 to 7 700751 936 951 to 7 010751 951 861 to 1 890751 999 021 to 9 110752 139 516 to 9 570752 182 892 to 2 950752 206 861 to 7 100752 295 241 to 5 600752 731 351 to 1 410752 767 441 to 7 470

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (25)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 25

753 008 941 to 9 030753 194 311 to 4 370753 620 378 to 0 400754 013 917 to 3 940754 161 061 to 1 120754 358 445 to 8 610754 410 451 to 0 660754 438 393 to 8 410754 493 109 to 3 130754 664 182 to 4 220754 816 377 to 6 470755 487 421 to 7 600755 592 901 to 3 140755 790 020 to 0 030755 791 730 to 1 800755 926 951 to 7 070755 934 332 to 4 510755 957 701 to 8 000755 962 981 to 3 280756 035 371 to 5 490756 301 257 to 1 290756 371 565 to 1 580756 876 031 to 6 120756 876 151 to 6 240756 970 129 to 0 140757 059 613 to 9 630757 078 540 to 8 560757 086 209 to 6 240757 240 591 to 0 650757 277 371 to 7 700757 291 591 to 2 730757 964 251 to 4 280758 067 001 to 7 090758 105 221 to 5 250758 324 941 to 5 000758 593 628 to 3 650758 709 038 to 9 060758 744 101 to 4 160758 850 883 to 0 900758 860 951 to 1 550759 152 851 to 2 880759 740 941 to 1 090760 004 596 to 4 610760 118 191 to 8 250760 155 001 to 5 090760 378 002 to 8 020760 692 722 to 2 749761 055 460 to 5 480761 169 781 to 9 810761 504 941 to 5 120761 516 836 to 6 910761 613 588 to 3 600761 688 631 to 8 690761 805 199 to 5 240761 826 106 to 6 120761 881 171 to 1 560761 975 641 to 5 670761 975 886 to 5 895762 304 144 to 4 170762 324 931 to 4 960762 439 261 to 9 290762 524 158 to 4 220762 584 872 to 4 970762 593 431 to 3 460

763 155 160 to 5 180763 178 631 to 8 660763 506 001 to 6 060763 522 141 to 2 470763 717 694 to 7 800763 826 461 to 6 520763 900 460 to 0 471763 900 479 to 0 530763 917 271 to 7 750764 125 801 to 5 860764 284 525 to 4 560764 526 241 to 6 330764 601 421 to 1 600764 650 231 to 0 470764 984 371 to 4 850765 003 667 to 3 680765 042 517 to 2 540765 194 728 to 4 970765 387 365 to 7 450765 541 801 to 2 100765 638 461 to 8 970765 647 101 to 7 190765 813 781 to 4 029765 879 314 to 9 390765 954 001 to 4 030766 120 286 to 0 320766 125 716 to 5 750766 158 824 to 8 840766 388 433 to 8 460766 509 421 to 9 660766 572 901 to 3 020766 748 500 to 8 521767 024 341 to 4 370767 326 471 to 6 590767 332 561 to 2 950768 009 841 to 9 960768 011 489 to 1 520768 177 980 to 7 990768 391 081 to 1 170768 661 569 to 1 650769 000 051 to 0 080769 050 841 to 0 900769 159 081 to 9 178769 737 496 to 7 510769 778 491 to 8 730769 827 331 to 7 450770 216 071 to 6 100770 723 281 to 3 400770 790 451 to 0 480770 915 150 to 5 490771 455 551 to 5 610771 609 661 to 9 690771 932 551 to 2 580772 057 224 to 7 440772 162 660 to 3 070772 718 615 to 8 640772 940 140 to 0 160772 970 886 to 0 940773 009 419 to 9 430773 112 031 to 2 060773 125 387 to 5 410773 179 320 to 9 410773 202 989 to 3 140773 208 991 to 9 290

773 231 311 to 1 340773 348 739 to 8 940773 348 739 to 8 940773 575 891 to 5 950773 852 971 to 3 030775 373 449 to 3 460789 257 191 to 7 250790 448 020 to 8 460790 597 485 to 7 530790 911 883 to 1 900791 057 441 to 7 550791 239 081 to 9 290791 374 483 to 4 500791 387 971 to 8 030791 447 521 to 7 850791 451 151 to 1 240791 500 009 to 0 470791 771 431 to 1 490792 004 293 to 4 320792 018 379 to 8 420792 070 621 to 0 740792 145 211 to 5 230792 391 381 to 1 620792 452 779 to 2 790792 772 728 to 2 770792 903 511 to 3 990793 282 518 to 2 533794 041 831 to 2 040794 397 709 to 7 780794 581 741 to 2 040794 592 122 to 2 150795 032 251 to 2 340795 796 291 to 6 350796 070 139 to 0 160796 143 151 to 3 630796 159 725 to 9 740796 169 306 to 9 340796 373 406 to 3 430796 602 961 to 3 050796 708 441 to 8 500796 886 281 to 6 430796 901 701 to 2 000796 975 466 to 5 590797 272 917 to 2 950797 519 441 to 9 460797 519 731 to 0 240797 535 181 to 5 330797 646 151 to 6 180798 040 053 to 0 080798 055 813 to 5 830798 055 891 to 5 950798 326 371 to 6 520798 339 167 to 9 210798 562 411 to 2 440798 632 461 to 2 490798 807 151 to 7 510798 944 761 to 5 030799 118 616 to 8 640799 133 191 to 3 220799 177 626 to 7 650799 854 751 to 5 200800 044 320 to 4 410800 211 901 to 2 440800 427 530 to 7 540

800 872 741 to 2 830801 349 801 to 9 830801 676 681 to 7 100802 967 821 to 7 940803 217 601 to 7 780803 729 731 to 9 850803 747 402 to 7 520804 138 181 to 8 420804 428 224 to 8 250804 682 411 to 2 710805 272 525 to 2 540805 523 445 to 3 460805 745 704 to 5 730806 452 907 to 2 980806 744 781 to 4 850806 982 181 to 2 300807 764 791 to 4 910808 089 931 to 9 960808 656 423 to 6 450808 753 771 to 3 800809 189 001 to 9 010809 886 879 to 6 930809 890 489 to 0 500810 323 734 to 3 760810 367 116 to 7 140810 526 351 to 6 500810 806 911 to 6 940810 807 211 to 7 240811 423 021 to 3 110811 517 221 to 7 239811 721 101 to 1 130812 025 721 to 5 900812 093 073 to 3 130812 100 821 to 0 840812 465 251 to 5 610812 918 341 to 8 670812 918 701 to 8 760813 050 491 to 0 520813 073 171 to 3 200813 398 476 to 8 550813 713 971 to 4 000813 858 121 to 8 150814 789 330 to 9 349814 984 656 to 4 680815 016 020 to 6 030815 199 410 to 9 420815 240 491 to 0 520815 755 591 to 5 620815 755 622 to 5 650815 806 381 to 6 680816 126 834 to 6 870816 156 721 to 6 780816 580 903 to 0 920816 945 571 to 5 600817 253 011 to 3 280817 763 881 to 4 060818 330 562 to 0 610818 459 641 to 9 670818 926 273 to 6 320818 950 351 to 0 380818 962 492 to 2 530819 032 341 to 2 730819 127 054 to 7 080819 278 540 to 8 670

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26 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

819 544 681 to 4 740819 928 441 to 8 650820 034 406 to 4 430820 070 761 to 1 540820 191 342 to 1 360820 274 856 to 4 880820 600 171 to 0 230821 172 241 to 2 360821 229 661 to 9 720821 229 743 to 9 780821 903 731 to 3 910821 927 841 to 7 850822 505 801 to 5 830

822 703 442 to 3 470822 900 991 to 1 020822 925 951 to 6 100823 284 931 to 4 990823 293 031 to 3 210823 556 011 to 6 100824 078 341 to 8 370824 156 325 to 6 340824 511 252 to 1 270824 588 281 to 8 370825 140 397 to 0 460825 409 651 to 9 680825 472 171 to 2 200

826 042 898 to 2 920826 226 644 to 6 670826 582 951 to 3 430826 720 201 to 0 230827 005 671 to 5 830827 287 861 to 7 950827 291 502 to 1 520827 575 381 to 5 470827 609 085 to 9 100827 619 811 to 9 840827 883 511 to 3 600828 160 441 to 0 530828 376 201 to 6 260

828 441 602 to 1 630828 539 316 to 9 340828 539 341 to 9 370828 732 331 to 2 390828 830 952 to 0 963828 939 781 to 0 050829 002 721 to 2 870829 005 301 to 5 540829 080 241 to 0 330829 160 986 to 1 000829 176 841 to 6 930

— Criminal Investigations Group, Postal Inspection Service, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (27)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 27

Verifying U.S. Postal Service Money OrdersFollow these steps to cash a Postal Service™ money


1. Check that the amount does not exceed the legallimit: $1,000 for domestic, and $700 for internationalpostal money orders.

2. Check that the proper security features are present:

When held to the light, a watermark of Benjamin Franklin is repeated from top to bottom on the left side.

When held to the light, a dark line (security thread) runs from top to bottom with the word “USPS” repeated.

There should be no discoloration around the dol-lar amounts, which might indicate the amounts were changes.

These appear in Postal Service Notice 299, U.S.Postal Money Order Reference Card, or online athttp://www.usps.com/missingmoneyorders/security.htm.

3. If the money order seems suspicious, call the U.S.Postal Service Money Order Verification System at866-459-7822.

Please provide this information to local banks and retail-ers, as they also receive Postal Service money orders forcashing.

— Special Services,Retail Products and Services, 1-28-10

Counterfeit Canadian Money Order Forms

Do Not CashTo be posted and used by retail window employees. As

directed, destroy previous notices. Destroy all interim noticeswhen the numbers listed appear in the Postal Bulletin.

— Criminal Investigations Group,Postal Inspection Service, 1-28-10

Toll-Free Number Available to Verify Canadian Money Orders

The Canada Post Corporation is now providing a toll-free number that cashing agents can call to verify thevalidity of Canadian Postal Money Orders. The number is800-563-0444.

This toll-free number is printed on the back of the Cana-dian Postal Money Orders.

— Criminal Investigations Group,Postal Inspection Service, 1-28-10

671,819,086 686,794,382676,612,640 686,794,426677,891,039 686,794,427678,282,493 686,794,431678,916,031 687,262,502679,552,215 687,262,503679,694,334 687,262,525679,751,983 687,262,526679,800,207 687,287,578681,130,536 687,287,581681,844,376 687,287,582683,594,542 694,063,898684,683,610 694,063,899686,619,878 694,063,980686,619,886 701,321,725686,619,887

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (28)

28 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

Other InformationOverseas Military/Diplomatic Mail

Mail addressed to military and diplomatic post officesoverseas is subject to certain conditions or restrictions ofmailing regarding content, preparation, and handling. TheAPO/FPO/DPO table below outlines these conditions byAPO/FPO/DPO ZIP™ Codes through the use of footnotedmailing restrictions codes (see the Restrictions page fol-lowing the table).

Acceptance clerks should use the table with the inte-grated retail terminal (IRT) or POS ONE terminal to deter-

mine which APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Codes are active andwhich conditions of mailing apply. Acceptance clerksmay contact the Military Postal Service Agency withany questions regarding APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Codes, tollfree, at 800-810-6098, Monday–Friday, 0730–1600 ET.

For Express Mail Military Service (EMMS) availability, allacceptance clerks must refer to the local hardcopy EMMSdirectory.

We have eliminated “Not Active” entries from the table below to save space and paper.





DPO Restrictions09001 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09002 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09003 A1-B-B1-C-D-P-U09004 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09005 A1-B-B1-C-D-P-U09006 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09007 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09008 A-A1-B-B1-C-D-P-U09009 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09011 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09012 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-F1-R-U09013 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-F1-U-

Z109014 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09020 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09021 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09028 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09033 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09034 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09038 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09042 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09046 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09049 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09051 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09053 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09054 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09055 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-R-R1-

U-V09056 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09058 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09059 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09060 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09063 A1-B-B1-C-D-L-U09067 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09068 A1-B-B1-C-D-U-Z109069 A-A1-B-B1-C-D-U-V09075 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09079 A1-B-B1-C-D-U

09080 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09081 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09086 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09088 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09090 A1-B-B1-C-D-P-U09092 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09094 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-F1-P-R09095 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09096 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09099 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09100 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09102 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09103 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09104 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09107 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09112 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09114 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09123 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09126 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-F1-P-R09128 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09131 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09136 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R09137 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09138 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09139 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09140 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09142 A1-B-B1-C-D-F-F1-P-R-

U09143 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09154 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09166 CLOSE09172 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09173 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09177 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09180 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09186 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09211 A1-B-B1-C-D-P-U09213 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U

DPO Restrictions09214 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U09226 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09227 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09229 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09237 A1-B-B1-C-D-U-V09245 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09250 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09261 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-R-U-V09263 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09264 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09265 A1-B-B1-C-D-F1-N-R-U09266 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09267 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09301 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109302 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F-F1-M-

N-V-V1-Z-Z109304 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109305 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109306 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109307 A1-B-B1-N-V-Z109308 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109309 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109310 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109311 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109312 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109314 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109315 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109316 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-


DPO Restrictions09317 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109318 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F-F1-M-

N-V-V1-Z-Z109320 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109321 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109322 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109324 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109327 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109330 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109331 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109332 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109333 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109334 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109336 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109337 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109338 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z109339 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109340 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F-R-V09342 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109343 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F-M-N-

V-Z109344 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z-Z109348 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-


DPO Restrictions

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (29)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 29

09350 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09351 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-V-Z1

09353 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09354 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09355 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09356 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09357 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09358 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-F1-H1-M-N-R-R1-T-V-W-Z1

09359 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09360 A1-B-B1-V09361 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z109362 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-V-Z109363 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109364 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109365 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109366 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109367 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V09369 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V09371 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V09372 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V09373 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V09374 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109375 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V-Z109376 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V09377 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V09378 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z109380 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109381 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z109382 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109383 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109387 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-




09388 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-V

09389 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-V

09391 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09393 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1

09396 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z1

09402 A-A1-B-B1-C-F-R-R1-U3-W

09421 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09447 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U-V09454 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U-V09456 A1-B-B1-C-C1-H-H1-M-

R-Z109459 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09461 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F-F1-P-

R-U09463 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09464 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09468 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09469 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09470 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09494 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U09496 A1-B-B1-C-C1-R-U-V09498 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F-F1-F2-

N-R-R1-T-U-V-Z109501 A1-B-B1-V-V109502 A1-B-B1-V09503 A1-B-B1-V09504 A1-B-B1-V-V109505 A1-B-B1-V-V109506 A1-B-B1-V-V109507 A1-B-B1-V-V109508 A1-B-B1-V09509 A1-B-B1-V09510 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-V-Z109511 A1-B-B1-V09513 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09517 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09524 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09532 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09534 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09543 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09545 A1-B-B1-V09549 A1-B-B1-V09554 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09556 A1-B-B1-V09557 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09564 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09565 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09566 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09567 A1-B-B1-V-V109568 A1-B-B1-V09569 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V



09570 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09573 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09574 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09575 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-

V109576 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09577 A1-B-B1-V09578 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09579 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09581 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09582 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09586 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09587 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09588 A1-B-B1-V-V109589 A1-B-B1-V-V109590 A1-B-B1-V09591 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-

V109593 A1-B-B1-V09594 A1-B-B1-V-V109596 A1-B-B1-V09599 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V09601 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-R-U-V09602 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-N-R-U09603 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-R-U-V09604 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-P-R-U-

V09605 A1-B-B1-C-D-U-V09606 A1-B-B1-C-D-U-V09607 A-A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-M-

R-R1-U-U3-V-W09608 A1-B-B1-C-F-N-U-V09609 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09610 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-R-U-V09613 A1-B-B1-C-F-U-V09617 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09618 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09620 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09621 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09622 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09623 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09624 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09625 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09626 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09627 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09630 A1-B-B1-C-F-U-V09631 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09636 A1-B-B1-C-F-U09642 A1-B-B1-N-R-U09643 A1-B-B1-R-U09645 A1-B-B1-C-F-F1-U09647 A1-B-B1-N-R-U09648 A1-B-B1-N-U-V-Z109649 A1-B-B1-N-U-Z109701 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-




09702 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F1-M-R-R1-U

09703 A1-B-B1-C-F1-U09704 A1-B-B1-C-V09705 A1-B-B1-U09706 A1-B-B1-C-N-R-U-V09707 A1-B-B1-C-N-R-U-V09708 A1-B-B109709 A1-B-B1-F109710 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F1-M-N-

R-R1-U09711 A1-B-B1-F1-N-R-Z109713 A1-B-B1-C-F1-R09714 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F1-M-R-

R1-U09715 A1-B-B1-F1-R09716 A1-B-B1-C-D-N-R-U-V09717 A-A1-B-B1-M-R-V-W09718 A1-B-B1-F-I-N-R-U-V09719 A1-B-B1-C-F1-R-V09720 A1-B-B1-R-U-V09721 A1-B-B1-N-R-U-V-Z109722 A-A1-B-B1-F-N-V-Z-Z109723 A1-B-B1-N-R-U-V-Z109724 A1-B-B1-C-C1-F1-M-R-

R1-U09726 A1-B-B1-N-R-U-V09727 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-


09729 A1-B-B1-C-F-N-R-R1-U-V

09730 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-F-M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z1

09731 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-F-M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z1

09732 A1-B-B1-N-V-Z109733 A1-B-B1-V09734 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-


09735 A1-B-B1-N-V-Z109736 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-

F-M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z109737 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-


09738 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-F-I-M-N-Q-R-R1-T-V-Z-Z1

09739 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-F-I-M-N-Q-R-R1-T-V-Z-Z1

09741 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-F1-H1-M-N-R-R1-T-V-W-Y-Z1

09742 A-A1-B-B1-B2-F-F1-I-M-N-Q-R-T-V-Z-Z1

09743 A-A1-B-B1-F-N-V-Z-Z1



PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (30)

30 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

09744 A-B-B1-B2-C-C1-F-M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z1

09745 A-A1-B-B1-B2-F-F1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z1

09746 A-A1-B-B1-C-E1-N-V-Z-Z1

09747 A1-B-B1-F-J-N-U-V-Z109748 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-


09749 A-A1-B-B1-F-N-V-Z109750 A-B-B1-B2-C-C1-F-M-

N-Q-T-V-Z-Z109751 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09752 A1-B-B1-C-D-U09754 A1-B-B1-U09755 A1-B-B1-U09756 A1-B-B1-U09757 A1-B-B1-U09758 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-F-

M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z109759 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C1-E2-


09762 A-A1-B-B1-B2-E3-F-F1-I-N-Q-R-R1-T-V-Z-Z1

09769 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-F-I-M-N-Q-R-R1-T-V-Z-Z1

09777 A-A1-B-B1-C-E1-N-R09780 A-A1-B-B1-F-N-R-V09798 A1-B-B1-C-D-L-U-V09801 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109803 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-H1-

N-R-R1-U1-V-Z109804 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-N-R-V-

Z109805 A-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-Z109806 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109807 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-N-R-R1-V-Z109808 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-V09809 A1-B-B1-V-Z109810 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-N-R-V-

Z109811 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-H1-

N-R-R1-U1-V-Z109812 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-F1-I-

N-R-U-V-Z-Z109813 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-


09814 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-F1-I-N-R-U-V-Z-Z1

09815 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V-Z1



09816 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C1-E2-E3-F-I-L-N-Q-R-R1-T-V-Z-Z1

09817 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C1-E2-E3-F-F1-H-H1-M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z1

09819 A-A1-B-B1-P-R-V-Z109820 A-A1-B-B1-B2-F-H-H1-


09821 A-A1-B-B1-F-R-V-Z109822 A-A1-B-B1-F-R-V-Z109823 A-A1-B-B1-F-R-V-Z109824 A-A1-B-B1-F-R-V-Z109825 A-A1-B-B1-C-C1-D-F-

M-N-R-R1-T-V-Z109827 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-N-R-V-

Z109828 A1-B-B1-N-V-Z109830 A1-B-B1-C-N-R-V-Z109831 A1-B-B1-F-N-U-V-Z109832 A-A1-B-B1-U1-V-Z109833 A1-B-B1-U1-V-Z109834 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-

Z109835 A-A1-B-B1-V-Z109836 A-A1-B-B1-C-F-M-V-Z109837 A1-B-B1-V-Z109838 A1-B-B1-V-Z109839 A-A1-B-B1-U-V-Z109840 A-A1-B-B1-V-Z109841 A-A1-B-B1-N-R-U-Z109842 A-A1-B-B1-N-R-Z109843 A-A1-B-B1-N-V09844 A-A1-B-B1-C-F-N-U-V-

Z109852 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-H1-

N-R-R1-U1-V-Z109853 A1-B-B1-E2-F-H1-R-

R1-U2-V-Z109855 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U2-V-Z109858 A1-B-B1-E2-E3-F-H1-

N-R-R1-U1-V-Z109859 A1-B-B1-C1-F-F1-H1-

N-R-R1-V-Z109865 A-A1-B-B1-V-Z109868 A-A1-B-B1-U-V-Z109870 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-M-R-R1-U-V-Z109880 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-R-R1-U-V-Z109890 A1-B-B1-E2-F-H1-N-R-

R1-U2-V-Z109892 A-A1-B-B1-E2-F-N-R-

R1-V-Z109898 A1-B-B1-E2-F-H1-N-R-

R1-U2-V-Z134002 A1-B-B1-L-N-U-Z1



34004 A-B-B1-L-N-U-V34006 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F1-N-V-

Z134007 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F-F1-M-

N-R-R1-V-Z134008 A-A1-B-B1-C1-F1-V-Z134020 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134021 A1-B-L-M-N-U-V-Z134022 A1-B-B1-D-F-L-M-N-U-

V-Z134023 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134024 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134025 A1-B-B1-F-L-M-N-U-V-

Z134030 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134031 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134032 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134033 A1-B-B1-C-F-L-M-N-V-

Z134034 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-V-Z134035 A1-B-B1-H-L-M-N-U-V-

Z134036 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134037 A1-B-B1-C-F-H-I-L-M-

N-V-Z-Z134038 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134039 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134041 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134042 A1-B-B1-D-F-M-N-V-Z134050 A1-B-B1-V34055 A1-B-B1-L-M-N-U-V-Z134058 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-

Z134078 A1-B-B1-F1-N-V-Z134090 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V34091 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V34092 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V34093 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V34095 A1-B-B1-V34098 A1-B-B1-V34099 A1-B-B1-V-V196201 A-A1-B-B196202 A-A1-B-B1-U96203 A-A1-B-B196204 A-A1-B-B196205 A-A1-B-B1-U96206 A-A1-B-B1-U96207 A-A1-B-B1-V96209 A-A1-B-B1-N-U-V96213 A-A1-B-B1-U96214 A-A1-B-B1-U96218 A-A1-B-B1-U96224 A-A1-B-B1-U96257 A-A1-B-B1-U96258 A-A1-B-B1-U96260 A-A1-B-B1-U96262 A-A1-B-B1-U-V



96264 A-A1-B-B1-U96266 A-A1-B-B1-U96267 A-A1-B-B1-U-V96269 A-A1-B-B1-U96271 A-A1-B-B1-U96275 A-A1-B-B1-V96276 A-A1-B-B196278 A-A1-B-B1-U96283 A-A1-B-B1-U96284 A-A1-B-B1-U-V96297 A-A1-B-B1-U96303 A1-B-B1-M-N-V-W96306 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96309 A1-B-B1-M-V-W96310 A1-B-B1-M-W96311 CLOSE96319 A1-B-B1-M-W96321 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96322 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96323 A1-B-B1-M-V-W96326 A1-B-B1-M-W96328 A1-B-B1-M-W96330 A1-B-B1-M-W96336 A1-B-B1-M-V-W96337 A1-B-B1-M-W96338 A1-B-B1-M-W96339 A1-B-B1-M-V-W96343 A1-B-B1-M-W96346 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-V-

W96347 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96348 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96349 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96350 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96351 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96362 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96365 A1-B-B1-M-V-W96367 A1-B-B1-L-M-W96368 A1-B-B1-M-W96370 A1-B-B1-F-F1-F2-M-W96372 A1-B-B1-M-W96373 A1-B-B1-M-W96374 A1-B-B1-M-W96375 A1-B-B1-M-W96376 A1-B-B1-M-W96377 A1-B-B1-M-W96378 A1-B-B1-M-W96379 A1-B-B1-M-W96384 A1-B-B1-M-W96386 A1-B-B1-M-W96387 A1-B-B1-M-W96388 A1-B-B1-M-W96401 A1-B-B1-F-N-V-Z196426 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-




PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (31)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 31

96427 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-H1-M-R-R1-V

96447 A1-B-B1-F-N-U3-V-V196501 A-A1-B-B1-N-V96502 A1-B-F-N-U3-V96503 A1-B-B1-F-N-U3-V96507 A-A1-B-B1-F-V96510 A1-B-B1-I-N-V96511 A1-B-B1-I-N-V96515 A1-B-B1-D-F-U396516 A1-B-B1-D-F96517 A1-B-B1-F-U3-V96518 A1-B-B1-V96520 A1-B-B1-F-N-U3-V96521 A1-B-B1-F-N-U396522 A1-B-B1-F-N-U96530 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-H-H1-

M-N-U-V96531 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-H-M-

N-U-V96532 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-H-M-

N-U-V96534 A-A1-B-B1-F96535 A-A1-B-B1-F-V96537 A1-B-B1-V96538 A1-B-B1-V96540 A1-B-B1-V96541 A1-B-B1-V



96542 A1-B-B1-V96543 A1-B-B1-P-V96544 A1-B-B1-F-N-U3-V96546 A1-B-B1-F-U396548 A-A1-B-B1-H-M-U96549 A-A1-B-B1-H-M-U96550 A-A1-B-B1-H-M-U-V96551 A-A1-B-B1-H-M-U96552 A1-B-B196553 A-A1-B-B1-F-F1-H-M-U96554 A-A1-B-B1-H-M-U96555 A1-B-B1-F-M-V96557 A1-B-B1-F-M-V96562 A-A1-B-B1-B2-C-C1-D-


96595 A1-B-B1-V96598 A1-B-B1-N-V96599 A1-B-B1-N-V96601 A1-B-B1-V-V196602 A1-B-B1-V96603 A1-B-B1-V96604 A1-B-B1-V96605 A1-B-B1-V-V196606 A1-B-B1-V96607 A1-B-B1-V96608 A1-B-B1-V96609 A1-B-B1-V



96610 A1-B-B1-V96611 A1-B-B1-V96612 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96613 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-I-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z-Z196614 A-A1-B-B1-C1-E2-F-

H1-I-M-R-R1-U2-V-Z-Z196615 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96616 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96617 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96619 A1-B-B1-V96620 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96621 A1-B-B1-V96622 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96624 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96628 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96643 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96650 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96657 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96660 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96661 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96662 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96663 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96664 A1-B-B1-V-V196665 A1-B-B1-V96666 A1-B-B1-V-V196667 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V



96668 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V-V1

96669 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96670 A1-B-B1-V-V196671 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96672 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96673 A1-B-B1-V-V196674 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96675 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96677 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96678 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V 96679 A1-B-B1-F-F1-R-R1-V96681 A1-B-B1-V-V196682 A1-B-B1-V-V196683 A1-B-B1-V-V196686 A1-B-B1-V-V196687 A1-B-B1-V-V196698 A1-B-B1-V-V1



PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (32)

32 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information




PS Form 2976, Customs — CN 22 (Old C 1) and Sender’s Declaration (greenlabel)

PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note

AAFES = Army and Air Force Exchange ServiceAPO = Army/Air Force Post OfficeBox R = Retired military personnelDMM = Domestic Mail ManualDPO = Diplomatic Post OfficeFPO = Fleet Post OfficeMOM = Military Ordinary MailMPO = Military Post OfficePAL = Parcel AirliftPSC = Postal Service CenterSAM = Space Available MailUSDA = United States Department of AgricultureNote: Mail order catalogs are prohibited as SAM or PAL mail.A. Securities, currency, or precious metals in their raw, unmanufactured

state are prohibited. Official shipments are exempt from this restriction.A1. Mail addressed to “Any Servicemember,” or similar wording such as

“Any Soldier,” “Sailor,” “Airman,” or “Marine”; “Military Mail”; etc., is prohib-ited. Mail must be addressed to an individual or job title such as “Com-mander,” “Commanding Officer,” etc.

B. PS Form 2976-A is required for all mail weighing 16 ounces or more,with exceptions noted below. In addition, mailers must properly completerequired customs documentation when mailing any potentially dutiable mailaddressed to an APO, FPO, or DPO regardless of weight. The following areexceptions to the requirement for customs documentation on nondutiablemail that weighs 16 ounces or more:

Known mailers are exempt from providing customs documentationon non-dutiable letters, and printed matter weighing 16 ounces ormore. (A known mailer is anyone who legally applies a permit imprintto a mailpiece. Mail with meter postage is not considered to be froma known mailer.)All federal, state, and local government agencies are exempt fromproviding customs documentation on mail addressed to an APO,FPO, or DPO except for those APOs/FPO/DPOs to which restrictionB2 applies.Prepaid mail from military contractors is exempt, providing the mail-piece is endorsed “Contents for Official Use — Exempt from Cus-toms Requirements.”

B1. PS Form 2976 or 2976-A is required. Articles are liable for customsduty and/or purchase tax unless they are bona fide gifts intended for use bymilitary personnel or their dependents. When the contents of a parcel meetthese requirements, the mailer must endorse the customs form, “Certified tobe a bona fide gift, personal effects, or items for personal use of military per-sonnel and dependents,” under the heading, Description of Contents.Exceptions: All other exceptions listed in restriction B above are applicableto this restriction.

B2. All federal, state, and local government agencies must completecustoms documentation when sending mail addressed to or from this APO,FPO, or DPO weighing 16 ounces or more.

C. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are prohibited.C1. Obscene articles, prints, paintings, cards, films, videotapes, etc.,

and horror comics and matrices are prohibited.D. Coffee is prohibited. E1. Medicines or vaccines not conforming to French laws are prohibited.E2. Any matter depicting nude or seminude persons, pornographic or

sexual items, or nonauthorized political materials is prohibited. Although reli-gious materials contrary to the Islamic faith are prohibited in bulk quantities,items for the personal use of the addressee are permissible.

E3. Radio transceivers, cordless telephones, global positioning sys-tems, scanners, base stations, and handheld transmitters are prohibited.

F. Firearms of any type are prohibited in all classes of mail. See defini-tions of firearms in DMM 601.11.1.1c. This restriction does not apply to fire-arms mailed to or by official U.S. government agencies. The restriction formail to this APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code does not apply to firearms mailed fromthis APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code, provided ATF and USPS regulations are met.Antique firearms are a separate category defined in DMM 601.11.2 and ATFregulations; they do not require an ATF form.

F1. Privately owned weapons addressed to an individual are prohibitedin any class of mail.

F2. Importation of firearms is restricted to one shotgun and one singleshot.22 caliber rifle per individual.

G. Only letters, flats, and Periodicals are authorized. Parcels of any classare prohibited.

H. Meats, including preserved meats, whether hermetically sealed ornot, are prohibited.

H1. Pork or pork by-products are prohibited.I. Mail of all classes must fit in a mail sack. Mail may not exceed the fol-

lowing dimensions:Maximum length 20 inches.Maximum width 12 inches.Maximum height 12 inches.

The maximum length and girth combined may not exceed 68 inches.

This restriction does not apply to registered mail and official governmentmail marked MOM.

I1. This restriction does not apply to registered mail.I2. This restriction does not apply to official government mail marked

MOM.J. Parcels may not exceed 108 inches in length and girth combined.K. Mail that includes in the address the words, “Dependent Mail Sec-

tion,” may consist only of letter mail, newspapers, magazines, and books.No parcel of any class containing any other matter may be mailed to theDependent Mail section. This restriction does not apply if the address doesnot include the words “Dependent Mail Section.”

L. All official mail is prohibited.M. Fruits, vegetables, animals, and living plants are prohibited.N. Registered mail is prohibited.O. Delivery status information for Extra Services is not available on

USPS.com.P. APO is used for the receipt and dispatch of official mail only.Q. Mail may not exceed 66 pounds, and size is limited to 42 inches max-

imum length and 72 inches maximum length and girth combined.R. All alcoholic beverages, including those mailable under

DMM 601.11.7, are prohibited. R1. Materials used in the production of alcoholic beverages (i.e., distill-

ing material, hops, malts, yeast, etc.) are prohibited. T. Mailings of case lots of food and supplemental household shipments

must be approved by the sender’s parent agency prior to mailing.U. Parcels must weigh less than 16 ounces when addressed to Box R.

This restriction does not apply to mail endorsed “Free Matter for the Blind orHandicapped.”

U1. Mail is limited to First-Class Mail weighing 13 ounces or less whenaddressed to Box R. This restriction does not apply to mail endorsed “FreeMatter for the Blind or Handicapped.” Videotapes are prohibited whenaddressed to Box R, regardless of weight.

U2. Mail is limited to First-Class Mail letters only when addressed toBox R.

U3. Mail is limited to First-Class Mail correspondence (including voiceand video cassettes), newspapers, magazines, photographs, not exceeding16 ounces, when addressed to Box R.

V. Express Mail Military Service (EMMS) not available from any origin.V1. Delivery Confirmation service is not available.W. Meat products, such as dried beef, salami, and sausage, may be

mailed, provided they remain in their original, hermetically sealed packagesand bear USDA certification. Other meats, bones, skin, hair, feathers, hornsor hoofs of hoofed animals, wool samples, tobacco leaves, including chew-ing and pipe tobacco, snuff, cigars, and cigarettes, or obscene material,including obscene drawings, photographs, films, and carvings, are prohib-ited. Exception: 200 grams of tobacco per parcel are permitted duty free.

X. Personal mail is limited to First-Class Mail items (to include audio cas-settes and voice tapes) weighing 13 ounces or less. This limitation does notapply to official mail.

Y. Mail is limited to First-Class and Priority Mail items only. All Periodi-cals, Standard Mail items, and Package Services items (including SAM andPAL) are not authorized. This restriction also applies to official mail.

Z. No outside pieces (OSPs).Z1. The following restriction is applicable only to International Service

Centers (ISC)/Exchange Offices. An Anti-Pilferage Seal (Item No O817E orO818A) is required on all pouches and sacks.

— International Network Operations,Global Business, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (33)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 33

Missing Children PostersJanuary 2010

Have You Seen Any of These Missing Children?Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry it withyou. If you have information on any of these missing persons, tell your Postal Service™supervisor.

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited ChildrenHot Line 1-800-843-5678

TDD 1-800-826-7653

Name: Freddricka BakerBorn: 8-12-92Date Missing: 12-12-09Missing From: Miami, FL

Name: Sarah CleeBorn: 6-6-92Date Missing: 11-16-09Missing From: Palm Bay, FL

Name: Chelsea CollepsBorn: 2-7-92Date Missing: 11-3-09Missing From: Tampa, FL

Name: Breeanna DuncanBorn: 3-13-92Date Missing: 12-14-09Missing From: Vero Beach, FL

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (34)

34 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

Missing Children Poster Display InstructionsPost Offices, classified stations, branches, and contract postal units may display this poster at

their option. If the poster is displayed, it should be placed on the community bulletin board located in the Post Office™ box lobby and not in the main retail (full service) lobby. Alternatively, Missing Children posters can be maintained in a binder behind the counter to be used as a reference guide. The posters also may be posted in a prominent location where letter carriers will be able to see them before or after they go out on their routes. Making this information available to letter carriers is consistent with the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program to facilitate identification of missing children.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information periodically. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district “Missing Children” coordinators via e-mail addresses provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of an e-mailed Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all Postal Service™ facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed as noted above for 30 days unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The e-mail network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service® only as described above. If Postal Service employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local Post Offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 800-843-5678.

If you have any information, or for free prevention tips, please call 800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678).

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (35)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 35

January 2010

Have You Seen Any of These Missing Children?Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry it withyou. If you have information on any of these missing persons, tell your Postal Service™supervisor.

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited ChildrenHot Line 1-800-843-5678

TDD 1-800-826-7653

Name: Victor GuerreroBorn: 6-2-92Date Missing: 12-2-09Missing From: Tampa, FL

Name: John KraussBorn: 10-21-92Date Missing: 1-5-10Missing From: Palatka, FL

Name: Hector LebronBorn: 9-10-92Date Missing: 12-5-09Missing From: Tampa, FL

Name: Mark MartinBorn: 10-19-93Date Missing: 11-7-09Missing From: Anderson, SC

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (36)

36 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

Missing Children Poster Display InstructionsPost Offices, classified stations, branches, and contract postal units may display this poster at

their option. If the poster is displayed, it should be placed on the community bulletin board located in the Post Office™ box lobby and not in the main retail (full service) lobby. Alternatively, Missing Children posters can be maintained in a binder behind the counter to be used as a reference guide. The posters also may be posted in a prominent location where letter carriers will be able to see them before or after they go out on their routes. Making this information available to letter carriers is consistent with the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program to facilitate identification of missing children.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information periodically. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district “Missing Children” coordinators via e-mail addresses provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of an e-mailed Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all Postal Service™ facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed as noted above for 30 days unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The e-mail network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service® only as described above. If Postal Service employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local Post Offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 800-843-5678.

If you have any information, or for free prevention tips, please call 800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678).

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (37)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 37

January 2010

Have You Seen Any of These Missing Children?Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry it withyou. If you have information on any of these missing persons, tell your Postal Service™supervisor.

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited ChildrenHot Line 1-800-843-5678

TDD 1-800-826-7653

Name: Erica ShalesBorn: 3-26-92Date Missing: 1-4-10Missing From: Lehigh Acres, FL

Name: Sylvia ValdoBorn: 10-23-92Date Missing: 1-7-10Missing From: Fort Lauderdale, FL

Name: Byron WatsonBorn: 1-25-92Date Missing: 1-4-10Missing From: Fort Lauderdale, FL

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (38)

38 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information

Missing Children Poster Display InstructionsPost Offices, classified stations, branches, and contract postal units may display this poster at

their option. If the poster is displayed, it should be placed on the community bulletin board located in the Post Office™ box lobby and not in the main retail (full service) lobby. Alternatively, Missing Children posters can be maintained in a binder behind the counter to be used as a reference guide. The posters also may be posted in a prominent location where letter carriers will be able to see them before or after they go out on their routes. Making this information available to letter carriers is consistent with the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program to facilitate identification of missing children.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information periodically. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district “Missing Children” coordinators via e-mail addresses provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of an e-mailed Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all Postal Service™ facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed as noted above for 30 days unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The e-mail network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service® only as described above. If Postal Service employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local Post Offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 800-843-5678.

If you have any information, or for free prevention tips, please call 800-THE-LOST (800-843-5678).

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Pull-Out Information 39

Thrift Savings Plan Fact SheetReturns were updated January 4, 2010.

*Rates of return for May (inception of S and I Funds) through December 2001.

Future performance of the funds will vary and may be significantly different from the returns shown above. See the Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan for detailed information about the funds and their investment risks. The monthly returns of the TSP Funds represent net earnings for the month after deduction of accrued administrative expenses and, except for the G Fund, after deduction of trading costs and accrued investment management fees as well. The returns for the four indexes shown do not include any of these deductions.* Implemented May 2001.See next page for new L Funds.






S&P 500StockIndex

S *Fund

Wilshire4500 Stock

IndexI *



1994 7.22 -2.96 -2.92 1.33 1.32 — -2.66 — 7.751995 7.03 18.31 18.47 37.41 37.58 — 33.48 — 11.271996 6.76 3.66 3.63 22.85 22.96 18.52 17.18 6.27 6.141997 6.77 9.60 9.65 33.17 33.36 26.61 25.69 1.46 1.551998 5.74 8.70 8.69 28.44 28.58 7.51 8.63 20.46 20.091999 5.99 -0.85 -0.82 20.95 21.04 32.70 35.49 26.81 26.722000 6.42 11.67 11.63 -9.14 -9.10 -8.76 -15.77 -14.11 -14.172001 5.39 8.61 8.44 -11.94 -11.89 -2.22* -2.52* -15.42* -14.88*2002 5.00 10.27 10.26 -22.05 -22.10 -18.14 -17.80 -15.98 -15.942003 4.11 4.11 4.10 28.54 28.69 42.92 43.84 37.94 38.592004 4.30 4.30 4.34 10.82 10.88 18.03 18.10 20.00 20.252005 4.49 2.40 2.43 4.96 4.91 10.45 10.03 13.63 13.542006 4.93 4.40 4.33 15.79 15.79 15.30 15.28 26.32 26.342007 4.87 7.09 6.97 5.54 5.49 5.49 5.39 11.43 11.172008 3.75 5.45 5.24 -36.99 -37.00 -38.32 -39.03 -42.43 -43.38






S&P 500StockIndex

S *Fund

Wilshire4500 Stock

IndexI *



2009Jan 0.19 -0.86 -0.88 -8.41 -8.43 -8.19 -7.47 -11.93 -9.81Feb 0.21 -0.39 -0.38 -10.64 -10.65 -10.22 -9.78 -10.23 -10.26March 0.24 1.38 1.39 8.81 8.76 8.64 8.62 7.20 6.34April 0.21 0.49 0.48 9.58 9.57 15.00 15.03 12.13 12.80May 0.25 0.78 0.73 5.60 5.59 3.97 4.16 13.41 11.83June 0.27 0.54 0.57 0.24 0.20 0.73 0.84 -1.08 -0.57July 0.28 1.59 1.61 7.58 7.56 8.66 9.01 9.74 9.13Aug 0.28 1.03 1.04 3.62 3.61 3.85 3.74 4.87 5.44Sept 0.26 1.07 1.05 3.74 3.73 5.94 5.81 3.79 3.83Oct 0.26 0.51 0.49 -1.86 -1.86 -5.51 -5.41 -2.41 -1.25Nov 0.26 1.30 1.29 6.00 6.00 3.85 3.98 3.16 2.00Dec 0.25 -1.55 -1.56 1.94 1.93 6.57 6.65 1.43 1.44LAST 12 MONTHS 2.97 5.99 5.93 26.68 26.46 34.85 37.43 30.04 31.78

Fund Invested In Index TrackedG — Government Securities Investment Fund Special issues of U.S. Treasury securities N/AF — Fixed Income Index Investment Fund Barclays U.S. Debt Index Fund Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate bond

indexC — Common Stock Index Investment Fund Barclays Equity Index Fund S&P 500 stock indexS — Small Capitalization Stock Index

Investment FundBarclays Extended Market Index FundBarclays EAFE Index Fund

Wilshire 4500 stock indexEurope, Australasia, and Far East stock indexI — International Stock Index Investment


PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (40)

40 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Pull-Out Information








Returns were updated December 1, 2009.

The L Funds are invested in the five individual TSP funds.

L FundsAnnual Returns L 2040 L 2030 L 2020 L 2010 L Income2006 16.53 15.00 13.72 11.09 7.592007 7.36 7.14 6.87 6.40 5.562008 -33.53 -27.50 -22.77 -10.53 -5.09

Monthly Returns L 2040 L 2030 L 2020 L 2010 L Income2009Jan -7.67 -6.69 -5.58 -2.61 -1.74Feb -8.52 -7.47 -6.22 -2.95 -1.98Mar 7.08 6.30 5.35 2.82 2.06Apr 9.38 8.20 6.79 3.20 2.37May 6.19 5.45 4.66 2.28 1.70June 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.24 0.26July 7.01 6.16 5.16 2.44 1.94Aug 3.41 3.02 2.57 1.30 1.07Sept 3.56 3.14 2.63 1.32 1.08Oct -2.15 -1.81 -1.39 -0.38 -0.26Nov 3.98 3.55 3.00 1.47 1.27Dec 2.12 1.85 1.50 0.70 0.59LAST 12 MONTHS 25.19 22.48 19.14 10.03 8.57

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 41

Intelligent Mail and Address Quality 2010 Census

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (42)

42 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

Do Not Obliterate the BarcodeThe Intelligent Mail® barcode contains important data

that is used to provide mailers — including the CensusBureau — with information, such as when the mailingentered the mailstream and undeliverable or address cor-rection information. But technology cannot reliably pro-duce this information if it can’t read the barcode.

That’s why the Postal Service™ is telling employees tomake sure they don’t obliterate the barcode as mail movesthrough the system. Specifically, employees should not

mark through, obliterate, or affix any labels over the Intelli-gent Mail barcode.

Also, the Postal Service wants to make sure that whenemployees mark up First-Class Mail® items, they use onlyclear space on the front of the envelope, being careful notto mark over any address or barcode information.

— Address Management,Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, 1-28-10

Intelligent Mail Barcode Service TalkFor your convenience, we have reprinted a service talk on the Intelligent Mail® barcode as well as a copy of a poster that

illustrates how to handle undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail with an Intelligent Mail barcode.

The Intelligent Mail barcode for letters and flats is anevolution of USPS® barcode technology. Its design usesfour different “states” of bars: full, ascender, descender,and tracker. It has more overall data capacity than the tra-ditional “two-state” short and tall bars for POSTNET™ andPLANET Code® barcodes.

The Intelligent Mail barcode contains:

A Barcode ID, which identifies pre-sort information, if needed.

A Service Type Identifier, which identifies the class of mail, service requests, and endorsements.

A Mailer Identifier (MID), which uniquely identifies the mailpiece owner/sender.

A Serial or Sequence Number, which uniquely identi-fies the mailpiece to facilitate tracking in transit and may identify the addressee to the mailer.

The Delivery Point ZIP Code used for sorting and routing the mail.

The POSTNET barcode contains:

The Delivery Point (routing ZIP Code).

The Intelligent Mail barcode includes data that allows forsingle or multiple product or service requests. It canuniquely identify up to a billion mailpieces in a single mail-ing and allows for improved barcode read rates on auto-mated equipment.

Mailer services currently available for letters and flatsthrough the Intelligent Mail barcode include Full ServiceAutomation Discounts & Benefits; OneCode Confirm™Mailer subscription, which allows mailers to track their mail;and Full Service and OneCode Address Change Service(ACS), which satisfies Move Update requirements.

The Intelligent Mail barcode data must be available oneach mailpiece for processing from acceptance to delivery,including mail that has been identified as UAA.

When UAA mail is sent to the Postal Automated Redi-rection System (PARS) or Computerized Forwarding Sys-tem (CFS) to be processed, the Intelligent Mail barcode isnecessary to provide electronic address correction or Nixieinformation to the mailer. Marking through or covering thebarcode prevents PARS and CFS from providing that infor-mation electronically.

A common misconception is that UAA mail, also com-monly referred to as Return to Sender (RTS) mail, is alsoloop mail*. This is not true. Loop mail is defined as “mailsent to an incorrect destination as a result of a wrong bar-code and/or wrong ZIP Code”. UAA mail is defined as “mailthat can not be delivered as addressed”. There are twotypes of UAA mail:

1. Change-of-address (COA)–related mail is UAA eitherbecause the customer has moved and filed a changeof address request with USPS, or the delivery em-ployee filed a “Moved, Left No Address” or “BoxClosed, No Order” COA request.

2. Nixie-related mail is UAA for reasons other than aCOA on file, such as “No Such Number”, “AttemptedNot Known”, or “Refused”.

Mail that is UAA due to either a COA or Nixie reason andhas an Intelligent Mail barcode or ACS indicators (#B) in theaddress block must be processed through PARS or CFS.The barcode, #B information, and original name andaddress must always be available for processing.

Never mark through, obliterate, or cover the Intelli-gent Mail barcode, “#B” ACS indicators, or originalname and address information on UAA mail.

*See Management Instruction PO-420-2008-1, LoopMail Program, for loop mail procedures, as needed.

— Address Management,Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, 1-28-10

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44 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 45

Mailing and Shipping ServicesMail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future.Offices should honor the requested home delivery dates.Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of1 million pieces or more, should contact Business ServiceNetwork Integration at 202-268-3258 at least 1 month pre-ceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal Service™

also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For moreinformation, see the ADVANCE Notification & TrackingSystem Technical Guide on the Internet at http://ribbs.usps.gov/advance/documents/tech_guides/advtech.pdf or contact the National Customer SupportCenter at 800-238-3150.

— Business Service Network Integration, Sales, 1-28-10

Requested Delivery Dates Title of Mailing

Class and Type of Mail

Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort Level Comments

1/28/10–1/30/10 February 2010BSG Shopping Guides

Standard Letter

1.0 National 3/5 DigitCar-RT

Henry Wurst, Inc.

1/28/10–1/30/10 JCP — Wk 1 Home Signature StandardFlat

10.0 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

1/28/10–1/30/10 JCP — Wk 1 Valentine’s Jewelry StandardFlat & Letter

4.7 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

1/30/10–2/2/10 JCP — Spring Country Catalog StandardCatalog

2.3 National Car-RT RRD/Harte-Hanks

1/30/10–2/2/10 JCP — Wk 1 Bonus Sale StandardLetter

8.1 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

1/30/10–2/2/10 JCP — Women’s Catalog StandardCatalog

2.1 National Car-RT RRD/Harte-Hanks

2/1/10–2/4/10 Ginny’s Standard Catalog

1.1 Nationwide Barcoded 3/5 Digit Car-RT

Quad Graphics,Lomira, WI

2/3/10–2/5/10 JCP — Wk 2 Friends/Family StandardLetter

8.1 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

2/3/10–2/6/10 Through the Country Door Standard Catalog

2.2 Nationwide Barcoded 3/5 Digit Car-RT

Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI

2/6/10–2/9/10 JCP — Men’s Spring Catalog StandardCatalog

1.2 National Car-RT RRD/Harte-Hanks

2/6/10–2/9/10 JCP — Spring Home Sale Catalog


4.1 National Car-RT RRD/Harte-Hanks

2/8/10–2/10/10 JCP — Wk 2 Direct Postcard StandardLetter

8.5 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

2/8/10–2/10/10 Life Line Screening,#11 Logo Envelope, Created Handwriting Font

Standard Letter

2.0 Nationwide 3/5 Digit Mail America,Forest, VA

2/10/10–2/12/10 Nordstrom February Season Launch


1.875 Nationwide Barcoded 3/5 Digit Car-RT

Arandell,Milwaukee, WI

2/10/10–2/13/10 Monroe & Main Standard Catalog

1.8 Nationwide Barcoded 3/5 Digit Car-RT

RR Donnelly,Warsaw, IN

2/10/10–2/13/10 Montgomery Ward Standard Catalog

2.5 Nationwide Barcoded 3/5 Digit Car-RT

Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI

2/11/10–2/13/10 JCP — Wk Privilege Credit StandardLetter

16.3 National Car-RT Harte-Hanks

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46 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (47)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 47

New Express Mail Label for Military Absentee Voting Military personnel in APO/FPO locations will be able to

return absentee ballots via Express Mail® service using thenew Express Mail Label 11-DOD. This blue Express Maillabel will be affixed to the top of the absentee ballot returnenvelope or flat. The absentee ballot return envelope maybe as small as a #10 business-sized envelope or as largeas a flat-sized envelope.

This label is unique and only for use with absentee bal-lots originating from overseas military postal locations.These Express Mail shipments will arrive from InternationalService Centers in Express Mail sacks and must remain inthe Express Mail stream to the delivery unit. Both theWaiver of Signature request and Guaranteed by End of Day

endorsement are printed on the blue label. No deviation fordelivery by a specific time is necessary, and the shipmentsshould always be delivered on the day they arrive at thedelivery Post Office™ facility.

This is a joint federal agency initiative between thePostal Service™ and the Military Post Office of the Depart-ment of Defense. The Express Mail Label 11-DOD affixedto the absentee ballot envelope or flat will allow UnitedStates service men and women to track their vote all theway to the county or parish election office while generatingnew revenue for the Postal Service.

— Expedited Operations, Expedited Shipping, 1-28-10

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48 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

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postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 49

PhilatelyStamp Announcement 10-06: Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell)

© 2007 USPSOn February 3, 2010, in Washington, DC, the Postal Ser-

vice™ will re-issue the nondenominated First-Class Mail®

definitive, Forever Stamp™ (Liberty Bell) in one design in apressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) automated tellermachine (ATM) sheetlet of 18 stamps (Item 573300).

This issuance varies from the previous printing of thesame item number in that the print method and printer havechanged. Because the stamps are used to re-supply ATMand Post Office™ Automated Postal Center® (APC®)machines only in those locations as the need arises, this re-issue will be available initially only in the first day city ofWashington, DC, and by mail order through Stamp Fulfill-ment Services in Kansas City, Missouri. The ATM ForeverStamp (Liberty Bell) sheetlet of 18 was previously issued in2008 as Item 569900 and in February 2009 as the currentItem 573300.

How to Order the First Day of Issue Postmark Customers have 60 days to obtain the first day of issue

postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at theirlocal Post Office, at the Postal Store® website atwww.usps.com/shop, or by calling 800-STAMP-24. Theyshould affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice,address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and placethem in a larger envelope addressed to:

Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell) Special CancellationsPO Box 92282Washington, DC 20090-2282

After applying the first day of issue postmark, the PostalService will return the envelopes through the mail. There isno charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarkedby April 3, 2010.

How to Order First Day CoversStamp Fulfillment Services also offers first day covers

for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery itemspostmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation.Each item has an individual catalog number and is offeredin the quarterly USA Philatelic Catalog. Customers mayrequest a free catalog by calling 800-STAMP-24 or writingto:

Information FulfillmentDept. 6270U.S. Postal ServicePO Box 219014Kansas City, MO 64121-9014

Issue: Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell)Item Number: 573300Denomination & Type of Issue:

Nondenominated First-Class

Format: ATM Sheetlet of 18 (1 design)Series: N/AIssue Date & City: February 3, 2010, Washington, DC

20066 (No Ceremony)Designer: Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NVArt Director: Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NVTypographer: Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NVEngraver: N/AModeler: Joseph SheeranManufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint “FOREVER”Printer: Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU)Printed at: Williamsville, NYPress Type: Mueller Martini, A76Stamps per Pane: 20Print Quantity: 540 million stampsPaper Type: Nonphosphored, Type III, Block

TaggantAdhesive Type: Pressure-sensitiveProcessed at: Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd.Colors: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, PMS

876 (Copper)Stamp Orientation: VerticalImage Area (w x h): 0.73 x 0.84 in./18.54 x 21.34 mmOverall Size (w x h): 0.87 x 0.98 in./22.10 x 24.89 mmFull Pane Size (w x h): 2.61 x 6.125 in./66.29 x 155.58 mmPlate Size: 720 stamps per revolutionPlate Numbers: “P” followed by five (5) single digitsMarginal Markings: Cover: Header: “FOREVER” • 18 First-Class

stamps Other: USPS logo • Barcode (573300) •

Stamp ordering information Stamp Side: © 2007 USPS • Plate numbers in one

position • “2009” print year using PMS 876 (Copper)

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50 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

Philatelic ProductsThere is one philatelic product available for this stamp


523361*, First Day Cover, $0.82.

Items with an asterisk (*) will use the 128 barcode fromStamp Fulfillment Services. All other philatelic products willcontinue to use barcode series A, with the exception of theYearbook and the Guide Book.

Distribution: Item 573300 Nondenominated ($7.92Value) Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell), PSA ATM Sheetletof 18

Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) will not receive auto-matic distributions of the re-issued Forever (Liberty Bell),ATM sheetlets of 18. Distributions will be sent only toStamp Fulfillment Services, the Dulles Stamp DistributionCenter (SDC), the Kansas City SDC, and the San Francisco

Accountable Paper Depository (APD). Distributions arerounded up to the nearest master carton size (12,000sheetlets).

Initial Supply to Post OfficesSDOs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution

to Post Offices. Only Post Offices equipped with APCs orPost Offices serving authorized ATM customers may orderItem 573300 from their designated SDO using a separatePS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. SDOs mustnot distribute sheetlets to Post Offices before February 3,2010. SDOs should continue to issue their current inven-tory of the Forever (Liberty Bell) ATM sheetlet before order-ing the re-issued stamp.

— Stamp Services,Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

Pictorial Postmarks AnnouncementAs a community service, the Postal Service™ offers pic-

torial postmarks to commemorate local events celebratedin communities throughout the nation. A list of events forwhich pictorial postmarks are authorized appears below.The sponsor of the pictorial postmark appears in italicsunder the date. Also provided are illustrations of thesepostmarks.

People attending these local events may obtain thepostmark in person at the temporary Post Office™ stationestablished there. Those who cannot attend the event butwho wish to obtain the postmark may submit a mail orderrequest. Pictorial postmarks are available only for the datesindicated, and requests must be postmarked no later than30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date.

All requests must include a stamped envelope or post-card bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail® post-age. Items submitted for postmark may not include

postage issued after the date of the requested postmark.Such items will be returned unserviced.

Customers wishing to obtain a postmark should affixstamps to any envelope or postcard of their choice,address the envelope or postcard to themselves or others,insert a card of postcard thickness in envelopes for sturdi-ness, and tuck in the flap. Place the envelope or postcardin a larger envelope and address it to: Pictorial Postmarks,followed by the Name of the Station, Address, City, State,ZIP+4® Code, as listed below.

Customers can also send stamped envelopes and post-cards without addresses for postmark, as long as they sup-ply a larger envelope with adequate postage and theirreturn address. After applying the pictorial postmark, thePostal Service returns the items (with or without addresses)under addressed protective cover.

January 8, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

America Loves Elvis StationPostmaster2000 Royal Oaks Dr.Sacramento, CA95813-9998

January 11, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

Art of the Post Card Station Postmaster/Philatelic Services

1639 Baseline St.Cornelius, OR 97113-9998

January 14, 2010

Clemson University

Year of the Tiger Clemson University Station

PostmasterPO Box 9998Clemson, SC 29631

January 16, 2010

Universal Ship Cancellation Society

Commissioning Day StationPostmaster250 Saint Joseph St. Mobile, AL 36601-9998

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (51)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 51

January 28, 2010

Pownal Historical Society

250th Anniversary StationPostmaster635 Rte. 346Pownal, VT 05261-9998

January 30, 2010

Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce

Groundhog StationPO Box 9998Sun Prairie, WI 53590-9998

January 30, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

Blue Hills Observatory Station

Postmaster25 Dorchester Ave., Rm. 3011

Boston, MA 02205-9600

January 31, 2010

John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon

Beargrease StationPostmaster2800 W. Michigan St.Duluth, MN 55806-9998

February 1, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

Love Station PostmasterPO Box 9998Romance, AR 72136-9998

February 1, 2010

Merchants, Restaurants, & Professionals of Romeo, MI

Romeo & Juliette Valentine Romantic Station

Postmaster119 Church St.Romeo, MI 48065-9998

February 1, 2010

Merchants, Restaurants, & Professionals of Romeo, MI

Romeo & Juliette Valentine Romantic Station

Postmaster356 Bowdoin Rd.Juliette, GA 31046-9998

February 1, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

Valentines Day StationPostmaster6664 Rte. 362Bliss, NY 14024-9998

February 1–14, 2010

USPS Annual Valentine Re-Mailing Program

Valentine StationPostmaster446 E. 29th St.Loveland, CO 80538-9998

February 2, 2010

Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce

Groundhog StationPO Box 9998Sun Prairie, WI 53590-9998

February 3, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

TPTR StationPostmaster402 Main St.Panhandle, TX 79068-9998

February 4, 2010

Postal History Foundation

Distinguished Sailors Station

Postmaster920 N. First Ave.Tucson, AZ 85719-4808

February 6, 2010

Chinese American Friendship Assn. of Maine

Chinese New Year StationPostmaster125 Forest Ave.Portland, ME 04101-9998

February 6, 2010

Centennial Special Events Committee

BSA Centennial Rally Station

Postmaster3 New St.Crosswicks, NJ 08515-9998

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52 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

— Stamp Services,Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

February 7–21, 2010

Friends of Hartville

Valentine StationPostmasterPO Box 9998Hartville, WY 82215-9998

February 9–10, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

APPL Partnership Convention & Trade Show Station

Postmaster/Philatelic Window

2535 Midway Dr.San Diego, CA 92186-9998

February 10, 2010

U.S. Postal Service

TPTR StationPostmaster217 SE 2nd St.Dimmitt, TX 79027-9998

Correction: Mackinac Bridge (Priority Mail) StampIn the article “Stamp Announcement 10-03: “Mackinac Bridge (Priority Mail)” in Postal Bulletin 22275 (12-31-09, page 39),

the first day of issue location on page 39 has been changed to Mackinaw City, Michigan.

In the technical details table, the Issue Date and City should read: “February 3, 2010, Mackinaw City, MI 49701”.

The address for “How to Order the First Day of Issue Postmark” is as follows:

Mackinaw Bridge (Priority Mail) Stamp306 E. Central Ave.Mackinaw City, MI 49701-9998

— Stamp Services, Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

Correction: Ceremony Program PriceIn the article “Correction: Lunar New Year: Year of the Tiger” in Postal Bulletin 22275 (12-31-09, page 44), the Ceremony

Program (Item 574391) price was corrected to $9.95. The correct price is $6.95 as stated in Postal Bulletin 22274 (12-17-09).

The correction article should have corrected the article “Stamp Announcement 10-02: Vancouver 2010 Olympic WinterGames” in Postal Bulletin 22274 (12-17-09, pages 53–55). The Ceremony Program (Item 440091) on page 54, under Phila-telic Products, should be $6.95 instead of $9.95.

— Stamp Services, Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (53)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 53

How to Order the First Day of Issue Digital Color or Traditional PostmarksCustomers have 60 days to obtain the first day of issue

postmarks by mail. They may purchase new stamps at theirlocal Post Office™, by telephone at 800-STAMP-24, or atThe Postal Store® website at www.usps.com/shop.

Traditional PostmarksCustomers should affix the stamps to envelopes of their

choice, address them to themselves or others, or provide aself-addressed return envelope with sufficient postagelarge enough to accommodate the canceled item. Mail therequest to the corresponding city of issuance. There is nocharge for the first 50 postmarks. There is a 5-cent chargefor each additional postmark over 50. Customers shouldsubmit a check, money order, or credit card for payment.After applying the first day of issue postmark, the PostalService™ will return the envelopes to the customer by U.S.Mail.

All postmark requests should go to the first day of issuecity. The first day of issue city Post Office will then forwardin bulk all postmark requests to Cancellation Services,Stamp Fulfillment Services, PO Box 449992, Kansas City,MO 64144-9992 by respective Post Offices.

Digital Color PostmarksOnly select stamp issues offer a digital color postmark.

Customers may submit #6 or #10 envelopes constructed ofpaper rated as “laser safe.” The Postal Service recom-mends envelopes of 80-pound Accent Opaque, acid-free,9/16" side seams with no glue on the flap. The maximum

size of all digital color postmarks is 2" high x 4" long. Allowsufficient space on the envelope to accommodate thepostmark. Do not use self-adhesive labels for addresses onthe envelope. Two test envelopes must be included. Thereis a minimum of 10 envelopes at 50 cents per postmarkrequired at the time of servicing. Customers should submita check, money order, or credit card for payment.

The Postal Service reserves the right to not accepthand-painted and other cachet envelopes that are notcompatible with our digital color postmark equipment. ThePostal Service also reserves the right to substitute tradi-tional black rubber postmarks if use of nonspecified enve-lopes results in poor image quality or damage toequipment.

Customers should affix the stamps to the envelopes andaddress them to themselves or others for return throughthe mail. Or, they may include an additional self-addressedreturn envelope, large enough to accommodate their can-celed items, with sufficient postage affixed for return oftheir postmarked items. Mail the request for a first day ofissue digital color postmark to the corresponding city ofissuance. Post Offices will then forward all customerrequests for digital color postmarks to CancellationServices, Stamp Fulfillment Services, PO Box 449992,Kansas City, MO 64144-9992.

After applying the first day of issue postmark, the PostalService will return the envelopes to the customer by U.S.Mail.

— Stamp Services, Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-28-10

Celebrating Lunar New Year StampYear of the Tiger Stamp7001 South Central, Room 338Los Angeles, CA 90052-9998

March 15, 2010

Digital Color Pictorial

Distinguished Sailors StampSpecial CancellationsPO Box 92282Washington, DC 20090-2282

April 6, 2010

Digital Color Pictorial

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (54)

54 postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10) Organization Information

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (55)

postal bulletin 22277 (1-28-10)Organization Information 55

RetailStop Sending Copies of PS Form 8176, Premium Forwarding Service Application, to Headquarters

Offices are no longer required to send a copy of PS Form 8176, Premium Forwarding Service® (PFS®) Application, to Head-quarters. This requirement ended in 2007 when the application was revised and page 4 (HQ copy) was removed. In 2005, thePFS program office at Headquarters (HQ) required a copy of page 4 when PFS was an experiment. However, the experimentended in 2007 when PFS became an official product offering. Offices that still send copies to HQ are wasting workhours andmoney—especially some offices that send them by Express Mail®, Registered Mail®, and Priority Mail® service.

— Special Services, Retail Products and Services, 1-28-10

SafetyCorrection: Maintaining an OSHA Form 300 Log

In the article “Establishment and Installation Heads: Statutory Requirement to Review and Post OSHA Form 300A Sum-mary for Calendar Year 2009” in Postal Bulletin 22276 (1-14-10, pages 40–41) a note was included that gave incorrect infor-mation.

In the section titled “Reviewing and Closing Out the OSHA Form 300 Log”, disregard the following Note after item 5: Note: Installations or establishments with 10 or fewer total employees at anytime during the calendar year are not requiredto maintain and update an OSHA Form 300 Log.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all postal installations and establishments to main-tain an OSHA 300 Log.

— Safety and Environmental Performance Management, Employee Resource Management, 1-28-10

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (56)


First-Class MailPostage & Fees PaidUSPSPermit No. G-10

Back Cover

PB 22277, January 28, 2010 - [PDF Document] (2025)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.