Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

OH TO THIRD HELPED GIANTS WIN FLAG of New Dated From Day Mel Shifted From Right Field ouiHmn' 5 17 Sfconl tfcree articles rt oil UE National Btarting October s. By RICHARrTMcCANN NEA Sfrrice Sporli Writer TCDAVS TIMES, UUMBBIUANU, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1K1 LASALLE A.A. WILL LAUNCH CAMPAIGN NINETEEN the York, Sept. New- York Giants were a floundering sec-j ft ond-plBce bail clubs when a sudden trus hot flash of genius happened to Mr. By.

HENRY McLEMORE (United Press Staff Correspondent) New York, Sept. 30. (U.R>_Men long have been at variance over the tiueMion of what constitutes easiest job in the world. For every one that argues the station caller on a trans-Atlantic Iner has the sofest snap, there is w.ho advances a claim for (1) who treat hens' teeth only (2) the man who compiles a list of football players whose characters were built by coaches and, (3) the whQ se duty it is to draw up a Will Terry on rrie afternoon of Au- 3. for wrestling Nice jobs, those.

Mighty nice. No one thought the day would be memo. able. The Giants were golne They afford a fellow much time for IV, iVJt (he worthwhile things such as the the spinet, cla 8 a df kell But if I had my to piay the Reels at Crosley Field choice ol obs bel 'eve I would be skimpy assemblage of somei £orcly tem ted to tafce the one now 2R37 customers gathered for the! 116 1 Dy Oll Hamlin Saltzgavcr, a affair. And that was all.

Just ball game. But down in the dressing room just before ihe game Mr. Terry utility infielder of the New York Yankees. Here Is a man who not only rides on the gravy drives it, had his hot flash ofj iakes up tic kets, sells hot coffee and genius. HCV, he yelled, i andwiches and assists a passeng- dicl the manage rof the New crs on nnd off Tne tip-oft on the Giants, "Hey, Mel, you play third sinecui he has is the fact thai one the "hardest" phases of his posl- Mel grunteti uh-huh.

the other tion to understudy Lou Gehrig at Giants said and; first basp And as you know, Gehrig the announcer informed the fansi hasin mLl; a game that Mr. Mel Ott, the right fielder, knew is he has played rj 8 through tlie administration of 'Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, NoOmv- happened during the Taft Wilson, Harding, Coolldge, make the switch a red-: Hoover and is apparently good for would play third base. Oil's Debut Not Sensational three or four more presidents. letter sSay in history. For 'dramatic purposes it would) be nice to be able to relate that But to Eet back to Otto Hamlin fs with Mr.

Ott out there at third Saltz a who, much to his credit, the Giants were invincible andj llas disca rded that Otto Hamlin chased the Reds off the ball field fincrv in fa '-'or of jusfc Jack. Saltz-1; And that Mr. Ott. fired with ver vcar receive between FOR 500 MEMBERS for Membership Drive Outlined at Meeting- C. P.

Welfh Chairman A drive to boost the membership of the LaSalle Athletic Association to at least 600 before Jan. 1, 1938, will be siarted this week, W. Arnold "Doc" Gunther, president of the organization, announced this morning. Plans for the campaign were outlined at meeting of the associa- Joe Sepkus Catlings (Continued Prom Page 18) in smoke, flre razing the Bunny- croft club at Clarksburg the othei day with no insurance carried on the loss estimated at $35,000. During the last few years flames have destroyed country clubs at Parkersburg, Hunliiigton and other cities, and It was only little more GIANTS, MANAGER MAN NOBODY HAS YET FIGURED OUT (Continued Prom Page IS) you won or- lost bttt-how-you- played-tha-game fellow.

Terry's slogan, frankly, is: SMOKER MITT CARD AT KLONDIKE HALL Van Meter and Freeman to Meet In Main Event of Show Tomorrow. Lonaconlng, sept, 30. Sports It fans of Lonaconing and vicinity doesn't matter whether you won or are expected to flock Io "Tnarl" Mc- did you get paid? They say that as soon as the last' Giant was retired in Inr.i year's series debacle with the Yanks Terry rushed to the clubhouse calling to iV, than a year that another club at Clarksburg burned to the ground No sponsor has been found for this year's World Scries broad- Coach Prank Snydcr. Prank, how much did you say loser's share was?" "Say, uucu nit nicciiiig LUC i tion last night, Gunther said, and!" 5 1 but the games probabl C. P.

Welsh named chairman of a committee to solicit members in Cumberland and vicinity. "Membership in the LaSalle Athletic Association Is open to all graduates, former students and supporters of the school," Gunther added, "and all money derived from the campaign will be turned over to the school's general fund rather than used to finance sport teams. LaSalle's teams were self-supporting last year and we hope to have receipts meet expenses during the 1937-38 terms." After receiving a report on the recent meeting at which eligibility requirements and other regulations to govern the competition of AUe- gany, LaSalle and Fort Hill for the Chamber of Commerce football, basketball, baseball and track trophies were adopted, the association adopted a resolution approving LaSalle's participation under the rules outlined. President Gunther then named Brother Eugene, LaSalle athletic director; John Blough, football conch; be put on the air by the radic chains as a sustaining feature. Hall at Klondike evening in large numbers to attend the boxing show and smoker arranged under the auspices of the nltcd Mine Workers of Uie section.

The program of four boxing bouts will start at 8:30 with two heavyweights, Billy Van Meter of Cum- As a player, he was tin annualjberland and Frnnkie Freeman 'of holdout. As a manager, he's wlihjLuke, meeting in the main event his players in their salary argu- Fay Kclser of Cumberland, who menls. He la always trying to et engaged in 20-round fights here them more money Only this sum- against Harry Greb and other tcp- mer he told Dick Bartcll not back in the -good old BASEBALL SUMMARY LKAGVE At 010 600 Cinclnntil ooo ooo and Lombard! At 81. 310 900 Pittabunch ixu 100 U. lid Todd.

At Philadelphia, wo t. Ciocin- i KEYSER HIGH GRIDDER SUFFERSJJROKEN ARM Frederick Rohe, Sub Center. Injured In Practice- Two New Boys On Squad. Kcysor, Sept. Fcohe.

substitute center on Use Kcyscr High School lootbaJ! team Brorn'Petersburg High last surfeied a fractured arm during a i session Monday and will be 'Ool lu At MUUdtlphlt, Mcond Called In etjhlh. New COS )0 400 030 13 Brrnnin cause the $100 fee wasn't enough. Cold, Heartless in Busings jreferee the matches. Tomorrow night's smoker 5j Tliat's what Bill always thinks of'stirred up talk of reviving the mitt is it enough? Not so long agolsport in Coney. Baseball staged a he promised to attend a boy scout Enough scouts for an army will bei talk nn Babe Ruth radl be-'days" befoi-e the World War will 1 fa 11 CO ffto rfOffi'lAtiAitfvVi in Morgantown this Saturday wlieu Pitt and West Virginia tangle.

Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Nebraska and other future foes of the Panthers have made reservations for space for their spies. Grantsville High might be rep.e- sented by a basketball team next winter. Completion of an addition to the school gives G. H. an auditorium which has already been Brooklyn Boston pojlrjont d.

STAN-DING THE n.rms Chicago go en marked off for basketball. And Waynesboro (Pa.) High which has never cue much a figure in basketball because of the lack of suitable court faculties, also plans to step out in the sport during the next couple seasons. Waynesboro's new senior high building has fine gym and arrangements are being made for practice to start about October 15. of the outstanding backs of the C. V.

A. Shockey of Waynesboro and Paul i Butts of expected great new zeal, snapped out of 0 000 anci 7 000 salary. and bashed four or five ori that tne Yankees even one baseball over the fence. pennant and wiu dta dow And that he covered more ground £erics sivae. which should be Kate Smith's shadow as he wortn neighborhood of $6,500 scurried here and there, snatching i to each la 'surefire hits out of the air and off the grass and turning them into 'putouts.

So, for his season's work, Saltz- gaver will be paid a total of around $12,000. As the season is only six said today, "and while these rules place LaSalle, with its present small enrollment, under a great handi- 'twas nothing like niomh5 lon he will be paid at the especially in football we hone nn i 1 rtf a van I-l- eligibility matters. "We are anxious to comply -with the strict regulations now in force game of the season. "Rip" Engle rates this Coach year's Waynesboro line with the best he's developed a.t the fears Pennsylvania The Giants lost, Mr. Ott, went hit-' ratc year.

Not cabbage, and he nearly spiked himself mv little fr not cabbage. snaring the one grounder he man- aced to get his hot clutch on. But-and Mr. Printer make this ai cam thi5 gaudy Now what has Saitzgaver done to J.big But. The Giants won the next day and the next and the next.

And the second-place team of -August 3 gradually became the pen- It l.s today. Switch Important In Drive To Mr. and Mr. Terry's wisdom should go much of. the credit for the Giants' 1 belated pen- fiant drive.

think that third base was parlor back on Mel's folkses' he's been so at home mere. JOOe of the greatest right fielders National League history, is" now considered one of the Jbest third basem*n in the -Jeague. fact, Bill McKechnie of Boston -'says that Mel is the best of the bunch without question. Another important development the Giants' hustle ddwn the was Johnny McCarthy's fsudden rush of hitting. Young McCarthy was batting pre- Icisely .257 when the Giants went west the last time to defend their Well, to use Al Smith's rolling phrase, 3efs turn to the record.

SalUgaver. Here it is. He has played in 15 games. Tliat's not very many. The Yankees, through today have played 148 games.

Saltzgaver has been at bat only five times all year, and two of those trips came yesterday in the second game of a doubleheader. Ho has made but one hit -aoid scored but five runs. His must be a happy, contented life because of al! the teams In baseball the Yankees are the richest and live and -travel in the finest style. And Saltzgaver rides, right along with; them, enjoying the best trains, the flnesfc steaks, the most comfortable hotels. Yankee Stadium is the best playing field Jh the major leagues, and has a beautifully appointed dugout.

Saltzgaver suffers no dts- to soon be in a position to compete with our local rivals on even terms In all sports." The remainder of last night's meeting was devoted to plans for the to Clarksburg. W. Sun- clay for the football game with St. Mnry-s High and the outlining of plans for the sale of "Booster tickets for the 29 game here with the West Virginia Deaf School. EX-BILLIARD CHAMP PLAYS HERE TONIGHT One of the greatest pocket billiard players of W.

H. Clearwater of Pittsburgh, -will give an exhibition tonight at 8 o'clock at the Acorn Billiard Parlor, North Liberty street. Clearwater, who started winning titles as far back as 1888,. and held the world's pocket billiard championship for" a number of years, is still regarded as topnotch match player and offers a program that includes a large number of trick shots. comforts sitting on the bench.

The COME KOME-MX's FORGIVEN seats In the Yankee dugout are very nice, the shade is cool, and an ele- lead, when they came back an fountain spouts iced water 24 boning .274. He had hit for .336 on the road- hours a day. Manager Joe McCarthy is a kind and cor.sMerate manager, and the stadium transportation facilities are quick and sure, making it a pleasure for Saltzgaver to travel to and from and when it counted. lead 5 the league in hitting," says Mr. McCarthy, "if they'd extend the until As a fielder, Johnny rates quite! his-home.

highly. He's a good man around) I surely envy the man, for my first. He can catch a butterfly. jlife is a hard one. Second Base Pair Tops The Giants' secor.d base combination is as good as ever.

Burgess pWhitehead gets everything that's I coming to him, and much ol whati going away. He's, not mch a'wrong way and a jockey who as n. hitter, but. for every to ride enlivened a hores race "he fails to drive, in he twojhere. scoring.

I Dick Br.rtcll is just about the best! shortstop in baseball today. A lff ance Tonight and dangerous hitter, I ur a 'ght at the HOHSES RUN WRONG WAY Marshfield, Sept, 30 fU.PJ A false start, horses that ran the Sandwich, Sept. 30 Assumption College expected 45 candidates for Its grid team this season. But only 11 turned out. FIGHTS LAST MGHT The Associated. Oakland. Rosenblcom. JS7 Nea- Yort. former light-heavyweight champion, outpointed Hash Gsrrlsdn, 195 San Jose, gel the necessary blocking assistance from his backfield mates. Engle regards the husky Shockey as one of the best backs he has ever coached.

Hagerstown High uncovered a dangerous passing combination in Hartle and Koopengardner In the opening game. And Hub City students trotted out a goat as the football team's mascot. Principal Arthur P. (Iconoclast) Smith of Central High, Lonaconing, writing in his "On The Sidelines" column of the school's Orange r.nd. Blsek paper this week, states: "In Cumberland there is a lot of agitation to eliminate soccer as well as fieldball.

and Fort Hill already meeting but didn't show up because he heard that there was no money on hand lor him. Ha is cold and heartless in his baseball dealings. One of his first moves when he became manager was to trade his roommate, Freddie Lindstrom, probably because Freddie had wanted John McGraw's job. too. And just this season he shipped Freddie Fitzsinunons out of the world series money, sending him to Booth of UI comeback here during the summer, Uie Lonaconing Old Germans operating at a profit in the fast Bi- State League, after a run of lean seasons, nnd some sportsmen believe the time Is ripe for the return of boxing.

It has been reported that tomorrow's card will be lollowed by an amateur or professional show the Firemen's Armory here. Two other bouU on the smoker! card will bring IT- 33 .516 37 OAMES TO.MOHRO1T N'w York ftt Brooiiljn. Louin al chlcapn. Cinrinnni PiiisUurBh. AMERICAN' LKAGl'E VtSlKEIJAV'S At Bl.

Louts ''iron ooo Coach Homer Fiter tlus morning. Rohe is the second lare- cst boy on the squad, tipping Iboam at 186 pounds. When Koyser tackles AJIegany High at Cumberland, Saturday jnigln, two boys who enrolled late jbut who have made such outstand- I itig proerrcss will In all lllcelihood bo in the local outfit's starting lineup. The gricidcrs who did not join team until September 17 are Bauer, I halfback, and Bishop, right tackle. This pair managed to squeeze in one clay before the limit for eligibility.

The fact that newcomers must have passing grades four days before a Kamo kept Bauer and Bishop out of the Petersburg contest, but they will be tor the Allegany game. 8' I Brooklyn. His best perhaps, only Travis Jackson. They played together down in Little Rock together and Johni ch sn 003 Ml OKI 1C IM )00 CM Hirdfr unrt pytl RULES SLIGHT FAVORITE OVER FOE in the old days. "I want Travis to succeed me when I step down," says Bill.

Terry, despite his great reputation for a manager, is not a developer of. players. Clyde Castlc- man is the only player who has grown up under him. the rest were re-planted by cash or trade. He doesn't believe in deep strategy on the field, but rather in the spur- of-the-moment.

hunches. He wastes little time in changing hurlers. And he won't stand for players who don't keep in condition. Unlike McGraw, "Young" Spalla, of Frostburg, with Harold McGrcevy of the Devon A. C.

meeting Tony Mercury of Keyser, while the fourth fight has not yet been arranged. CONEY AND MIDLAND TOSSERS TO At C'hicacn. firconrt ClfVflund oio Cillcd in iiith. and PjlUli. Cox atid RCII.XK.

A'. Washington, ftrit Boilnn TOI 000 10! I a Washington HO.UOTI— Ornve and Dps. J- mj Uld Germans and Indians Will Open Throe-Game Series Over Weekend. Lonaconing, Sept. Old German and Midland Indian baseball moguls have arranged to start a threcTgame series for York who tried to reform bad boys, Terry purse of $100 at Athletic Park here have football teams.

These schools have enough boys for large squads In both soccer and football. Central had a. football team 25 years ago. But the sport was never popular ia Lonaconing. I wonder If fieldball and soccer would be so unpopular in Cumberland if their schools won consistently In those sports." Football might not be popular in Coney, as Mr.

Smith but we've Coney fans at grid games as far away as Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburgh and some of Central's soccer teams have been rewarded for victories by being taking on trips to witness football games. Central High, as pointed out here before, should have as many male students as Ridgeley, Hyndman and other which support football it they can't find schools teams. enough husky'boys-for regulation football they might try the new six- man brand. gets rid of them. Wealthy Despite Distemper Terry has been married for 21 years, has one daughter, and three sons.

One of the boys. Bill. is a law student at the University of Virginia. 6 feet 5 inches tall, and plnys baseball tolerably well. Mrs.

Terry seldom goes' to the ball park and his daughter has seen only a few world series games. Terry doesn't like them to be photographed. Bill, who -worked in a filling station and played ball on Sundays for $25 a week not so very long ago now owns n. good share of Standard Oil Co. stock, and is some sort of an executive with the organization in Memphis.

He has a. flOO.OOO mansion in Memphis, gets something like from the oU people, aud Just signed a new flve- year contract at $40,000 per with the Giants. He never goes to the movies, can't play bridge, hates poker because It may cost him money, Is a poor conversationalist, grunts his heJloes Tnost of the time, smiles about pleasantly as a racketeer on the spot, or the gunman who is putting the racketeer on the spot. In short, it would be hell being marooned on a desert Island with' him. But, in all fairness, it must be reported that if anybody could get you off that island Mr.

Terry could. Without it costing him- any money. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The second game of the rerics, arranged earlier In the month but postponed because Old German of- Brucktr. New md Glenn.

At New York, nfcond pamr Phlladelphii 200 Old 1 York 000 Called in tlshiri. dirvnesj. and Hayes Jorpcnt. PitLsburgh, Sept. 30 Conn Hjid Tetldy Yarosz, fighting jfor a crack at the world's middle- oo-fl 3 boxing crown, will meet night in 15 rounds at Garden before a crowd expected to trour $17,000 into the box Yarasz, former middleweight till- ist, trailed up-and-coming Conn in ira'r- odds Urns coo approached.

They about 1C 5 1 to 8 on Conn, who took a close de- from Yarosz June 30. In semi-finals. Harry Kraus '(i23 coo i i Pittsburgh, will meet Kid Cnrnahnn "'Wooster, Ohio, ncrro. In an eight- round lightweight bout. or rnr ct.vns W.

L. Prt. York 100 48 .811 opposed having the scriesIS" 1 1 BDilon conflict with the Bl-State League title playoff between Frostburg and Philadelphia We-stvaco, will be staged Sunday afternoon at the same hour and place. If a third clash is necessary It will be staged on the local field Sunday, October 10. The Old Germans made strong bids for both the first and second i half flags in the the byi the return to the fold of Pitcher' "Paddy" Corrigun.

finished the season with a club that appeared to be as strong as any in the Georges'j Creek League. Coney fans are confident the Old! Germans can take the measure of the Tribe in two ptraight games, but followers of the Tribe are just asjj certain Corrigan will bag the contest I in which he works this week-end. 80 70 75 f. Tl 77 SO 05 St. Louss 4i 104 -t 1 GAMES rOMORBOW Boston at New York.

Dctrofl at Bt. I.mils. Washington at Prtlladrtphlt. I 48' Insist On Famos Blue Steel BLADES On Carded Specialties (or AU Stores Call At Thrift Novelty Co. 142 K.

Mechanic St. Cumberland, Md. SKATING EVERY TUESDAY Beginner FRIDAY "Noaelty SUNDAY Afternoon A Evenhtf CRYSTAL New For. Fall! Men's Full Zipper SWEATERS and fiery fellow, he's a Ballroom, Ridgeley. Music ou could want.

iWilbar's this cast is Johnny Ryan and iambo Leslie. M'r. Ryan can play mything, Including Hamlet, with an iqual amount of aplomb, anci so he a handy man to iiave about even! hough he might just as well bei wingine a fly-swatter up there he plate. Leslie plays a fair amount of a' fvSfair sort of first base. Knee trouble; Jlgjceeps him from being a regular.

All in all It's a good nround nrst, brilliant al scc-j and surprisingly steady at The Yanks'll out-hit them, not out-field them. NO ONE ON SMOOTH TIRES THIS FALL RANK MAY RESULT IN FINE FOR LAZZERI All new Fall colors and styles. A11 slzes SI.95 Boys' School Sweaters, zipper or pull- ovcr 95 THE HUB STORE Always Reliable Jfl N. Centre SL Phonr I139-J New York, Sept. 30 (U.PJ—Tony; Kizzerl, New York Yankee second a.seman, faced a $500 fine today! of a prnnk.

In the eighth inning of a game; flth the Philadelphia Athletics, 1 Cemp Wicker was in the box for he Yankees, nnd Bob Johnson of A's was at bat. Johnson swung, a dirty, almost lop-sided ball winced of! his bat. The umpire nvcstlgalrd, discovered it was a the Yanks had used in Tlie players took it ns a joke. iazzcri had given Uie ball to Wick- and had pocketed the new one p'rE Johnny Quinn had thrown the field. The umpires said Laz- the rule prohibiting ing with the bali.

The ent will be to League esident Will Harridge and ri is wailing to learn whether hell' reprimand or fine. BUT N.OT OK FIELD i Annapolis, Sept. Navy quarterback, and Clintl Prank, halfback, cousina. YOUR AUTOMOBILE PAYMENTS Can Eastfy Re- Arrangcd Into Small WEEKLY PAYMENTS Extended Over As Long Aa Two Small pajrarnt. will tic null la tejaj jmr tier io mnth mett, larfi mnnthlj uenli co.l li odtratv.

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to MOSKIN'S Value Daily i..

Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)


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